Was today a headfake or a V-bottom?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
I can't remember a stock market disrupter like Corona Virus. We are totally at the mercy of reports that may or may not be accurate. And there are definite economic effects that are just beginning to ripple through the markets. Then there's the possibility that this virus could live on through the summer or longer. And what if another WTF drops while this is going on? Be careful out there.
Information calms fears...Trump's open way of handling this is calming fears...
I can't remember a stock market disrupter like Corona Virus. We are totally at the mercy of reports that may or may not be accurate. And there are definite economic effects that are just beginning to ripple through the markets. Then there's the possibility that this virus could live on through the summer or longer. And what if another WTF drops while this is going on? Be careful out there.
Seems like whatever we decide it is, others have anticipated that we would decide the way we did.
This is the first leg down in a bloated market. CV is just a convenient catalyst. Central banks will try to thwart the bleeding, but in the end markets will reset much lower.
This is the first leg down in a bloated market. CV is just a convenient catalyst. Central banks will try to thwart the bleeding, but in the end markets will reset much lower.
I don't totally agree but it did seem as if the market was looking for an excuse to sell off and Corona Virus showed up.

It can be argued this was a over valued market and CV helped the correction, it can also be argued that the MSM ran with it as another attempt to derail our booming economy...

In my lifetime (60 years) we’ve never had a POTUS deliver on so many promises and call out the corruption in our Federal Government as he has done, quite effectively I will add. The MSM has done everything they can to destroy this administration and have failed miserably. I’m sure many will disagree with my opinions, it doesn’t really matter, the handwriting is on the wall, when your opponent is Bernie Sanders or what I’m sure the DNC will screw Bernie again with, this time with Joe “I don’t know your name” Biden, at the convention, it’s hard to believe this country would elect either one of these imbeciles over our most successful POTUS of the last 100 years, but I never thought they would elect that POS Obama either, you can’
t fix stupid...
The most interesting facet of this viral invasion is demonstrating clearly that economies are not, after all, dependent on money and investment, but on the life and health of human beings. This is all that matters, the rest is mere feces.
This is the first leg down in a bloated market. CV is just a convenient catalyst. Central banks will try to thwart the bleeding, but in the end markets will reset much lower.
The world is depopulating as a matter of policy for Westpac and Europe but how soon it will wreck the current economy is a big question.
I think it was the big boys playing games. The underlying trash in the market remains. An across the board drop does nothing for the general health of the market. Not everything was overbought. Not everything is going to be affected by corona......do we need a shakeout yes......this wasn't it
This is the first leg down in a bloated market. CV is just a convenient catalyst. Central banks will try to thwart the bleeding, but in the end markets will reset much lower.
I don't totally agree but it did seem as if the market was looking for an excuse to sell off and Corona Virus showed up.

It can be argued this was a over valued market and CV helped the correction, it can also be argued that the MSM ran with it as another attempt to derail our booming economy...

In my lifetime (60 years) we’ve never had a POTUS deliver on so many promises and call out the corruption in our Federal Government as he has done, quite effectively I will add. The MSM has done everything they can to destroy this administration and have failed miserably. I’m sure many will disagree with my opinions, it doesn’t really matter, the handwriting is on the wall, when your opponent is Bernie Sanders or what I’m sure the DNC will screw Bernie again with, this time with Joe “I don’t know your name” Biden, at the convention, it’s hard to believe this country would elect either one of these imbeciles over our most successful POTUS of the last 100 years, but I never thought they would elect that POS Obama either, you can’
t fix stupid...

You are clearly a partisan republican and that is dangerous when trying to be objective about your money. Frankly, in my opinion, only a fool would call this economy Booming. Take your MAGA hat off and explain why the Federal Reserve keeps injecting liquidity and lowering rates in a “booming” economy. Your partisanship will turn out to be very costly if you invest as if you believe what you say.

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