War on Men continues - Thousands of men in Michigan alone forced to pay for kids they didn't father

Women love to falsely accuse a man of fathering their kids figuring he has more money than the real father. Happens every day and feminists encourage it.

Refreshing News State tells Detroit man Pay for child that isn t yours or go to jail

jan 24 2015
Carnell Alexander is a wanted man. The reason? He refuses to pay child support for a child that is proven to not be his. As a result, a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Alexander says he learned about the paternity case against him during a traffic stop in Detroit in the early 90s. The officer told him he is a deadbeat dad, there was a warrant out for his arrest.
“I knew I didn’t have a child, so I was kind of blown back,” said Alexander during an interview in October.
He would later learn this happened because his ex needed help caring for her kids.
“I put him down as father to get assistance,” she told 7 Action News.
She didn’t realize that would start a paternity case. The state would want to get reimbursement for welfare benefits from the child’s dad.

By the time Carnell learned about the paternity case, judges told him it was too late. Legally he owes the state more than $30 thousand for assistance paid to care for a child.

Carnell refuses to pay. As a result, the warrant was issued for his arrest. He plans to turn himself in on Friday.
“I will go to jail if I have to because I am tired of the mishandling of the case,” said Carnell.
“It’s not right,” said Murray Davis of the National Family Justice Association.

Davis says there are thousands of men in Carnell Alexander’s shoes because Michigan doesn’t have paternity fraud laws that protect men.

When there is evidence a woman mistakenly or purposefully declares the wrong man as husband, it doesn’t necessarily impact paternity obligations.
Davis did a study a few years back that looked at how many of the men who are declared fathers by default in Wayne County are indeed the father. He says DNA tests found 79% of the time they are not.

problem is. you gotta prove yourself innocent

buddy of mine went through that
DNA testing and court costs should be paid by the mother in case of negative results. That'd stop some of that fraud.

Trouble is, some over active teenybopperdoublebreastedbedthrashers really don't know who the daddy is so they pick the dick they liked the most.

story about my buddy mentioned earlier

my friend and his brother had a party

my friend got a girl upstairs in his bed that evening.He passed out drunk unable to perform but in the morning banged her and sent her on her way. He came downstairs acting all cocky and bragging to his brother and another guy who were fixing breakfast.

The brother and the other guy laughed hysterically at him because during the night she had sneaked downstairs and banged the brother and the other dude. My buddy got sloppy 3rds.

Anyway she got pregnant and pointed the finger at my friend , he thinks b/c he was the only one that had a job at the time.

He had to pay for the blood test which turned out negative. It was over $200 in 1980 dollars. He said the law at the time allowed for her to point the finger at only one guy.
And just think...if he had kept his pants zipped, he would not have had this problem.
The answer is simple, guys.

Make sure the children cannot leave the judicial district without the judge's written consent. If she does, file a protest in the new district and ask for a large fine and temporary custody of the children until the mother convinces the judge she will do as ordered.
Actually there's a simpler answer. DON'T have sex with someone you don't know really well...and even then, use protection.....lot's of protection. If you don't, you are irresponsible and deserve what you get.

Likewise there is No Excuse for a man to impregnate a woman knowing full well the consequences he might face.

Hey einstein. Ever hear of abortion?. That's entirely the woman's choice but if she declines and chooses birth, the man has to pay for the kid!
Who carries the "child" for 9 months? Let me know when a man has to do that, ok?
Ladies, if you elect to keep the child and the man wants to be in the mix of raising that child and he can find the right judge, you will have to abide and put your love life on hold for eighteen years, meaning you can't leave the district.
The answer is simple, guys.

Make sure the children cannot leave the judicial district without the judge's written consent. If she does, file a protest in the new district and ask for a large fine and temporary custody of the children until the mother convinces the judge she will do as ordered.
Actually there's a simpler answer. DON'T have sex with someone you don't know really well...and even then, use protection.....lot's of protection. If you don't, you are irresponsible and deserve what you get.

