Was A Chicago Police Officer Justified Using Deadly Physical Force Against A Fellow Citizen?


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

"Abused and in and out of foster homes, Laquan McDonald's tragic life" - CNN 2015

Laquan McDonald's short, tragic life - CNN

"Laquan McDonald is being tried for murder alongside the officer who killed him" - Chicago Tribune 2018

Laquan McDonald is being tried for murder alongside the officer who killed him

"A timeline of the Chicago police shooting of Laquan McDonald"
By The Associated Press September 16, 2018

A timeline of the Chicago police shooting of Laquan McDonald

Hello. Based solely on watching the police video recording graphically showing the shooting death of Chicago teen Laquan McDonald, I DO NOT see any justification for Officer Jason Van Dyke using Deadly Physical Force against a fellow American citizen.

Laquan McDonald, Tina Hunter.jpg

American Teen and Adult Moms: Who is Raising, Nurturing & Socializing American Domestic Terrorists?

After learning Laquan was introduced to life by a 15-year-old mother named Tina Hunter, who apparently FAILED to place ABOVE ALL ELSE the emotional and physical well-being of the HUMAN LIFE she chose to create, I am trying to figure out why Tina Hunter was NOT arrested, prosecuted and CONVICTED of Criminal Child Abuse?

Sadly, I have a few questions regarding the LARGER issue of UNHEALTHY, potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC and Generational Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Maltreatment and Abandonment that THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, is depriving far too many American children and teens from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood ALL Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to enjoy during a critical period of childhood development.

Seriously, WHO is responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns, maturing into apparent depressed, frustrated, angry, emotionally ill, sometimes violent SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL, DOMESTIC AMERICAN TERRORISTS (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) causing COMMUNITY VIOLENCE, COMMUNITY FEAR, TERRORIZING, gunning down, killing American Babies and Elders, as well as impugning the image of our peaceful, responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

The late social activist Ms. Sandra Bland - Let's go to WAR #SandySpeaks

Based on twelve years of experience during the 1980s-90s as a Brooklyn, NY uniform cop and criminal investigator serving *young* 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims Shawn Carter and Christopher Wallace's neighborhoods, I have no doubts whatsoever the late Laquan McDonald, the late Michael Brown, the late Freddie Gray, the late Tyshawn Lee, the late Jamyla Bolden, the late William 'Willie' Cooper, the late Christopher Wallace, the late Sylville Smith, the late Fredricka Allen, the late Laylah Petersen, the late Nova Marie Gallman, the late Lavontay White, the late Ayanna Allen, the late Kingston Frazier, the late Ramiya Reed, the late Takiya Holmes, the late Trinity Gay, the late JaQuail Mansaw, the late Bill Thao, the late Ava Castillo, the late Ethan Ali, the late Lavontay White, the late Autumn Pasquale, the late Trinity Gay, the late Arshell Dennis III, the late Saniyah Nicholson, as well as untold numbers of American newborns, infants, toddlers, children, teens and adults...

...are among the countless “EVERYONE(s)” the late popular American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur is speaking about in his (often misinterpreted) #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* concept!!!

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

“We need more people who care; you know what I’m saying? We need more women, mothers, fathers, we need more of that…” ~Tupac Shakur

Unfortunately, before he gained the courage to properly promote his #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse *AWARENESS PREVENTION* concept, Tupac was brutally murdered by OTHER emotionally or mentally ill victims of America's Culture of African American Child Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

_tupac dr nadine burke harris common.jpg

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris -North Star-

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris North Star

How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost Killed Me" : mentalhealth

If you watch both Polaris Law video broadcasts and do not want to offer him a hug or hand shake, accompanied by kind words praising, as well as thanking Polaris for showing his strength and imparting his hard earned wisdom, you may need to take a long look in the mirror.

"Mental illness in Black Communities"
Published on Nov 10, 2010 www.dawsondenise.com

Mental illness in Black Communities

_Belinda Pittman-McGee Oprah Winfrey_02.jpg

Now that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey LOUDLY addressed our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, will YOU, a responsible, caring American citizen join Oprah & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, pediatrician & CEO of the 'Center For Youth Wellness', in passionately calling for a National MOVEMENT educating American & foreign born primary child caregivers about a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition:

"Childhood Trauma" aka
"Adverse Childhood Experiences" (#ACEs)
During a March 11, 2018 '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma," Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, shared knowledge regarding America's easily PREVENTABLE, though potentially life scarring *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS.

EYE-OPENING knowledge Oprah exuberantly confirms is a "game changer."

YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

Oprah Winfrey "Fixing The Hole In Your Soul"

In case there is any confusion, I am writing about and sharing evidence of America's MUCH IGNORED, oppressive, UNHEALTHY potentially life scarring black or African American *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that I, as well as a growing number of my reasonably responsible, caring, concerned American and foreign born neighbors believe is impeding our American neighbors of African descent from experiencing the equality and respect all peaceful, reasonably responsible Americans are entitled to enjoy.

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

EARTH Child Abuse 500.jpg

Video Native Chicagoan Identifies WHO Is Fueling HATE & Gun Violence!

James Hawthorne, tupac shakur, nadine burke harris.jpg

In today's American society I am encouraged witnessing a growing number of my peaceful American and foreign born neighbors who are ACTUALLY genuinely concerned about the future of our Nation, as well as the emotional well-being and physical health of our Nation's most precious and cherished assets.

