WATCH: Bloomberg Brags About the 'Investment' He's Making to Oust Trump From the White House

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
400 ^ | March 1, 2020 | Beth Baumann

During his speech to supporters following the primary results in South Carolina on Saturday, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg bragged about the amount of money he's "investing" to oust President Donald Trump from the White House come November.

"Some of you may remember back in Philadelphia in 2016, I spoke at the Democratic Convention and warned that Donald Trump was not fit for office. In 2018, I worked to help hold him accountable by supporting candidates who flipped 21 seats in the House," he explained. "That made Nancy Pelosi speaker and allowed us to begin holding Donald Trump accountable through the impeachment process."

According to the billionaire, President Trump's re-election campaign strategy is to "attack Democrats, make their plans look unrealistic, unaffordable, and undoable."

"That will not work against you and me, because we have the record and resources to defeat him in the swing states the Democrats lost in 2016," Bloomberg said.

He said the person that's best fit to take on President Trump in the general election is someone "who rallies Democrats and attracts independents and moderate Republicans." Bloomberg touted his record of winning three races for mayor in New York City, suggesting he's that should win the Democratic nomination.

"If you want someone who talks turkey and has a record of accomplishment on all the big issues facing our country and has the resources to beat Trump, that's me," he said bluntly. "If you want a debater, you’ve got the wrong guy here."

"I give virtually all of my company's profits to charity. There is no better investment I can make in the future of our country than spending to get Donald Trump out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," Bloomberg told supporters. "If you think my campaign is expensive, just imagine what four more years of Donald Trump will cost our country. Somebody the other day said to me, 'You know, you are spending a lot of money.' I said, 'Yes I am. I’m spending money to get rid of Donald Trump.' The guy said, 'Spend more, spend more.'"

According to CNN , Bloomberg has dropped $501 million on ad buys across radio, TV and digital platforms over the last four months. For comparison, President Barack Obama spent only $306.6 million in the two years leading up to the 2012 election.

Will he be able to buy his way to the nomination? Only time will tell. But the fact that he's willing to drop so much money to win the presidency makes you wonder: why does he want this so bad? Anyone who is that power-hungry is definitely dangerous.


"There is no better investment I can make in the future of our country than spending to get Donald Trump out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," Michael Bloomberg told a crowd of supporters in South Carolina.


I just love watching the inept communists of the party of INFANTICIDE actually eat themselves up with hate for America....You go girls!!!!
Didn't he claim last week that his money was responsible for the Democrats taking control of the House in 2018?

Bloomberg should choke on a bag of rotten dicks. ^ | March 1, 2020 | Beth Baumann

During his speech to supporters following the primary results in South Carolina on Saturday, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg bragged about the amount of money he's "investing" to oust President Donald Trump from the White House come November.

"Some of you may remember back in Philadelphia in 2016, I spoke at the Democratic Convention and warned that Donald Trump was not fit for office. In 2018, I worked to help hold him accountable by supporting candidates who flipped 21 seats in the House," he explained. "That made Nancy Pelosi speaker and allowed us to begin holding Donald Trump accountable through the impeachment process."

According to the billionaire, President Trump's re-election campaign strategy is to "attack Democrats, make their plans look unrealistic, unaffordable, and undoable."

"That will not work against you and me, because we have the record and resources to defeat him in the swing states the Democrats lost in 2016," Bloomberg said.

He said the person that's best fit to take on President Trump in the general election is someone "who rallies Democrats and attracts independents and moderate Republicans." Bloomberg touted his record of winning three races for mayor in New York City, suggesting he's that should win the Democratic nomination.

"If you want someone who talks turkey and has a record of accomplishment on all the big issues facing our country and has the resources to beat Trump, that's me," he said bluntly. "If you want a debater, you’ve got the wrong guy here."

"I give virtually all of my company's profits to charity. There is no better investment I can make in the future of our country than spending to get Donald Trump out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," Bloomberg told supporters. "If you think my campaign is expensive, just imagine what four more years of Donald Trump will cost our country. Somebody the other day said to me, 'You know, you are spending a lot of money.' I said, 'Yes I am. I’m spending money to get rid of Donald Trump.' The guy said, 'Spend more, spend more.'"

According to CNN , Bloomberg has dropped $501 million on ad buys across radio, TV and digital platforms over the last four months. For comparison, President Barack Obama spent only $306.6 million in the two years leading up to the 2012 election.

Will he be able to buy his way to the nomination? Only time will tell. But the fact that he's willing to drop so much money to win the presidency makes you wonder: why does he want this so bad? Anyone who is that power-hungry is definitely dangerous.


"There is no better investment I can make in the future of our country than spending to get Donald Trump out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue," Michael Bloomberg told a crowd of supporters in South Carolina.


I just love watching the inept communists of the party of INFANTICIDE actually eat themselves up with hate for America....You go girls!!!!

Proves he's a Demo and not a Repub.. Only a Democrat could toss money down the drain that quickly....

ALMOST as unqualified to manage our Federal govt would be Steyer.. Who tossed 250MILLION (not a typo) at JUST S. Carolina in a last minute hail mary play...

Neither of those guys should EVER be "Chief Exec" of this country and they've proved it..

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