was this war all about oil?


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2003
North Texas
conspiracy theories aside, why shouldn't the war in iraq be about oil?

take into consideration that iraq sits on the 2nd largest proven reserves yet they were pretty much untappable due to sanctions laid upon the hussein regime. These sanctions prevented repairs to any of the oil taps which slowly shut down production.

The 'oil for food' program has already been semi-proven to be nothing more than kickbacks for some higherups in the UN and some other EU countries. It's just a matter of time before the investigation proves even more corruption.

So, why couldn't the war in Iraq be about oil? Yes, we all know the reported links between hussein and terror and wmd's and such and those of us more shaken by the thoughts of more devastating attacks will certainly be concerned with terror alone, but what about the oil?

Prices in the US for gasoline are on an average of over $2 a gallon, highest its ever been. With OPEC reporting BS production quota numbers and an ever increasing demand, we need to tap those reserves in Iraq and ramp up production. Will that drop the price of gas? Not much, but it will drop it enough and that will help america in the long run.

I say the war in Iraq was for oil, it just happened to also rid the world of 2 sadistic sub human pieces of crap and remove a tyrant's control over a frightened populace. It's all good I say.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
conspiracy theories aside, why shouldn't the war in iraq be about oil?

take into consideration that iraq sits on the 2nd largest proven reserves yet they were pretty much untappable due to sanctions laid upon the hussein regime. These sanctions prevented repairs to any of the oil taps which slowly shut down production.

The 'oil for food' program has already been semi-proven to be nothing more than kickbacks for some higherups in the UN and some other EU countries. It's just a matter of time before the investigation proves even more corruption.

So, why couldn't the war in Iraq be about oil? Yes, we all know the reported links between hussein and terror and wmd's and such and those of us more shaken by the thoughts of more devastating attacks will certainly be concerned with terror alone, but what about the oil?

Prices in the US for gasoline are on an average of over $2 a gallon, highest its ever been. With OPEC reporting BS production quota numbers and an ever increasing demand, we need to tap those reserves in Iraq and ramp up production. Will that drop the price of gas? Not much, but it will drop it enough and that will help america in the long run.

I say the war in Iraq was for oil, it just happened to also rid the world of 2 sadistic sub human pieces of crap and remove a tyrant's control over a frightened populace. It's all good I say.

I absolutely agree. In the last half of the 20th century, ever since oil became the #1 resource to cheaply and effeciently power a modern industry and military, the Middle East became WAY more important than it deserves to be in the International arena.

Imagine for a moment that Central Africa had instead held the greatest oil reserves known to us since the early 19th century.

Would not the history of WWII been drastically altered?

From even the early-40's it's clear that oil is an extremely valuable resource to modern industry, one that we ignore simply at our own peril.
DK, I think that the increase to the world's oil supply that we should start seeing in the next 1-2 years is a side effect of the war, but not a war objective. I think Bush was sincere when he said he was ousting Saddam based on his violation of 14 UN violations. I certainly don't think there's a PNAC conspiracy to get oil money.

On a side note, there's this great fake commercial on the radio station I listen to where this guy, in a stereotypical pansy liberal voice, says, "I'm opposed to the war, because no blood for oil." The interviewer says, "What about blood for electricity?" Lib: "Well, yeah, that'd be OK." Interviewer: "How about blood for, like, Pamela Lee?" Lib: "(pause) Hell, yeah, that's worth it!"
Originally posted by Sir Evil
DK - Are you thinking that was the intention of this war, or are you stating that's what we need to do now? Sure seems as though you think it would be the Ideal theing to do at this point, and I agree with that thought! I just can't buy that this was a major reason for the war in the first place, but I guess we will see what unfolds!

I'm starting to wonder. It shouldn't be too far from the minds of deep level thinking people. We already know that our government has done alot of covert stuff that has gone levels deep in obtaining a specific objective, right? How long have we dealt with terrorism? decades if i'm not mistaken. How long have we dealt with OPEC's total monopoly and abuse of their control over the exports? far too long.

Lets take a look at the levels of thinking.

First level, Invasion of kuwait. Yes, we supported him against Iran for almost a decade but looking at the chain of events, I think we set him up for the fall as well. Cheney, as sec def, practically told him that he would be supported by the US in his dispute over kuwaits slant drilling while at the same time our ambassador is telling kuwait that we would stand by them in their efforts to get repayment for billions in loans to Iraq.

Second level, Bush senior, in deferring to arab demands that the US not go to baghdad as well as acknowledging turkey's fear of a rising Kurd government, allowed hussein to withdraw from kuwait but at an extremely heavy loss, i.e. the highway of death. Now, for those that do not know what the highway of death was, Iraq's red guard was decimated along this stretch of road by US and coalition forces. Billions of dollars worth of military hardware as well as thousands of his army were destroyed. Add to that the crippling sanctions that allowed for practically no rebuilding of his long range defenses and limited his short range defenses. While the sanctions were intended to force hussein to give up WMD's we all know that it was also designed to bring the populace to the brink of upheaval and hoping they would overthrow hussein.

