Was WW2 even worth fighting for ???

YES we got rid of a fairly EVIL group of people called the NAZI but now they have been replaced with a FAR FAR MORE EVIL group called the NEW ORDER

Instead of Heil H .. we now just say Heil Biden
Well, this post clinches it.

The maga movement is praising NAZIs and pushing for national socialism in America.
You don't have to be a dickhead when it comes to speculating about a history that never happen. Grow up asshole.
No speculation On my part….I’m just laying down the facts.You’re the one doing the speculation. Germany sunk over 100 American ships off the east coast and in the Gulf of Mexico. You think they were just after Big Macs….we were at war with their Allie, Japan at the time. When we declared war with Japan, we were at war with Germany…..unless you think we should have bailed out of that and let them over run Australia, China and all,our holdings in the Far East.

The entire Middle East oil reserves needed American intervention to save their ass from German take over and the biggest oil reserves in the world. Let the Brit’s do it ? Some day doubters should get off their ass and check out all the shipping destroy by Germany off the coast of America and how near Germany came to taking over Britain.

The Soviet Union…they were decimated . We supplied tanks, artillery and weapons to the Soviets too , we backed their efforts as well. What part of we supplying almost all the oil for our Allie’s for the entire war don’t you understand.
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You don't have to be a dickhead when it comes to speculating about a history that never happen. Grow up asshole.
Btw, just to be accurate. Just three days after we declared war in Japan, Germany and Italy declared war ON THE USA. and it’s allies. So what now, watch our ships get blown to hell as they try to invade and at least attack America. They were planning an attack if when they over ran England.
I have never understood why it was the Japs that attacked us but yet we sent millions of soldiers to Europe to fight.

By the time we entered the war in Europe the Russians had bled them pretty bad. The only thing America did was shorten the war by a year or two.

Besides, we essentially replaced a tyrannical Nazi power with a just as tyrannical Soviet power.

I think that everyone in the world would agree that it was a good thing for Hitler to be defeated. However, I don't think it was our job to do it.

If we hadn't sent so many resources to Europe we could have defeated the Japs in half the time it took us to do so.

A year or two more and no Western Front, and the Germans would have had jet fighters, jet bombers, and far more and heavier tanks.

Plus without the Strategic Bombing Campaign, their economic output would have vastly increased, as after Stalingrad they finally realized they needed to fully mobilize their economy.
A year or two more and no Western Front, and the Germans would have had jet fighters, jet bombers, and far more and heavier tanks.

Plus without the Strategic Bombing Campaign, their economic output would have vastly increased, as after Stalingrad they finally realized they needed to fully mobilize their economy.
Not only that, but Germany was aggressively doing A bomb research with help from resources in developing heavy water in the Scandinavian countries. It was essential we establish air bases and start bombing the shit out of any suspected contributing targets in their allied countries and even neutral ones….unfortunately we had to, just like now in the nuclear area, protect our selves over seas with bases in friendly countries to limit nuclear expansion to only our allies.

Patten was not too wrong when he suggested at the defeat of Germany p, we turn our attention to the Soviets. But, after losing 1/2 million soldiers, no one wanted to hear anymore war talk with the Soviets. Patten could see into,the future….
Not only that, but Germany was aggressively doing A bomb research with help from resources in developing heavy water in the Scandinavian countries. It was essential we establish air bases and start bombing the shit out of any suspected contributing targets in their allied countries and even neutral ones….unfortunately we had to, just like now in the nuclear area, protect our selves over seas with bases in friendly countries to limit nuclear expansion to only our allies.

Patten was not too wrong when he suggested at the defeat of Germany p, we turn our attention to the Soviets. But, after losing 1/2 million soldiers, no one wanted to hear anymore war talk with the Soviets. Patten could see the future….

They got rid or drove off too many scientists (mostly the Jewish ones, but plenty of others as well). They were probably 5 years at least out from a working A-Bomb.
have never understood why it was the Japs that attacked us but yet we sent millions of soldiers to Europe to fight.
Because, Japan was allied with Germany and Italy who declared war on the U.S. three days after we declared war on Japan. Germany eventually had long term plans to invade the U.S. through bases in the Caribbean. They were going to conquer the world And having nukes before anyone else would make it pretty difficult to stop.
They got rid or drove off too many scientists (mostly the Jewish ones, but plenty of others as well). They were probably 5 years at least out from a working A-Bomb.
The idiot Hitler drove many of his best and brightest away. Fascist do that shit. But create A lot of havoc while in charge. German scientists too help the Soviets. They weren’t that far away.
A year or two more and no Western Front, and the Germans would have had jet fighters, jet bombers, and far more and heavier tanks.