Thats bullshit. How about while at the same time as people wear protection we also deal with the issue at hand. Guys who arent fathers being responsible for paying for them?
The answer is simple, guys.

Make sure the children cannot leave the judicial district without the judge's written consent. If she does, file a protest in the new district and ask for a large fine and temporary custody of the children until the mother convinces the judge she will do as ordered.
Actually there's a simpler answer. DON'T have sex with someone you don't know really well...and even then, use protection.....lot's of protection. If you don't, you are irresponsible and deserve what you get.

Thats bullshit. How about while at the same time as people wear protection we also deal with the issue at hand. Guys who arent fathers being responsible for paying for them?
I look at it this way....if a man doesn't EVER have sex with a woman.....that's the easy first step to proving they aren't the father of a child. See?
The answer is simple, guys.

Make sure the children cannot leave the judicial district without the judge's written consent. If she does, file a protest in the new district and ask for a large fine and temporary custody of the children until the mother convinces the judge she will do as ordered.
Actually there's a simpler answer. DON'T have sex with someone you don't know really well...and even then, use protection.....lot's of protection. If you don't, you are irresponsible and deserve what you get.

Thats bullshit. How about while at the same time as people wear protection we also deal with the issue at hand. Guys who arent fathers being responsible for paying for them?
I look at it this way....if a man doesn't EVER have sex with a woman.....that's the easy first step to proving they aren't the father of a child. See?

Thats actually the first step to ignoring the real issue here. Congrats tho.
The answer is simple, guys.

Make sure the children cannot leave the judicial district without the judge's written consent. If she does, file a protest in the new district and ask for a large fine and temporary custody of the children until the mother convinces the judge she will do as ordered.
Actually there's a simpler answer. DON'T have sex with someone you don't know really well...and even then, use protection.....lot's of protection. If you don't, you are irresponsible and deserve what you get.

Thats bullshit. How about while at the same time as people wear protection we also deal with the issue at hand. Guys who arent fathers being responsible for paying for them?
I look at it this way....if a man doesn't EVER have sex with a woman.....that's the easy first step to proving they aren't the father of a child. See?

Thats actually the first step to ignoring the real issue here. Congrats tho.
Nope...that IS the real issue. For any man who is smart enough to keep his pants zipped for any Mary, Jane, or Sally.....this is not even an issue. Imagine if most men did that.
The answer is simple, guys.

Make sure the children cannot leave the judicial district without the judge's written consent. If she does, file a protest in the new district and ask for a large fine and temporary custody of the children until the mother convinces the judge she will do as ordered.
Actually there's a simpler answer. DON'T have sex with someone you don't know really well...and even then, use protection.....lot's of protection. If you don't, you are irresponsible and deserve what you get.

Thats bullshit. How about while at the same time as people wear protection we also deal with the issue at hand. Guys who arent fathers being responsible for paying for them?
I look at it this way....if a man doesn't EVER have sex with a woman.....that's the easy first step to proving they aren't the father of a child. See?

Thats actually the first step to ignoring the real issue here. Congrats tho.
Nope...that IS the real issue. For any man who is smart enough to keep his pants zipped for any Mary, Jane, or Sally.....this is not even an issue. Imagine if most men did that.

Imagine in fairy tales? Why? We're talking about reality...not a place were men dont copulate with women and ride unicorns to lollipop hill

Likewise there is No Excuse for a man to impregnate a woman knowing full well the consequences he might face.

Hey einstein. Ever hear of abortion?. That's entirely the woman's choice but if she declines and chooses birth, the man has to pay for the kid!

Which is why he is making an informed choice when he decides to have sex . If he knows he won't have a choice later and still takes the risk, that's on him.
Women love to falsely accuse a man of fathering their kids figuring he has more money than the real father. Happens every day and feminists encourage it.

