Was the Women’s March just another display of white privilege? Some think so.


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
This popped up in my feed today...

The bright-pink afterglow of the weekend’s massive Women’s March on Washington had barely faded Sunday and thousands of women were still boarding planes and buses home when the critics came out swinging.

No, not President Donald Trump, who did wonder Sunday on Twitter, ‘‘Why didn’t these people vote?’’

The critics were women and men of color.

They saw privilege in the march that allowed hundreds of thousands of women — the overwhelming majority of them white — to march freely, beyond the borders of their permitted route in Washington, filling the streets in Los Angeles, effectively shutting down downtown Chicago, yet never encountering police in riot gear, never having to wipe away pepper spray, never fearing arrest. They saw privilege in the women posing for photos with grinning officers wearing pink ‘‘pussy hats’’ alongside them. High-fiving police, even.

Was the Women’s March just another display of white privilege? Some think so. - The Boston Globe
So, what do you think...was is color, or attitude (or something else) that contributed to protestors and police mutual respect?
I'm getting a somewhat similar vibe from my LGBT folks. A lot of my fans were Sander's die-hard's so they voted Trump to "punish" the Democrat party (and/or abstained, or voted for someone else to "punish" Hilary, even have more than a few who've left the Dem party over this.) One of them reported back that they were 'not welcome' in the protest because they were willing to give Trump a chance.

It was also a point of debate with my intellectual buddies that the women's march was overtaken by fringe, which I believe I'd mentioned on here before the march even happened, and lends to the same 'feeling' seemingly reflected in both instances of 'intolerance'
This popped up in my feed today...

The bright-pink afterglow of the weekend’s massive Women’s March on Washington had barely faded Sunday and thousands of women were still boarding planes and buses home when the critics came out swinging.

No, not President Donald Trump, who did wonder Sunday on Twitter, ‘‘Why didn’t these people vote?’’

The critics were women and men of color.

They saw privilege in the march that allowed hundreds of thousands of women — the overwhelming majority of them white — to march freely, beyond the borders of their permitted route in Washington, filling the streets in Los Angeles, effectively shutting down downtown Chicago, yet never encountering police in riot gear, never having to wipe away pepper spray, never fearing arrest. They saw privilege in the women posing for photos with grinning officers wearing pink ‘‘pussy hats’’ alongside them. High-fiving police, even.

Was the Women’s March just another display of white privilege? Some think so. - The Boston Globe
So, what do you think...was is color, or attitude (or something else) that contributed to protestors and police mutual respect?
Put it this way, if so many women are so anti Trump....why is this mf President? I'm all for the struggle we women have to endure, but ww as much as they want to whine, you bitches got it made in the shade and yaw know it.
No. It is an effort by Soros to create a mob mentality to buffer the damage done by Trump to his policies he promotes through his Progress for America. The progress is moving us under UN rule. We tend to underestimate him. He has 50+ organisations to funnel money to these phony protesters, and they don't care what the next protest that Soros pulls out of his hat is. They just want the money and the 15 minutes of publicity. They use the money to convince vaginaheads to come join them by pretending it will promote someone's rights somewhere. And the Pelosiees and Ssshumers, use it to their advantage to sway voters back to the Soros agenda.

Soros has had a little more time to work his magic on Europe. And it has gone so badly, that the countries there are revolting against him. His own country doesn't allow him in their country. He is being sued and warrants are being issued for his arrest.
We need to join forces with them, not HIM, and learn from their mistakes. We need to freeze his assets here, ban him from coming here and put out a warrant for his arrest for incitement.
He is also responsible for the UN Muslim diaspora quota crap which is why he is paying people to disrupt our process, and airports, and anything else he can disrupt to get his goal to destroy us up and running again.

Everyone who is against relocation of Muslims into their state, needs to contact their state government to insist they stop importing them. And petition it. And petition a ban on UN and Soros funding of non-compliant immigration practices. Force your state government into action.
This popped up in my feed today...

The bright-pink afterglow of the weekend’s massive Women’s March on Washington had barely faded Sunday and thousands of women were still boarding planes and buses home when the critics came out swinging.

