Wanna Be Terrorists ran like the cowards they are!

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
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In the recesses of your mind
Went to Dollar Tree today. Was standing there at a shelf of goods deciding what I would get..................

While I was shopping and minding my own business, three little terrorists came in and started harassing people and throwing stuff around on the floors. Three white boys between about 10 and 15 years of age.

Then they started harassing ME, grabbing stuff off the shelves and throwing into my basket! I just ignored it as they seemed to be walking away - but apparently since I didn't say anything, these little TERRORISTS mistook me as an easy target.

WRONG! They turned around and started grabbing stuff off the shelf again and throwing it into my basket. I told them to leave or I was calling the police.

They then started harassing me harder, calling me names, and making threatening gestures towards me. I started to walk towards them and they ran out the door cursing at me, like the little terrorist pussies they are!!

I then called the police. Apparently they were on their own, running in and out of stores harassing people, as I saw them come out of the store next door when I was leaving and run into the store on the other side. And thats when the police showed up as I was exiting the parking lot.

Be leery in Dollar Tree. Their employees are pussies as well. NONE of them attempted to defend a customer, nor did they even bother attempting to grab the little monsters and drag them out of the store! If you are attacked in a Dollar Tree, YOU WILL BE ON YOUR OWN!

If they were carrying weapons and decided to use them, Dollar Tree would have one nasty million dollar payout legal mess on their hands!

I wasn't having none of it. If they wanted to take me down, I was going down with some revenge on my hands!!
Went to Dollar Tree today. Was standing there at a shelf of goods deciding what I would get..................

While I was shopping and minding my own business, three little terrorists came in and started harassing people and throwing stuff around on the floors. Three white boys between about 10 and 15 years of age.

Then they started harassing ME, grabbing stuff off the shelves and throwing into my basket! I just ignored it as they seemed to be walking away - but apparently since I didn't say anything, these little TERRORISTS mistook me as an easy target.

WRONG! They turned around and started grabbing stuff off the shelf again and throwing it into my basket. I told them to leave or I was calling the police.

They then started harassing me harder, calling me names, and making threatening gestures towards me. I started to walk towards them and they ran out the door cursing at me, like the little terrorist pussies they are!!

I then called the police. Apparently they were on their own, running in and out of stores harassing people, as I saw them come out of the store next door when I was leaving and run into the store on the other side. And thats when the police showed up as I was exiting the parking lot.

Be leery in Dollar Tree. Their employees are pussies as well. NONE of them attempted to defend a customer, nor did they even bother attempting to grab the little monsters and drag them out of the store! If you are attacked in a Dollar Tree, YOU WILL BE ON YOUR OWN!

If they were carrying weapons and decided to use them, Dollar Tree would have one nasty million dollar payout legal mess on their hands!

I wasn't having none of it. If they wanted to take me down, I was going down with some revenge on my hands!!
You should have destroyed the backs of their ankles with your cart while saying EXCUSE ME!
Be leery in Dollar Tree. Their employees are pussies as well.
As well they should be. Retailers have 0% of their employees backs and would fire them in an instant. You were kinder than I might have been, I'm big enough that I probably should have played football in my youth and I might have grabbed two of them by the throats, dragged both to the back of the store where the cameras can't see (always be aware of where the cameras are), then picked both up by the throat cutting off their air until they turned blue and pissed all over themselves, then pants them and sent them back outside in their underwear.

Runner up option: bang their heads together and leave them senseless. These kids have a real respect issue for people because obviously, they have been getting away with this stuff with impunity for far too long.
As well they should be. Retailers have 0% of their employees backs and would fire them in an instant. You were kinder than I might have been, I'm big enough that I probably should have played football in my youth and I might have grabbed two of them by the throats, dragged both to the back of the store where the cameras can't see (always be aware of where the cameras are), then picked both up by the throat cutting off their air until they turned blue and pissed all over themselves, then pants them and sent them back outside in their underwear.

Runner up option: bang their heads together and leave them senseless. These kids have a real respect issue for people because obviously, they have been getting away with this stuff with impunity for far too long.

I find it interesting out of all the little old ladies in the dollar store.............they picked ME as their target.........
6 foot 4 inch at 300 pounds. I could have flicked them like boogers and shot them into the wall.
I find it interesting out of all the little old ladies in the dollar store.............they picked ME as their target.........
6 foot 4 inch at 300 pounds. I could have flicked them like boogers and shot them into the wall.

Cripes, aren't you a girl? You're almost as big as me. I would have thrown the package in my cart back at him, and maybe tripped him so he went face first into the metal rack in the candy aisle. Don't want to be accused of assaulting some little teen punk. :SMILEW~130:

Another option: knock the wind out of him and while he is trying to fall down, hold him up by the belt, pull his pants away from his belly and pour a bottle of juice down his pants. :smile:
Sounds bogus to me.

Same here, sounds like a bunch of b.s. to me as well.

And, I'm wondering why the OP is calling them "terrorists"? I'm guessing that the OP doesn't really have any idea as to what a terrorist really is.

Me? I wouldn't elevate them to that level of notoriety, as I would prefer to call people like that "punks" instead.

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