Refreshing News State tells Detroit man Pay for child that isn t yours or go to jail

jan 24 2015
Carnell Alexander is a wanted man. The reason? He refuses to pay child support for a child that is proven to not be his. As a result, a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Alexander says he learned about the paternity case against him during a traffic stop in Detroit in the early 90s. The officer told him he is a deadbeat dad, there was a warrant out for his arrest.
“I knew I didn’t have a child, so I was kind of blown back,” said Alexander during an interview in October.
He would later learn this happened because his ex needed help caring for her kids.
“I put him down as father to get assistance,” she told 7 Action News.
She didn’t realize that would start a paternity case. The state would want to get reimbursement for welfare benefits from the child’s dad.

By the time Carnell learned about the paternity case, judges told him it was too late. Legally he owes the state more than $30 thousand for assistance paid to care for a child.

Carnell refuses to pay. As a result, the warrant was issued for his arrest. He plans to turn himself in on Friday.
“I will go to jail if I have to because I am tired of the mishandling of the case,” said Carnell.
“It’s not right,” said Murray Davis of the National Family Justice Association.

Davis says there are thousands of men in Carnell Alexander’s shoes because Michigan doesn’t have paternity fraud laws that protect men.

When there is evidence a woman mistakenly or purposefully declares the wrong man as husband, it doesn’t necessarily impact paternity obligations.
Davis did a study a few years back that looked at how many of the men who are declared fathers by default in Wayne County are indeed the father. He says DNA tests found 79% of the time they are not.

problem is. you gotta prove yourself innocent

buddy of mine went through that
DNA testing and court costs should be paid by the mother in case of negative results. That'd stop some of that fraud.

Trouble is, some over active teenybopperdoublebreastedbedthrashers really don't know who the daddy is so they pick the dick they liked the most.

Not really, they mostly pick the guy with the biggest wallet.
Imagine if women kept their legs closed, Bodecea.

Can be said about men equally.

No it cant...Men and women arent the same. I.E. men can have their legs open and nothing will get in his vagina because he doesnt have one

If men don't want to risk pregnancy and the consequences of child support ot abortion then they don't need to have sex.

It goes both ways.

You have a choice not to impregnate.
People put themselves in these situations through shear irresponsibility. I don't feel bad for them.

HAHAHA...What? So a guy is minding his business and some lady names him as the father. Its his fault he has to pay 18 years of support because of what wrong action?

You can commit a murder and do less than 18 years maan, ya'll are funny
Imagine if women kept their legs closed, Bodecea.

Can be said about men equally.

No it cant...Men and women arent the same. I.E. men can have their legs open and nothing will get in his vagina because he doesnt have one

If men don't want to risk pregnancy and the consequences of child support ot abortion then they don't need to have sex.

It goes both ways.

You have a choice not to impregnate.

Listen, these guys are NOT impregnating anyone yet they have to pay for it. I'd LOVE to hear why that makes sense.
Women love to falsely accuse a man of fathering their kids figuring he has more money than the real father. Happens every day and feminists encourage it.

Refreshing News State tells Detroit man Pay for child that isn t yours or go to jail

jan 24 2015
Carnell Alexander is a wanted man. The reason? He refuses to pay child support for a child that is proven to not be his. As a result, a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Alexander says he learned about the paternity case against him during a traffic stop in Detroit in the early 90s. The officer told him he is a deadbeat dad, there was a warrant out for his arrest.
“I knew I didn’t have a child, so I was kind of blown back,” said Alexander during an interview in October.
He would later learn this happened because his ex needed help caring for her kids.
“I put him down as father to get assistance,” she told 7 Action News.
She didn’t realize that would start a paternity case. The state would want to get reimbursement for welfare benefits from the child’s dad.

By the time Carnell learned about the paternity case, judges told him it was too late. Legally he owes the state more than $30 thousand for assistance paid to care for a child.

