Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD
Sorry, but you are suffering from "liberal wrongitise."
Gop Guy was dead right about this, YOU were the one who qualified it with Iraq. Whether you use his comments from when he came back from admittedly killing babies & torching villages to his voting record in the Senate to his campaign rhetoric, Kerry would give the corrupt U.N.[A body created mostly by U.S. soviet spies] final veto power over the defense of our nation, thus giving away our autonomy.
Actually, everyone BUT Kerry will pay more taxes. I think what you meant was that his sugar mama will pay more. Actually, since it's just pre-existing wealth, I guess neither of them will.
Oh, liberals don't mind guns? News to me. I guess their hatred of the NRA & attempting to chip away at the Second Amendment must be my imagination.
I love how liberals don't mind chipping away at a REAL right, but hysterically start screaming about some "slippery slope" when it comes to THEIR kind of murder: Abortion.
Let's get this out of the way, right now....
Women do NOT have the right to control their own bodies.
Can one prostitute their OWN body?
Can one LEGALLY commit suicide?
Can one ingest illegal drugs?
Can one go on Ebay & sell a kidney?
Gee, I guess NOBODY has complete control over their own bodies.LMFAO
Oh, wait! When you referred to the woman's health & life, you weren't referring to the UNBORN woman, were you?
As stated before, Bush has given three pay raises since becoming President. Kerry not only has voted again & again against the military & the CIA, he MOST recently voted to hang our soldiers in Iraq out to dry. This, even though he told CBS a few weeks earlier that ANYBODY that voted against the final passage, just because they were against the final method for funding it, would be totally reckless & irresponsible, hence the infamous "I actually voted FOR it before I voted AGAINST it" moment. This guy can't even run his own MOUTH properly, and you liberals want to let him take a shot at running AMERICA? ROTFLMFAO......So sad, indeed!
Sorry, dude, but once AGAIN you have fu*ked up the names. It was your boys Clinton & Carter, the Disaster Duo, who fuc&ed North Korea up, once again leaving another mess for Bush to clean up.
Clinton: (Thick southern accent) "Sure, ya'll can have all the food, money, and general aid you fellas need.
Kim Jong Il: Ah, me so sorry, but wat abowt checkene up ohh us?
Clinton: Ah, ya'll look like nice, trustworthy good old boys. We trust ya!
Kim: Ah, tank yoo vehy moch. Me wruv you long time, G I Joe! You good frin.(As he rubs his lil' filthy commie hands together & gets a nuclear missile-size erection.)
Clinton: Can ya recommend any good bath houses?"
Now that they have nukes, President Bush & his administration have been masterfully working the Chinese, Japanese, & other Asian nations to pressure North Korea to come clean & disarm. Hopefully, it won't lead to war, but I am glad that you, aclu, have now endorsed going to war with them.
Just remember, like 9/11, if you wake up one day and there is a mushroom cloud over the Left Coast, send a "Thank You" note to The Slick One.
Thankfully, Bush supports the Reagan doctrine: Trust, BUT VERIFY!
Negotiating is fine, but what you sad liberals have NEVER understood is that no tyrants ever take you guys seriously.LOL *Refer to #6
See, you have to make sure that the bad guys KNOOOOOOOW that you are ready & willing to use force if negotiations fail.
Say it with me, liberals.....PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH!
You need to take THIS one to the Al Franken Comedy Club.
Yes, and ALL the credible books illustrate how law enforcement & intelligence are the covert side of the war on terror, the military part of the equation is the overt side, and BOTH are vital.
Gee, let's see. Liberals hate BOTH the military AND the CIA[human intelligence]. I guess that leaves you guys with pathetic, begging diplomatic failures.LMFAO I love you guys!
As for your horrible disease, liberal wrongitise, I want you to know that not all hope is lost. Just go down to your local board of elections, register as a Republican, and I promise a full recovery. I know that I felt a LOT better when I did it and left the "other" Evil Empire.