Washington Post lied about Anna Luna being a Democrat, forced to issue a correction

This tells me that Anna Luna is making an impact. I fucking love it.

The Dems hate conservative hispanic women. Dems consider them turncoats.
Actually, it doesn't in this case. They issued a retraction.
Fox News. Newsmax. OANN have found out the hard way when you don't correct your mistakes or if you keep spouting lies..you get sued. :auiqs.jpg:
And this has what to do with the retraction issued after they made their mistake?

And Sandmann?..he got peanuts on the dollar for his lawsuit. If he had made a killing, he'd be shouting it from the rooftops.

Where is he now???? :)..oh, on his way to being the nobody he was always meant to be.
And this has what to do with the retraction issued after they made their mistake?

And Sandmann?..he got peanuts on the dollar for his lawsuit. If he had made a killing, he'd be shouting it from the rooftops.

Where is he now???? :)..oh, on his way to being the nobody he was always meant to be.
FALSE! He got $250 Million -HUGE.
Dems are terrified of a strong hispanic conservative woman, so they must estroy her character.

SETTLED. Do none of you members of Alt-Right Nation read?
He got pennies.
Read what ? Some liberal rag ludicrously claiming he got pennies ? What ever it is, you're sure not showing up here with it.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

It’s the teen’s second win in a whopping $800 million defamation battle against a number of news outlets including the Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS, The Guardian, The Hill and NBC.

CNN agreed to settle with Sandmann in January this year as part of a separate $275 million claim.

In a subsequent tweet Friday, Sandmann fired a warning shot at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

“We have settled with WAPO and CNN. The fight isn’t over. 2 down. 6 to go. Don’t hold your breath @jack,” he wrote.
Read what ? Some liberal rag ludicrously claiming he got pennies ? What ever it is, you're sure not showing up here with it.

“On 2/19/19, I filed $250M defamation lawsuit against Washington Post. Today, I turned 18 & WaPo settled my lawsuit,” he wrote.

It’s the teen’s second win in a whopping $800 million defamation battle against a number of news outlets including the Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS, The Guardian, The Hill and NBC.

CNN agreed to settle with Sandmann in January this year as part of a separate $275 million claim.

In a subsequent tweet Friday, Sandmann fired a warning shot at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

“We have settled with WAPO and CNN. The fight isn’t over. 2 down. 6 to go. Don’t hold your breath @jack,” he wrote.
You don't read too well do you? He..SETTLED. If you notice, that settlement amount wasn't disclosed. Probably because it was a pittance next to what the smirking little shit trying to extort.
No worries. People like usually get what they deserve in the end.
You don't read too well do you? He..SETTLED. If you notice, that settlement amount wasn't disclosed. Probably because it was a pittance next to what the smirking little shit trying to extort.
No worries. People like usually get what they deserve in the end.
"Probably" doesn't qualify to make ignorant claims using words like "pittance" and "pennies". Not likely when a suit starts with $250 Million that it goes to pennies. More likely he got at least $100 Million, and that's only 1 of the 2 suits he won against leftist bullshitters. :biggrin:
So? They issued a correction. That's what legitimate media does. ^Shrug^.


No, you brainless leftard.

Legitimate media does its JOB, so it doesn't have to issue retractions in the first place.

Doesn't change the fact that she's a stark, raving, alt-right right whacko.


What part of that do you not understand?

Doesn't matter that she is pleasing to the Fox News male demographic eyes. :)

What the fuck do you know about Fox News males?

Being a leftist cucktard yourself?

No, you brainless leftard.

Legitimate media does its JOB, so it doesn't have to issue retractions in the first place.


What part of that do you not understand?

What the fuck do you know about Fox News males?

Being a leftist cucktard yourself?
They issued a correction when they made a mistake. It's what legitimate media does. It's what your daily alt-right media consumables don't do..like ever.
End of story.

I have watched Fox News since the late '90's. I watched it start out as just a strong voice for conservatives. A group that prior to that, hadn't had any representation. Then, sometime after 9/11, it started turning. First with the abject hatred toward Muslims, and then moving on to a slow crawl to the extreme right. Finally, a sell out to the alt-right in the reality they'd have to do so to survive. Say what you will about Fox. They know their target audience (Primarily white males 30-65). Throw enough far right, red meat culture war issues out there, taint just about every story with a political slant while making them consumable and easy for the average person to understand, and throw in enough tight dressed, short skirted, pushed up boobed eye candy to deliver the message along with the male firebrands...and you've got a winning combination. Again, the channel is un-watchable for any more than 10 or 15 minutes. I can't keep myself at that level of anger or outrage. I shudder to think what a steady diet of this does to a person after long term exposure.

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