Wanna feel both insignificant and astounded?

Well, the truth is that even at warp speed, the stars on the screen would hardly be moving if any at all, but faster than light travel has been theoretically conceded.

I like quark degenerated matter as well, but no one can say what happens to the quarks once the strong force is overcome.
As to dark matter, I'm convinced it is real, as opposed to dark energy which thus far is just a convenient invention designed to satisfy a gaping flaw between theory and observation, but I also speculate a connection between black holes and dark matter; there is a hidden connection between the weak force of gravity and the ultimate state of the universe. And since gravity causes space to curve back upon itself then time must curve back upon itself as well making beginning and end all relative. In fact, some have speculated that our universe is but a black hole (or a quark) within an even larger universe.

But as of now, I believe we are still completely getting wrong the true nature and role of gravity and its relationship with spacetime, but the important point is to not fall into the trap that the universe is an object, something positioned with boundaries in space and time like a cube you can hold in your hand; the universe is mind, consciousness, and as such, is unlimited, unbounded-- whatever can be imagined can be done because thought creates reality, not the other way around.
Other than it's effect on surrounding objects almost nothing is known about gravity.

IMO figuring out gravity is the key to FYL travel.

Obviously not, since they do occur all over the universe.

Other end of the black hole? None of this is known or even theorized by serious scientists. There is no need for the stuff to go anywhere, though some like to speculate that the stuff taken up into a BH comes out somewhere else in a White Hole, but none of this is supported by observation as it would violate the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Proof Is from the Effects

The other universe can't be observed, so they conclude that it doesn't exist. But it's the only logical answer. These astrogeeks are playing with fantasy characters to fill gaps they are incapable of understanding.
NASA didn't want to admit that it was the problem. Then Feynman did a live on TV demonstration of how the cold made the O ring fail.

As I recall, when too cold, the overlap of the cylindrical rings of the sections of the booster vibrate and shake horribly during launch from the vibrations of the engines and when too cold, the o-rings simply no longer have the compliance to retain their seal and to adjust far or fast enough to retain integrity, the fuel leaks out, gets ignited by the exhaust, and the rest is history. NASA (or at least its director) gambled on the astronauts lives out of a political need to retain public image with Congress who funds them, and they lost.
Other than it's effect on surrounding objects almost nothing is known about gravity.
Good point. The effect gravity has on bodies in space is indeed "gravity," without that effect, gravity would not be known to exist, indeed, gravity is the only "force" in our universe with no identified force carrier (like any gauge boson such as the photon, gluon or W-Z boson) which is why I call it a field rather than a force. There is no "gravitron" that we can identify.

IMO figuring out gravity is the key to FYL travel.
As I recall, it was a John Michael--Michel?--something like that--in the last 18th Century who was credited with being the first to theorize about 'dark stars' with such powerful gravity nothing, not even light, could escape them. In his day he was probably blown off as a crackpot by most.

I don't believe or disbelieve a lot of stuff put out there as science. But I tend to go with the old maxim that if it can be imagined, it can be done. Eventually.
Yes, it arises straight from Newton's universal gravitation theory. We simply choose values for mass and radius that get an even horizon (an abstract shell) that sits above the surfcace.

Very simple calculation if I recall, but I'd need to refresh my memory.
Ahh yes, called the Schwarzschild radius.

How do the many science deniers here and elsewhere deal with the cognitive dissonance when confronted with science that blows their minds -- yet hasn't been politicized by the right yet?

NOVA is great -- PBS and NASA is great Real Deal Science

now about that global warming and climate change

Hmm. I can see it now - something like this

"I’m not a man of science. I wish I were...I love science. I just don’t do it very well. But I will argue against NASA on Global Warming and Climate Change until the end times come marching in."


Episode aired Jul 3, 2019
Explore scientific discoveries on television's most acclaimed science documentary series.

I smell NASA science

Black Hole Universe

PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages

and NOVA for Dummies (meaning FaceBook/META boobs)
NOVA Black Hole Universe - Astrophysicist Janna Levin explores black hole science.Tonight at 8pm only on WTVP!

Last edited:
Other than it's effect on surrounding objects almost nothing is known about gravity.

IMO figuring out gravity is the key to FYL travel.
Shadowing Matter

It takes place in the fourth spatial dimension.

The maximum velocity out there is c-squared, covering a light-year's distance here in three minutes.

By the way, c comes from celeritas, as in accelerate.
At least with Apollo 1 it was a new system.

