Washington State Voters Are Growing Tired Of Democratic Policies?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
We all know that polls are the most politicized propaganda segment of politics, so I take polls light heartedly @ best. The poll listed below is three weeks running so it may be completely out of date as other polls may have been conducted that show just the opposite results that the poll listed below illustrates. Still, I have found the below poll interesting as when the subject of politics comes up with folks I know one way or the other, the opinions I receive are fairly negative to say the least towards Democratic governance. To be fair I must admit that I reside in the eastern section of Washington state which is predominantly red regarding politics so the negativity I hear from my fellow eastern Washingtonians is to be expected.

I absolutely believe the poll, it's far from an outlier in any state.

Including deep blue ones.

The latest poll from New York has Trump losing to Biden.....by only 10 points!

The same poll had him down by 23 points a few months ago.

You don't manifest that kind of movement in the same poll out of thin air.

And in the actual 2022 NY gubernatorial race, the Republican only lost by 6 points - while Republicans took over Long Island and won 6 federal House seats.

This shit is real, son.
The bottom line is, EVERYONE who loves our country is getting tired of Democrat policies. The brainwashed Democrat strongholds are coming around. MAGA
The bottom line is, EVERYONE who loves our country is getting tired of Democrat policies. The brainwashed Democrat strongholds are coming around. MAGA

Here in Rhode Island Biden won last time by 20 points.

This time?

I expect him to cling to a single digit advantage.

And Trump will take my city, the second largest in the state - while the Republicans hold City Hall.
We all know that polls are the most politicized propaganda segment of politics, so I take polls light heartedly @ best. The poll listed below is three weeks running so it may be completely out of date as other polls may have been conducted that show just the opposite results that the poll listed below illustrates. Still, I have found the below poll interesting as when the subject of politics comes up with folks I know one way or the other, the opinions I receive are fairly negative to say the least towards Democratic governance. To be fair I must admit that I reside in the eastern section of Washington state which is predominantly red regarding politics so the negativity I hear from my fellow eastern Washingtonians is to be expected.

Nah, you guys will blow it like you usually do. You have a real shot at the gubernatorial race with David Reichert, but instead you guys will nominate far right Semi Bird, in a solid blue state, and you will lose by double digits.
Why do these dumb asses have to actually suffer the fuckery of Demcrat policies?

These stupid fucks cant use critical thinking and assess these policies are BAD?

Having to actually implement the policies and then going, “OOPS, WE FUCKED UP, THIS WAS A BAD IDEA” is retarded.

Look at Portland and their legal drug ASS FUCKERY. They repealed in 2 years because of………..……


My goodness the cult is so stupid.
Why do these dumb asses have to actually suffer the fuckery of Demcrat policies?

These stupid fucks cant use critical thinking and assess these policies are BAD?

Having to actually implement the policies and then going, “OOPS, WE FUCKED UP, THIS WAS A BAD IDEA” is retarded.

Look at Portland and their legal drug ASS FUCKERY. They repealed in 2 years because of………..……


My goodness the cult is so stupid.

The cognitive dissonance that would ensue were they to walk through the ideological fire is too powerful for their fwagile widdle minds.
We all know that polls are the most politicized propaganda segment of politics, so I take polls light heartedly @ best. The poll listed below is three weeks running so it may be completely out of date as other polls may have been conducted that show just the opposite results that the poll listed below illustrates. Still, I have found the below poll interesting as when the subject of politics comes up with folks I know one way or the other, the opinions I receive are fairly negative to say the least towards Democratic governance. To be fair I must admit that I reside in the eastern section of Washington state which is predominantly red regarding politics so the negativity I hear from my fellow eastern Washingtonians is to be expected.

Sadly, the Seattle area always drags the rest of the state with them.

I heard a rumor that when Inslee is done ruining Wa. that he's going to move to northern Idaho, and get active in their politics.
He may be a better fit in Colorado than Idaho.
The cognitive dissonance that would ensue were they to walk through the ideological fire is too powerful for their fwagile widdle minds.

You know somehow it is Trump’s fault that Portland had to overturn their STUPID LEGALIZATION OF HARD DRUGS.


Who didnt see record overdoses coming down the road? :laughing0301:


That was a massive failure in Portland, yet none of them will change their STUPID thought process.


The cult has a touch the fire and burn themselves……AND THEN THEY CONTINUE TO TOUCH THE FIRE AND GET BURNED.

This is called STUPIDITY.

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