Plus without the Strategic Bombing Campaign, their economic output would have vastly increased, as after Stalingrad they finally realized they needed to fully mobilize their economy.
Those early German jets were not very reliable. At any one time the Germans struggled to keep 20% of them operational. They used a tremendous amount of hard to produce fuel. Besides, they were developed as a high altitude bomber interceptor. Without the bombers the incentive would not have been there to put resources into development.

There is a lot of debate as to how effective the bombing was to destroy war production. No doubt it did a lot of damage to the cities and caused significant civilian casualties. War production for the Germans actually increased in 1944 during the most bombing.

Heavy tanks can be defeated with artillery and air power and the Russians were masters at artillery. In fact the US decided to never even bother to field a heavy tank during the war.

No doubt the US military participation shorten the war but I don't think it changed the inevitable outcome.

Of course we know what the real history is and anything I come up with as an alternative history is nothing more than speculation.
The Nazis knew exactly what the jew bankers had in store for Europe. Even during WW1 German jew communists were blowing up German mfg plants. And then they took over and it became the Weimar Rep. We in the USA are Weimar 2.0 today.

"The last colorless French are the main attraction of the Paris Zoo." The German magazine Kladderadatsch published such a caricature in 1932 as Nazi propaganda, predicting what France would be like in 100 years.

How the war ended is crucial to setting the stage for Weimar.

The German war effort collapsed in 1918 when Communists led strikes in munitions factories and launched a violent Revolution in Germany.

The monarchy fell, the war ended with no truce, & Liberal Elites create Weimar.
Before I get into who comprised this new "Liberal Elite" in Germany, first, a look at who was behind the Revolution:

Rosa Luxemburg
Kurt Eisner
Paul Levi
Leo Jogiches
Ernst Toller
Erich Muhsam
Gustav Landauer
Eugen Levine
Karl Radek
Guess what they all have in common...

At the Treaty of Versailles, a crippled Germany was carved up by the Global Elite, with no opposition from the new Weimar leaders.

Who were the key representatives letting this happen?

Paul Hirsch (Prime Minister of Prussia)
Otto Landsberg (Versailles Delegate)

And they were?


The term "Weimar" comes from the city of Weimar where this new, liberal democratic government was first assembled.

In this unnatural, fragmented Germany, a new constitution was foisted on the people.

Who wrote it?

Hugo Preuss.

What was he?
For nearly a decade, this government was overwhelmingly run by Left, Liberal, non-German influences.

Walther Rathenau (Foreign Minister)
Rudolf Hilferding (Finance Minister)
Bernhard Isidor Weiss (Police Chief)
Eduard Bernstein (main member of Social Democrats)




For the 70-80 years leading up to Weimar, Left-Liberal socialists had been wreaking havoc across Germany, preventing the people from knowing real peace.

Who were the earliest leaders?

Ferdinand Lassalle and Leopold Sonnemann.

Guess what they were...


The early years of Weimar were filled with turmoil and suffering.

The people weren't organized.

The extreme Left launched frequent rebellions.

There were food shortages & poverty.

France invaded Germany in 1923-1925 to collect WWI reparations.

It was an absolute mess.
The ineffectual government was often embroiled in scandal, with one group at the center.

Barmat Scandal
Sklarek Scandal
Kutisker Case
Katzenellenbogen Case

All involved Jëwish crime rings scamming Germany with political corruption, bribery, fraud, war-profiteering, etc.
Accompanying Weimar's broken political world was an equally sick and degenerate culture and society.

EVERYTHING was tolerated.

Berlin became the sin capital of the world.

Many poor, desperate Germans sold themselves like cheap goods.
No sexuaI perversion was off the table.

At the center of this sexuaI "revoIution" was Magnus Hirschfeld.

He created the "Institute of SexuaI Research," located in Berlin, celebrating all kinds of sexuaI fetishes, conducting trans-surgery, research, etc.

Sound familiar?

It's all happened before, in Weimar Germany.

The "German" Film Industry was also filled with degenerate themes.

Some of main producers, directors, & actors in Weimar:

Paul Davidson
Joseph "Joe May" Mandel
Jules Greenbaum
Max Reinhardt
Josef Von Sternberg
Fritz Kohn
Otto Wallburg
Peter "Lorre" Lowenstein

And many more...

The Pornography business also became extremely popular and lucrative during Weimar, often taking advantage of German women looking for work.

People like Kurt Tucholsky made sure everyone got their fix.

Art in Weimar experienced a similar descent into meaningless, perverse works that inspired nothing but sadness and *********

"Dadaism" & "Cubism" were all the rage.

The Elites promoted this as "intellectual" and modern.

Sound familiar?

Painters like Hanns Ludwig Katz did well.

Even prominent photographers, like Erwin BlumenfeId, sought to inject subversive, anti-German themes into their work.

Here's one of his photos.

Can you see what he was selling, even all the way back then?

Something similar to what they're selling today.

