WATCH: Egyptian Activist Addresses Occupy Wall Street Crowd


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Matt Sledge

Thousands of Occupy Wall Street supporters gathered in Washington Square Park on Saturday afternoon for a General Assembly intended to spread the movement's message. After several introductory speakers, the crowd lit up when an Egyptian activist named Mohammed Ezzeldin explained what he saw was the connection between Occupy Wall Street and the protests against Hosni Mubarak.

"I am coming from there -- from the Arab Spring. From the Arab Spring to the fall of Wall Street," Ezzeldin said, his voice echoed by the crowd of thousands. "From Liberation Square to Washington Square, to the fall of Wall Street and market domination, and capitalist domination."

His passionate speech, which even included a reference to Karl Marx, made a startling comparison between what happened in Egypt earlier this year and what is now happening in the United States.

"Many things separate us," he said. "National borders. Homeland insecurities. Armies, corporations and police. They have their laws. They have their debts. And we have our revolution. We are the 99 percent."

More: Occupy Wall Street: Egyptian Activist Goes 'From Liberation Square To Washington Square' (VIDEO)

Occupy Wall Street In Washington Square: Mohammed Ezzeldin Speaks - YouTube
This is just too good to be true. Now OWS has help from outside professionals. Things will finally change.

By Matt Sledge

Thousands of Occupy Wall Street supporters gathered in Washington Square Park on Saturday afternoon for a General Assembly intended to spread the movement's message. After several introductory speakers, the crowd lit up when an Egyptian activist named Mohammed Ezzeldin explained what he saw was the connection between Occupy Wall Street and the protests against Hosni Mubarak.

"I am coming from there -- from the Arab Spring. From the Arab Spring to the fall of Wall Street," Ezzeldin said, his voice echoed by the crowd of thousands. "From Liberation Square to Washington Square, to the fall of Wall Street and market domination, and capitalist domination."

His passionate speech, which even included a reference to Karl Marx, made a startling comparison between what happened in Egypt earlier this year and what is now happening in the United States.

"Many things separate us," he said. "National borders. Homeland insecurities. Armies, corporations and police. They have their laws. They have their debts. And we have our revolution. We are the 99 percent."

More: Occupy Wall Street: Egyptian Activist Goes 'From Liberation Square To Washington Square' (VIDEO)

Occupy Wall Street In Washington Square: Mohammed Ezzeldin Speaks - YouTube

And don't it just warm your communist little heart to know that Egypt's economy is in the shitter?

Praise Gawd, an Egyptian Muslim professional activist has offered help to OWS.
listen to the anti American left wing faggots siding with America hating Islamic radicals !!!'s all starting to come together !!! Americans vs the left and their allies the terrorists !!!
This is just too good to be true. Now OWS has help from outside professionals. Things will finally change.

You are so stupid it is incomprehensible.

The egyptians earn an average of under 3 dollars a day. They had something to protest, here in America we are given the best opportunity in the world and fuck wits like you want to throw it all the way cause somebody played the game better than you.

I swear to god, you people are going to throw my future and everyone elses in this charade, and when you finally realize it wasn't worth it their will be nothing left.

It's disgusting you morons think this is going to achieve change for the better


It's like those poles where an unspecified republican beats Obama but when you attach a name they are all losing. It is because when you think of things in vague terms that don't adhere to the rules of reality everything seems better. I woudln't be surprised if you fucking imbeciles think some utopia is going to spring out of this.

I swear to god you people don't understand the economy at all you morons just expect something to happen.

This protest is going to go on forever because these people don't know what they want, and they aren't going to get where they want to be in life by standing on that corner doing nothing productive. Don't you idiots see this thing is feeding off itself?

I seriously think here in America we are at a tipping point and we can't fix it. You can't fix something for people who have no will or ability to take care of themselves. It's impossible.

To summarize how can people give you what you want when you idiots don't know what you want.
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Plus, the New Black Panthers could help protect the OWS patriots.

I'm starting to see you are a douche bag, and you will never answer anything that brings up valid points it is quite pathetic considering you claimed to be a vet. So you are 50? and you are still a complete fuckin moron, I bet people lost their lives who could of been of value unlike you. What a disappointment you have gone on to prove yourself.
Plus, the New Black Panthers could help protect the OWS patriots.

I'm starting to see you are a douche bag, and you will never answer anything that brings up valid points it is quite pathetic considering you claimed to be a vet. So you are 50? and you are still a complete fuckin moron, I bet people lost their lives who could of been of value unlike you. What a disappointment you have gone on to prove yourself.

Thank you for the kind words. I cherish them...
Plus, the New Black Panthers could help protect the OWS patriots.

I'm starting to see you are a douche bag, and you will never answer anything that brings up valid points it is quite pathetic considering you claimed to be a vet. So you are 50? and you are still a complete fuckin moron, I bet people lost their lives who could of been of value unlike you. What a disappointment you have gone on to prove yourself.

Thank you for the kind words. I cherish them...

your welcome, I know you would ignore the post before that because you are deficient in intelligence to debate me...
I'm starting to see you are a douche bag, and you will never answer anything that brings up valid points it is quite pathetic considering you claimed to be a vet. So you are 50? and you are still a complete fuckin moron, I bet people lost their lives who could of been of value unlike you. What a disappointment you have gone on to prove yourself.

Thank you for the kind words. I cherish them...

your welcome, I know you would ignore the post before that because you are deficient in intelligence to debate me...

Well, maybe I'm skeert. You sounds so intelligent...

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