Yeah well, Gus Grissom was a hero of mine, IMO, the quintessential astronaut. A national hero. He smelled something was very wrong with the bucket they had built and the original command module that NASA designed and built was just a flaming piece of CRAP with more design flaws and safety risks than I even want to try to name.

It was a piece of shit thrown together bypassing a thousand safety tests in order to cut time trying to meet Kennedy's time schedule and to beat the Russians to the Moon. Worse, those three men didn't even die in space but in a NASA test facility right here on the ground.

That piece of crap exposed all of its flaws in the early shakedowns first by having unprotected wire run over sharp edges until it caused a short igniting the oxygen atmosphere, then some dumbfuck designed the door to open inward as the easiest way to make one so that the pressure inside would help seal it closed, but instead, all it did was seal the door shut that no one inside could open it to escape.

The final screw-up was running these tests under full 100% oxygen and not just a normal atmosphere, no fire suppression system and no emergency bleeder to vent the pressure so to release the door.

Still galls me to this day.

Had A1 not burned up on the ground here in testing, it would have assuredly had a major malfunction killing all at some point in space. If there was any good from it it is that by failing right away during early ground testing instead of during some later step of trying to reach the Moon in space, it probably saved the entire Apollo program from being scrapped.
How do the many science deniers here and elsewhere deal with the cognitive dissonance when confronted with science that blows their minds -- yet hasn't been politicized by the right yet?

NOVA is great -- PBS and NASA is great Real Deal Science

now about that global warming and climate change

Hmm. I can see it now - something like this

"I’m not a man of science. I wish I were...I love science. I just don’t do it very well. But I will argue against NASA on Global Warming and Climate Change until the end times come marching in."


Episode aired Jul 3, 2019
Explore scientific discoveries on television's most acclaimed science documentary series.

I smell NASA science

Black Hole Universe

PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages

and NOVA for Dummies (meaning FaceBook/META boobs)
NOVA Black Hole Universe - Astrophysicist Janna Levin explores black hole science.Tonight at 8pm only on WTVP!


The dainty can’t even manage to post on topic about matters on which he casually agrees.

Why can’t the dainty just post on topic without his petulant petty off topic bullshit snark? Probably clinical.
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So the guy in the video thinks something isn't right? Something exploded? Before there can be success, there has to be failure, and one learns how to do it right by first getting it wrong. Baby steps.

... but NASA/Boeing have to be held to a higher standard because? ...

I just thought it funny that just after you sing Elon's praise, he immediately has a terrible failure ... partial failure ... that was trick how he caught the booster rocket ...
... but NASA/Boeing have to be held to a higher standard because? ...
Who said a higher standard? NASA and Boeing are notorious for huge cost overruns and missing deadlines by a million miles. The Boeing Starship was supposed to be Nasa's MAIN manned launch vehicle with the X Dragon the backup yet the Dragon has been in service for YEARS while the Starship is in a garage still being worked on because it just left its first crew stranded on the Space station for 9 months for a 1 week mission. SpaceX comes in on time and under budget and delivers.

I just thought it funny that just after you sing Elon's praise, he immediately has a terrible failure ... partial failure ...
Yep, shit happens. They will analyze it and get it fixed. Then it will be another success of Musk's.
Yes, it arises straight from Newton's universal gravitation theory. We simply choose values for mass and radius that get an even horizon (an abstract shell) that sits above the surfcace.

Very simple calculation if I recall, but I'd need to refresh my memory.
Doesn't seem simple to someone as advanced math challenged as I am LOL. I just take their word for it that those who figure these things out aren't advanced math challenged. :)
How do the many science deniers here and elsewhere deal with the cognitive dissonance when confronted with science that blows their minds -- yet hasn't been politicized by the right yet?

NOVA is great -- PBS and NASA is great Real Deal Science

now about that global warming and climate change

Hmm. I can see it now - something like this

"I’m not a man of science. I wish I were...I love science. I just don’t do it very well. But I will argue against NASA on Global Warming and Climate Change until the end times come marching in."


Episode aired Jul 3, 2019
Explore scientific discoveries on television's most acclaimed science documentary series.

I smell NASA science

Black Hole Universe

PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages

and NOVA for Dummies (meaning FaceBook/META boobs)
NOVA Black Hole Universe - Astrophysicist Janna Levin explores black hole science.Tonight at 8pm only on WTVP!

NA$A's Childish Trekkie Circus

Outer space has no practical value, but it appropriates the reputation achieved by practical science. It only has entertainment value, pacifying useless degenerates and numbing their minds away from practical achievements. We should channel our scientific talents into going into the opposite direction, exploring and developing the neglected but huge amount of natural resources all the way to Earth's core.

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