German Media, much like today, collaborated with the political & social Elite, ignoring the plights of everyday Germans and the complete degradation of German culture.

Who ran the major newspapers & publishers in Weimar.

No Germans.

Theodor Wolff
Georg Bernhard
Rudolf Mosse



Weimar hit rock bottom when the US stock market crashed & the global Great Depression followed.

The degenerate society was wholly unprepared.

Unemployment, starvation, disease, currency collapse. Stacks of German money were often worthless.

The Weimar nightmare was complete.
Throughout Weimar, Europe learned of the horrors of Bolshevism to the East.

Yet, Communists paraded openly in Weimar, with official parties in the Govt (led by Werner Scholem).

The Weimar Elite seemed unable & uninterested in protecting Germans from their revolutionary cousins.

Perhaps this explains why when one man & his movement rose from obscurity, promising a return of power to the German people, a return of tradition, morality, hope, he received radical hate from the establishment, but fanatical love from the German people.

Now you know the Truth.
One could go on and on about Weimar. I mainly wanted to show what Weimar was, who ran it, and how it affected German society.

If you study the West today, you'll notice the similarities.



Weimar was the first oppressive neo-liberal democracy.

You're never told about it because:

1. It ruins the WWII lies Government tell us.

2. You're in Weimar 2.0.

If you ever learn that, you may learn how to escape it.

This scares the Elite.
Those early German jets were not very reliable. At any one time the Germans struggled to keep 20% of them operational. They used a tremendous amount of hard to produce fuel. Besides, they were developed as a high altitude bomber interceptor. Without the bombers the incentive would not have been there to put resources into development.

There is a lot of debate as to how effective the bombing was to destroy war production. No doubt it did a lot of damage to the cities and caused significant civilian casualties. War production for the Germans actually increased in 1944 during the most bombing.

Heavy tanks can be defeated with artillery and air power and the Russians were masters at artillery. In fact the US decided to never even bother to field a heavy tank during the war.

No doubt the US military participation shorten the war but I don't think it changed the inevitable outcome.

Of course we know what the real history is and anything I come up with as an alternative history is nothing more than speculation.

it would have increased far more without the bombing. Germany didn't go to full war production until after Stalingrad.

Remember the Allies also drew away German units in Africa and Italy.

Hell if the US wasn't involved how much you wanna bet Vichy would have been convinced to start raising Divisions and go to a war economy to stop the "Incipient hordes of Bolshevism" from taking over?
it would have increased far more without the bombing. Germany didn't go to full war production until after Stalingrad.

Remember the Allies also drew away German units in Africa and Italy.

Hell if the US wasn't involved how much you wanna bet Vichy would have been convinced to start raising Divisions and go to a war economy to stop the "Incipient hordes of Bolshevism" from taking over?
The Americans were much more of a minor player in North Africa than most of us realize. The Brits were the ones that defeat Rommel's Africa Corps for the most part.

Italy was mostly a disaster for American troops. Lots of bad decision made.

Again, no doubt American participation ended the war in Europe by at least one year and maybe two but by the time we became a major player the tied had turned. The Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, Krust and the fact Hitler was a military idiot that bit off a lot more than he could chew turned the tide against the Germans.

I think the worst that would have happen without American troops is that Germany would have retreated to its own borders and may have survived but no where near the threat that they were pre war. Meanwhile, we would have kicked the Jap's ass, developed the A bomb and had a few hundred thousand less casualties. Maybe a Cold War would have ensued but we had that anyhow with the Soviets and that lasted for 30 years.

Of course, like I said it all speculation because none of that happen.
The Americans were much more of a minor player in North Africa than most of us realize. The Brits were the ones that defeat Rommel's Africa Corps for the most part.

Italy was mostly a disaster for American troops. Lots of bad decision made.

Again, no doubt American participation ended the war in Europe by at least one year and maybe two but by the time we became a major player the tied had turned. The Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, Krust and the fact Hitler was a military idiot that bit off a lot more than he could chew turned the tide against the Germans.

I think the worst that would have happen without American troops is that Germany would have retreated to its own borders and may have survived but no where near the threat that they were pre war. Meanwhile, we would have kicked the Jap's ass, developed the A bomb and had a few hundred thousand less casualties. Maybe a Cold War would have ensued but we had that anyhow with the Soviets and that lasted for 30 years.

Of course, like I said it all speculation because none of that happen.

Our supplies and additional naval forces allowed those campaigns reach their conclusion. The biggest contributor the US made to the UK in the first year was food, oil, iron and other critical resources.
In numerous campaign speeches, former Princeton Professor Woodrow Wilson promised American mothers that he would never send their sons to fight in a foreign war and then he (or his wife) sent the Doughboys to fight and die for France. About 25 years later we had to do it all over again during the negligent administration of FDR.

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