Carnell refuses to pay. As a result, the warrant was issued for his arrest. He plans to turn himself in on Friday.
“I will go to jail if I have to because I am tired of the mishandling of the case,” said Carnell.
“It’s not right,” said Murray Davis of the National Family Justice Association.

Davis says there are thousands of men in Carnell Alexander’s shoes because Michigan doesn’t have paternity fraud laws that protect men.

When there is evidence a woman mistakenly or purposefully declares the wrong man as husband, it doesn’t necessarily impact paternity obligations.
Davis did a study a few years back that looked at how many of the men who are declared fathers by default in Wayne County are indeed the father. He says DNA tests found 79% of the time they are not.

problem is. you gotta prove yourself innocent

buddy of mine went through that

Wouldn't a simple DNA test prove that? they have to prove paternity before they can issue child support anyways, they can't just go off the word of the woman, if that were the case anyone could say Michael Jordan is the father of their child.
People put themselves in these situations through shear irresponsibility. I don't feel bad for them.

HAHAHA...What? So a guy is minding his business and some lady names him as the father. Its his fault he has to pay 18 years of support because of what wrong action?

Imagine if women kept their legs closed, Bodecea.

Can be said about men equally.

No it cant...Men and women arent the same. I.E. men can have their legs open and nothing will get in his vagina because he doesnt have one

If men don't want to risk pregnancy and the consequences of child support ot abortion then they don't need to have sex.

It goes both ways.

You have a choice not to impregnate.

Listen, these guys are NOT impregnating anyone yet they have to pay for it. I'd LOVE to hear why that makes sense.

There are several discussions going on.

If you read the entire thread, you'd see I never agreed or condoned what happened to the man in the original article.

The other discussion has been about men having choices in abortion and what should be done.

The other thing addressed is that pretty much most men already know women have the power after a pregnancy occurs, so they go in (pun) knowing they risk losing that decision later once a pregnancy occurs.
Women love to falsely accuse a man of fathering their kids figuring he has more money than the real father. Happens every day and feminists encourage it.

Refreshing News State tells Detroit man Pay for child that isn t yours or go to jail

jan 24 2015
Carnell Alexander is a wanted man. The reason? He refuses to pay child support for a child that is proven to not be his. As a result, a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

Alexander says he learned about the paternity case against him during a traffic stop in Detroit in the early 90s. The officer told him he is a deadbeat dad, there was a warrant out for his arrest.
“I knew I didn’t have a child, so I was kind of blown back,” said Alexander during an interview in October.
He would later learn this happened because his ex needed help caring for her kids.
“I put him down as father to get assistance,” she told 7 Action News.
She didn’t realize that would start a paternity case. The state would want to get reimbursement for welfare benefits from the child’s dad.

By the time Carnell learned about the paternity case, judges told him it was too late. Legally he owes the state more than $30 thousand for assistance paid to care for a child.

Carnell refuses to pay. As a result, the warrant was issued for his arrest. He plans to turn himself in on Friday.
“I will go to jail if I have to because I am tired of the mishandling of the case,” said Carnell.
“It’s not right,” said Murray Davis of the National Family Justice Association.

Davis says there are thousands of men in Carnell Alexander’s shoes because Michigan doesn’t have paternity fraud laws that protect men.

When there is evidence a woman mistakenly or purposefully declares the wrong man as husband, it doesn’t necessarily impact paternity obligations.
Davis did a study a few years back that looked at how many of the men who are declared fathers by default in Wayne County are indeed the father. He says DNA tests found 79% of the time they are not.

problem is. you gotta prove yourself innocent

buddy of mine went through that

Wouldn't a simple DNA test prove that? they have to prove paternity before they can issue child support anyways, they can't just go off the word of the woman, if that were the case anyone could say Michael Jordan is the father of their child.

You'd think so but even if you date the girl while shes pregnant she can hit you up for support. Which is fair somehow except no one is able to verbalize how it is.

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