[WATCH] California Docs Say Lockdown vs. Non-Lockdown 'Did Not Produce a Statistically Different Number of Deaths'


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
For those of you ignorant TDS morons who didn't get the message: The lockdown will not stop a single person from getting corona virus. All it does is slowdown the rate at which people become infected. It was implemented only to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, and that outcome is clearly no longer a possibility.

On Wednesday Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, who own seven Accelerated Urgent Care facilities in Kern County, Calif., gave a press conference to local media. They extrapolated from their own COVID-19 data, along with data sets nationwide and globally. Using this data, their own medical knowledge and information gathered from conversations with their colleagues around the country, they presented a compelling case, which included unreported health risks related to sheltering in place, for ending the severe shutdowns.
Both doctors understand and support the initial reactions to the COVID-19 outbreak by the federal, state and local governments. It was a novel virus and there was very limited information. However, now they assert that the data is telling them that the disease pattern of COVID-19 is more like the flu. Dr. Erickson phrased it this way, “Millions of cases, a small number of deaths.” He specifically noted that the difference in the number of deaths between Sweden, with limited restrictions, and Norway, which locked down, is not statistically significant.
"Lockdown versus non-lockdown did not produce a statistically different number of deaths. That is the bottom line," said Erickson.
Throughout the briefing he emphasized that decision making going forward needs to be based on data, not predictive models. This echoes comments made by Dr. Anthony Fauci during press briefings. And we have all watched the predictive models be radically adjusted as actual data has been loaded into them.
Their data extrapolations, using a method similar to the one the CDC uses for influenza, suggest that death rates for COVID-19 are similar to those for the flu. According to their analysis, both Kern County and the state of California have likely experienced a widespread viral infection.
Are they speaking as doctors or as business owners? ... these two have boat payments overdue and with revenue tanking they're going to get foreclosed on ... sad but true ... they should publish their finding in JAMA, as PJ Media isn't known for scientific accuracy ...

Not that I disagree ... yet ... it's too soon to tell ... and I agree these lock-down orders weren't meant to lower infection and death numbers, but rather to stretch the contagion out a longer period of time ... hospitals are sitting empty waiting for huge influxes of Covid-19 patients which doesn't appear to be happening ...

The Sweden/Norway comparison is flawed ... I'm assuming Swedish media is covering the pandemic, and that Swedes are taking it seriously by social distancing, not spitting in each other's mouths and not going out to bars and clubs quite as much ... both countries still have the social custom of WASHING THEIR HANDS regularly ... a thing lost here in the United States ...
For those of you ignorant TDS morons who didn't get the message: The lockdown will not stop a single person from getting corona virus. All it does is slowdown the rate at which people become infected. It was implemented only to prevent hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, and that outcome is clearly no longer a possibility.

On Wednesday Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, who own seven Accelerated Urgent Care facilities in Kern County, Calif., gave a press conference to local media. They extrapolated from their own COVID-19 data, along with data sets nationwide and globally. Using this data, their own medical knowledge and information gathered from conversations with their colleagues around the country, they presented a compelling case, which included unreported health risks related to sheltering in place, for ending the severe shutdowns.
Both doctors understand and support the initial reactions to the COVID-19 outbreak by the federal, state and local governments. It was a novel virus and there was very limited information. However, now they assert that the data is telling them that the disease pattern of COVID-19 is more like the flu. Dr. Erickson phrased it this way, “Millions of cases, a small number of deaths.” He specifically noted that the difference in the number of deaths between Sweden, with limited restrictions, and Norway, which locked down, is not statistically significant.
"Lockdown versus non-lockdown did not produce a statistically different number of deaths. That is the bottom line," said Erickson.
Throughout the briefing he emphasized that decision making going forward needs to be based on data, not predictive models. This echoes comments made by Dr. Anthony Fauci during press briefings. And we have all watched the predictive models be radically adjusted as actual data has been loaded into them.
Their data extrapolations, using a method similar to the one the CDC uses for influenza, suggest that death rates for COVID-19 are similar to those for the flu. According to their analysis, both Kern County and the state of California have likely experienced a widespread viral infection.
Sweden has thus far allowed its people to choose their level of precaution. Their results to date are about average for N. Europe. Most people - although not NYers - are smart enough to keep their distance and if at higher risk, self-quarantine.
The purpose of lockdowns was NEVER to prevent deaths.

democrats have a dream for America

ignorant TDS morons who didn't get the message
[WATCH] California Docs Say Lockdown vs. Non-Lockdown 'Did Not Produce a Statistically Different Number of Deaths'
The docs are slowly but surely donning blue uniforms, guns, badges, psych ward keys, and handcuffs over their white coats, scalpels, and stethoscopes, and they're gaining enforcement powers to boot.

The statistical "mass trials" of involuntary human experimentation serve only as a quasi-legal justification in district court to lock us up and coerce us into treatment for mental health, mandatory vaccination, drug dependency, quarantine, or for any other cause of mandatory health insurance coverage or involuntary civil commitment.
Did those doctors graduate from Trump U.?

Do you have a scientific refutation of their hypothesis or are you one those "listen to the science" guys who only accept the science you agree with?
Yes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/01/lockdown-coronavirus-california-data/


And if what they are saying is true, they will be able to demonstrate this in a rigorous, peer reviewed research paper. In fact, if it is true, there will be a flood of research papers demonstrating the fact. Obviously their stated "methods" are kind of garbage. What they are saying may, indeed, be true. But people shouldn't be gullible enough to accept it based on this shaky display.
Do you have a scientific refutation of their hypothesis or are you one those "listen to the science" guys who only accept the science you agree with?
Yes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/01/lockdown-coronavirus-california-data/

Scientific refutations don't normally use the word "may" ... as in: "and also may have “flattened the curve” of infections for the long haul." ...

Well, it may not have ... if we look at the graphs the article does provide, you'll notice none of them are showing a peak ... without factually knowing this peak, it's all but impossible to define what the curve should look like ...

The sad truth is there might not be a peak at all ... SARS is a killer and there exists a remote possibility that this virus kills all of us ... math is funny that way, doesn't care about humans ... these models consider death as "recovered", this curve maybe doesn't say what you think it says ...
Did those doctors graduate from Trump U.?

Do you have a scientific refutation of their hypothesis or are you one those "listen to the science" guys who only accept the science you agree with?
Yes. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/04/01/lockdown-coronavirus-california-data/

California is the empirical evidence that the lockdown has worked.

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