Watch How Fast the Dem Party Throws Blacks Under the Bus

They've abandoned the white working class, Christians, married women, and next to go will be black AMERICANS in favor of illegal aliens and felons.

Black Support For Trump Is Rising Into The Danger Zone For Democrats

The dam party has been throwing blacks under the bus for years, it's just that their political ignorance precludes them from understanding.

Until blacks finally understand how they've been used all these years, they will continue to vote Democrat no matter how many times they land under that bus. The Dems will continue to do just that while muster up more Hispanic votes at the same time.

They have plenty of protection from the MSM and like who continue to brainwash blacks into believing that the Republican party is exclusively for rich white people. In the same breath, they also convince them the Dem party is for the working man which is hilarious in itself.

The greatest fear a Democrat politician has is a politically educated voter.

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