Frankly, I suggest that in addition to listening to seemingly ignorant HATE speech and cries about systemic racism offered by a significant population of apparent illogical-thinking, freedom loving "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" American citizens adamantly believing they have a right to LOUDLY, as well as duty to HATEFULLY bully, intimidate, demean and denigrate as "C^^ns," "Sell-outs" and "Uncle Toms" our peaceful, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent...

...I recommend my reasonably responsible, caring American and foreign born neighbors ALSO listen to our neighbors whose Quality of Life is negatively impacted by a Culture of Black or African American Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment evolving from America's multi-generational, ignorant, once legal Culture of Racism.

During this NSFW YouTube broadcast (experiencing a few brief wi-fi interruptions), does native Chicagoan and active YouTube broadcaster James Hawthorne offer his American neighbors common sense as well as "from the streets" insights for why single or married primary child caregivers who do everything right when raising and nurturing their child, are still at risk of losing him of her to the STREET GANGSTA CULTURES prevalent in far too many American communities?

If you have the time to listen to James Hawthorne passionately speak about his experiences, I'd like to read your honest opinion about his thoughts, concerns as well as PAIN when witnessing and describing a specific population of black or American teen and adult MOTHERS of African descent he believes are impeding or depriving untold numbers of American children and teens from experiencing a SAFE, fairly or wonderfully happy American kid childhood all Americans have a right, as well as ABSOLUTE NEED to experience during a critical period of human/childhood development.

Do you believe our apparent caring, concerned fellow citizen James Hawthorne is speaking about a potentially life scarring *MATERNAL CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS?

"(Most) Black Women are the reason for the ignorance and killing done by (Most) Black Men" ~James Hawthorne "Ghetto News Network"

"'Pro-Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
Can anyone confirm this Chicago woman's assertions that large numbers of CHILD NEGLECTING MOMS are FAILING to protect our Nation's most precious and cherished from sexual predators?

This SALTY LANGUAGE, EXTREMELY NSFW video is filled with genuine human emotion and PAIN.

"Emotional Woman Wants Her 'TRIFLING SAVAGE' Black Sisters Destroyed!" ~Chyna Fox

Rebel's Page

PLEASE, don't go-off on me...i'm just a concerned citizen sharing testimonial evidence of potentially life scarring SYSTEMIC & GENERATIONAL Child Abuse!

Yeah, it's all of the fault of the cops.

Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 359
Shot & Wounded: 1854
Total Shot: 2213
Total Homicides: 419

Methinks Chicago needs more cows kicking over lanterns.
maybe not, but I wouldn't/don't lose sleep over a jackass criminal being shot
......why don't you worry about the totally innocent people that are doing nothing that are shot by cops
..like the WHITE Australian woman shot by a BLACK cop
maybe not, but I wouldn't/don't lose sleep over a jackass criminal being shot
......why don't you worry about the totally innocent people that are doing nothing that are shot by cops
..like the WHITE Australian woman shot by a BLACK cop

I’m sure that you agree that the death of Burleson County Texas Deputy Adam Sowders was justified. He was part of a Search Warrant team in Texas who were conducting a search of a house for drugs, with a proper warrant, when he was killed. Henry Magee was not charged with the crime, and obviously not convicted. When Magee was not even charged with killing a cop in Texas, obviously the legal system felt it was totally justified right?
maybe not, but I wouldn't/don't lose sleep over a jackass criminal being shot
......why don't you worry about the totally innocent people that are doing nothing that are shot by cops
..like the WHITE Australian woman shot by a BLACK cop

I’m sure that you agree that the death of Burleson County Texas Deputy Adam Sowders was justified. He was part of a Search Warrant team in Texas who were conducting a search of a house for drugs, with a proper warrant, when he was killed. Henry Magee was not charged with the crime, and obviously not convicted. When Magee was not even charged with killing a cop in Texas, obviously the legal system felt it was totally justified right?
who the f cares?? what's the comparison?
maybe not, but I wouldn't/don't lose sleep over a jackass criminal being shot
......why don't you worry about the totally innocent people that are doing nothing that are shot by cops
..like the WHITE Australian woman shot by a BLACK cop

I’m sure that you agree that the death of Burleson County Texas Deputy Adam Sowders was justified. He was part of a Search Warrant team in Texas who were conducting a search of a house for drugs, with a proper warrant, when he was killed. Henry Magee was not charged with the crime, and obviously not convicted. When Magee was not even charged with killing a cop in Texas, obviously the legal system felt it was totally justified right?
a cop with a warrant doing his legal job dies vs a DUMBASS jackass with a knife dying --
maybe not, but I wouldn't/don't lose sleep over a jackass criminal being shot
......why don't you worry about the totally innocent people that are doing nothing that are shot by cops
..like the WHITE Australian woman shot by a BLACK cop

I’m sure that you agree that the death of Burleson County Texas Deputy Adam Sowders was justified. He was part of a Search Warrant team in Texas who were conducting a search of a house for drugs, with a proper warrant, when he was killed. Henry Magee was not charged with the crime, and obviously not convicted. When Magee was not even charged with killing a cop in Texas, obviously the legal system felt it was totally justified right?
a cop with a warrant doing his legal job dies vs a DUMBASS jackass with a knife dying --

Well. Since the death of the officer did not result in an indictment can it be said that the cop was doing his legal job?

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