Warning labels you'd like to see


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
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Wouldn't it be nice if things in life came with warning labels? How many times could a broken heart or dead end job been avoided if only they had a warning label!

Here's your chance to come up with a warning label for something or someone!

I'll start with a few! Feel free to come up with your own! :)

"WARNING! Watching this TV show is a complete waste of time! Go outside and play with your kids!"

"WARNING! Dating this person will result in excessive guilt trips, temper tantrums and unreasonable demands!"

"WARNING! Working for this company will result in long hours with little or no recognition, no promotion and lousy pay increases!"
WARNING! Marriage is a career, not a vacation! :D
WARNING! Having four children in five years can be very stressful! (I probably should have known that one :o )
This person is about to approach you to ask about your cell phone provider.

This person is nothing like their resume said, and has no work ethics.
Life is not a "Bed of Roses".
Warning: Hard work and skill will get you more work. Sucking up will get you a rasie, a bonus and a promotion.
Warning..... this telemarketer will not under any circumstances take no for an answer...

Warning... never start a business that relies on the general public for workers......

Warning....never start a business that deals in any way with the general public....
This person is about to approach you to ask about your cell phone provider.

This person is nothing like their resume said, and has no work ethics.

WARNING: Consumption of this alcoholic product will make even the most ugly people seem disproportionately attractive. The makers of this product are not responsible for the quality of person you go home with after consuming this product.
Warning...... when they say they are single, hire a Private investigator or run like the wind..
Warning..Im about to talk on my cell phone incesstantly about all my private business in public to all my friends really loudly!!

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