Third level, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were obviously not as appreciative of our efforts to defend them as they should have been because oil prices kept rising and their production limits increased for summer seasons during high demand. So, in order to obtain cheaper imports of oil, something needed to be accomplished militarily as all avenues of diplomacy had seemingly failed. The continuous terror attacks on our interests had not raised enough ire in our nation to warrant any action in the middle east, but along came 9/11. This was the opening that was needed. In declaring the war on terror this gave the administration a wide avenue to setup the removal of the hussein regime and setup a new government, one finally friendly to US interests that had vast oil reserves. It just also happened to allow a clearly defined path in advancing the war on terror as evidenced by the presentations to the UN.

Maybe the reason for so much blockage by other members of the security council is because their methods of obtaining oil illegally through Iraq would now be done with? Billions lost, no more oil from Iraq, and the US in control of the worlds second largest oil reserves.
don't forget to index your gas prices for inflation. I believe we have not surpassed the cost per gallon from the mid eighties in real dollars. also, remember the dollar has been slipping against world currencies which contribute to the price increase per barrel as does growing chinese demand and an unstable world economy due to the very fact we are at war...

In the long run, oil is a passing concern, lookup peak oil for details, but in summary there is x amount of oil on the planet. it will run out, the only question is when. and it will get more expensive as the supplies dwindle... that said, control of the oil flow in the meantime would be benificial while we re engineer our systems to a new power source.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
conspiracy theories aside, why shouldn't the war in iraq be about oil?

take into consideration that iraq sits on the 2nd largest proven reserves yet they were pretty much untappable due to sanctions laid upon the hussein regime. These sanctions prevented repairs to any of the oil taps which slowly shut down production.

The 'oil for food' program has already been semi-proven to be nothing more than kickbacks for some higherups in the UN and some other EU countries. It's just a matter of time before the investigation proves even more corruption.

So, why couldn't the war in Iraq be about oil? Yes, we all know the reported links between hussein and terror and wmd's and such and those of us more shaken by the thoughts of more devastating attacks will certainly be concerned with terror alone, but what about the oil?

Prices in the US for gasoline are on an average of over $2 a gallon, highest its ever been. With OPEC reporting BS production quota numbers and an ever increasing demand, we need to tap those reserves in Iraq and ramp up production. Will that drop the price of gas? Not much, but it will drop it enough and that will help america in the long run.

I say the war in Iraq was for oil, it just happened to also rid the world of 2 sadistic sub human pieces of crap and remove a tyrant's control over a frightened populace. It's all good I say.

I feel that allowing that oil to be produced is key to helping American economy function better. That was probably one of the goals of the war, albeit a minor goal though.

However, it was not as it was portrayed by far left liberals where we would go in and simply TAKE all the oil we wanted. No that oil belongs to Iraq. Having a larger supply in the world will allow prices to go down. Thus helping us indirectly.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

I say the war in Iraq was for oil, it just happened to also rid the world of 2 sadistic sub human pieces of crap and remove a tyrant's control over a frightened populace. It's all good I say.
I'm with you.
I don't have proof, but I'm working on it.
I have no proof either but you present a good point. If this was the plan all along it was brilliant. Control of a large amount of oil AND a strategic position in the middle east to fight terrorism! No liberal would have allowed this to happen so it had to be done with with years of planning and numerous UN resolutions to pacify our left wing and world opinion. Danger now is the left thowing away all the benefits derived from this strategy. Ya, I think I can go for this one.
I would love to think that someone in America came up with a plan like this. It's too brilliant. America fighting for more power instead of acting like we feel guilty for having what we have. We are powerful because of our system. Maybe others would like to try it.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I would love to think that someone in America came up with a plan like this. It's too brilliant. America fighting for more power instead of acting like we feel guilty for having what we have. We are powerful because of our system. Maybe others would like to try it.

I don't think that it's about more power.
I think it's about protection from terrorism.
It was a preemptive strike.
And I'm convinced oil had some role in the grand scheme of things. We use too much of it for it not to.
War is also good for business, shit, look at Haliburton.
Then there is the fact that it draws attention away from Bush's domestic policies.


Show me that this war is about power in general and I'll show you a President on his way out of office.
I don't think any parent wants to hear that their son or daughter died so the U.S. can be "more powerful."
Originally posted by nycflasher
Show me that this war is about power in general and I'll show you a President on his way out of office.
I don't think any parent wants to hear that their son or daughter died so the U.S. can be "more powerful."


i'm just saying...
Originally posted by nycflasher
Show me that this war is about power in general and I'll show you a President on his way out of office.
I don't think any parent wants to hear that their son or daughter died so the U.S. can be "more powerful."

which is why it would never be such a direct route but instead would look very much like something I stepped out above
Originally posted by Comrade
PNAC, a roadmap of current policy ran by a bunch of Jews, that's what they all say... but I do like what PNAC has to say.

I prefer to look at it as be written by a bunch of Americans.

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