No, not President Donald Trump, who did wonder Sunday on Twitter, ‘‘Why didn’t these people vote?’’

The critics were women and men of color.

They saw privilege in the march that allowed hundreds of thousands of women — the overwhelming majority of them white — to march freely, beyond the borders of their permitted route in Washington, filling the streets in Los Angeles, effectively shutting down downtown Chicago, yet never encountering police in riot gear, never having to wipe away pepper spray, never fearing arrest. They saw privilege in the women posing for photos with grinning officers wearing pink ‘‘pussy hats’’ alongside them. High-fiving police, even.

Was the Women’s March just another display of white privilege? Some think so. - The Boston Globe
So, what do you think...was is color, or attitude (or something else) that contributed to protestors and police mutual respect?
Put it this way, if so many women are so anti Trump....why is this mf President? I'm all for the struggle we women have to endure, but ww as much as they want to whine, you bitches got it made in the shade and yaw know it.

Thing is, so many women are NOT anti Trump. We tried to tell you that during the election campaign but you prefer to continue to believe CNN and a .000000001% of vaginaheads. We are the adorable deplorables that aren't polled but do vote. " Hello, Nice to meet you. I see you have already met our President..."
This popped up in my feed today...

The bright-pink afterglow of the weekend’s massive Women’s March on Washington had barely faded Sunday and thousands of women were still boarding planes and buses home when the critics came out swinging.

No, not President Donald Trump, who did wonder Sunday on Twitter, ‘‘Why didn’t these people vote?’’

The critics were women and men of color.

They saw privilege in the march that allowed hundreds of thousands of women — the overwhelming majority of them white — to march freely, beyond the borders of their permitted route in Washington, filling the streets in Los Angeles, effectively shutting down downtown Chicago, yet never encountering police in riot gear, never having to wipe away pepper spray, never fearing arrest. They saw privilege in the women posing for photos with grinning officers wearing pink ‘‘pussy hats’’ alongside them. High-fiving police, even.

Was the Women’s March just another display of white privilege? Some think so. - The Boston Globe
So, what do you think...was is color, or attitude (or something else) that contributed to protestors and police mutual respect?
Put it this way, if so many women are so anti Trump....why is this mf President? I'm all for the struggle we women have to endure, but ww as much as they want to whine, you bitches got it made in the shade and yaw know it.

Thing is, so many women are NOT anti Trump. We tried to tell you that during the election campaign but you prefer to continue to believe CNN and a .000000001% of vaginaheads. We are the adorable deplorables that aren't polled but do vote. " Hello, Nice to meet you. I see you have already met our President..."
First off if I believed Polls, Obama would be the most hated president in US history....listen, I'm not a white girl fan, so save your rant and bs for somebody that gives a fuck about em, I don't
No. It is an effort by Soros to create a mob mentality to buffer the damage done by Trump to his policies he promotes through his Progress for America. The progress is moving us under UN rule. We tend to underestimate him. He has 50+ organisations to funnel money to these phony protesters, and they don't care what the next protest that Soros pulls out of his hat is. They just want the money and the 15 minutes of publicity. They use the money to convince vaginaheads to come join them by pretending it will promote someone's rights somewhere. And the Pelosiees and Ssshumers, use it to their advantage to sway voters back to the Soros agenda.

Soros has had a little more time to work his magic on Europe. And it has gone so badly, that the countries there are revolting against him. His own country doesn't allow him in their country. He is being sued and warrants are being issued for his arrest.
We need to join forces with them, not HIM, and learn from their mistakes. We need to freeze his assets here, ban him from coming here and put out a warrant for his arrest for incitement.
He is also responsible for the UN Muslim diaspora quota crap which is why he is paying people to disrupt our process, and airports, and anything else he can disrupt to get his goal to destroy us up and running again.

Everyone who is against relocation of Muslims into their state, needs to contact their state government to insist they stop importing them. And petition it. And petition a ban on UN and Soros funding of non-compliant immigration practices. Force your state government into action.
Name one Muslim immigrant that caused a terrorist act in this country, just one!!!

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