Washington Post lied about Anna Luna being a Democrat, forced to issue a correction

Their whole hit piece was a mistake.

They accused her of lying about her father being put in jail, questioned her minority status / heritage, claimed she lied about the break-in when she was 9, and falsely accused her of being a Democrat after piss-poor fact checking their own article before publishing it....

Oh, but wait....they retracted the bit about her being a Democrat.

Well, hell then - it's all good now.


LIE THEN ISSUE CORRECTION. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

WAPO is a rag that is not worthy of birds shitting on.
Really???? Do you have actual evidence that postal workers quit over getting more work or did Donald Trump tell you this????
I know 1st hand what happened, a bunch of my rural carriers said "no mas" after 16+ hour days for months on end with no break except on holidays, combine that with counter staff being moved hither and yon to backfill at other short-handed POs and it was a complete cluster-fuck.

As for the Trump comment....You can go fuck yourself....While it started under The Halfrican, much of it continued under Trump's watch but he did make sure the sweetheart deal died when the contract expired.

That's why you are seeing a lot more Amazon vans tooling about with their low paid third-world drivers.
Really???? Do you have actual evidence that postal workers quit over getting more work or did Donald Trump tell you this????

I lived in a rural area a few years back and our PO had the same issue. The deal was made with Amazon but USPS didn't hire the additional staff needed. This is why you will have random people in personal cars dropping off Amazon packages at all hours of the day and night.
I lived in a rural area a few years back and our PO had the same issue. The deal was made with Amazon but USPS didn't hire the additional staff needed. This is why you will have random people in personal cars dropping off Amazon packages at all hours of the day and night.
The USPS thrives on delivering junk mail.
Is there an instance in the history of the WASHINGTON POST when they accidentally said DEMOCRAT USED TO BE A REPUBLICAN?
Their whole hit piece was a mistake.

They accused her of lying about her father being put in jail, questioned her minority status / heritage, claimed she lied about the break-in when she was 9, and falsely accused her of being a Democrat after piss-poor fact checking their own article before publishing it....

Oh, but wait....they retracted the bit about her being a Democrat.

Well, hell then - it's all good now.

Anybody who reads the Washington Poser, needs counseling. :rolleyes: Sad that trash like them still exist.
The Post reported that she was an early Obama supporter. They also mistakenly claimed that she was a registered Dem. Washington state does not record that info so it was wrong of them to make that claim and they admitted it.

She IS however a lying grifter on the scale of Santos.

Keep defending this creep
Democracy dies in darkness. :rolleyes:

Did the Post give themselves 4 Pinocchios?

Funny how they never seem to fuck up stories about Democrats.
so WAPO made a mistake bsed on faulty voter data and THEN ISSUED A CORRECTION

In MAGATLAND when they eff up they double down and do it over and over.
Democracy dies in darkness. :rolleyes:

Did the Post give themselves 4 Pinocchios?

Funny how they never seem to fuck up stories about Democrats.

So what? All news agencies make mistakes. Real news agencies issue corrections. Fake news sites don't. Like the Gatewaypundit, when they make a mistake, they either ignore it or they just delete the web page altogether as though it never existed. Like this one where they erroneously named the wrong person as the Las Vegas mass murderer and claimed he was left wing... then two days later, just deleted the page...

LIE THEN ISSUE CORRECTION. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

WAPO is a rag that is not worthy of birds shitting on.

Show where Fox News ever issued a correction for this...

WAPO is shit and always has been.

What happened to their FACT CHECKING THE PRESIDENT column?

Like Biden never lies?

He used to drive an 18 wheeler!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
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