

Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011

You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.
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You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.
It's unconstitutional to prevent protest.

You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.
It's unconstitutional to prevent protest.
Democrats and their media pleaded with everyone to stay home, stay safe for all other activities. They did not do that for the protests they agreed with or the naming of Black Lives Matter Plaza as the pandemic was rising.

Again, Mayor Bowser and the Democrats running DC look like they are full of shit. The Constitution has nothing to do with it.

You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.

Of course it's all the dems fault.
None of this disobedience happened under the idiot trump. I can recall rallies where no trumpets wore masks and you said nothing. Oh the hypocrisy of it all.

You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.
It's unconstitutional to prevent protest.
Democrats and their media pleaded with everyone to stay home, stay safe for all other activities. They did not do that for the protests they agreed with or the naming of Black Lives Matter Plaza as the pandemic was rising.

Again, Mayor Bowser and the Democrats running DC look like they are full of shit. The Constitution has nothing to do with it.
It has everything to do with the Constitution.

You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.

Of course it's all the dems fault.
None of this disobedience happened under the idiot trump. I can recall rallies where no trumpets wore masks and you said nothing. Oh the hypocrisy of it all.
Google Image search BLM and ANTIFA protests in 2020 and you will see considerable numbers of people not wearing masks nor keeping 6 feet from one another. Democrats and their Media didn’t call them out despite the fact they were the ones pushing all to wear masks and maintain 6 feet social distance.
File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.
More and more people are just flipping them off and laughing at them. The pompous little pricks react to THAT like a vampire being offered a drink of holy water.

You can’t make this shit up. The Democrats leading DC have banned dancing at events out of fear of people getting close and touching one another will spread COVID. Yet These same Democrats had no problem last summer when COVID was on the rise and no vaccine with people being close to one another for protests in DC or celebrating the naming of 16tb Street to be “Black Lives Matter Plaza”

File this under “full of shit liberals seeking control”.
It's unconstitutional to prevent protest.
That actually is not in the Constitution.

What IS in the Constitution is that it is unconstitutional to prevent freedom of assembly, including such assemblies allowing dancing

Now I realize this flies in the face of what you hear in the media and academia, but if you don't hear it from me you would never know otherwise.

They need to make another Dirty Dancing movie with the DNC to play the role of kill joy.


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