Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

I don't count unemployment as an entitlement myself. Take that out of the equation and it certainly doesn't "pay better" to be on welfare.

A more correct assessment would be that it pays enough that people who are losers and don't care about bettering themselves would rather be on welfare than earn what minimum wage jobs pay.
But you want to argue otherwise, fine. We agree to disagree. Until you can prove it, I'm sticking with my experience.

All 6 months of it? lulz.

You have the right to be wrong, with whatever rationalizaiton you want.

So the question is, are the Interstates so much better of a road, that they were worth hundreds of billions?

Abso-freaking-lutely. State roads are crap compared to interstates. The ride quality alone makes a huge difference, not just for the driver mind you, but the smoother a trip is, the less likely you run into load shifting.

Never had a problem, nor was the trip 'less smooth'. Your opinion is noted. I disagree.

State funds that would have gone to state roads, were instead diverted to Federal roads. Then you want to claim state roads are not quite as good?

Shoulda coulda woulda don't mean shit, unfortunately.

Lame rationalization.

On top of that, the cost is much higher for Federal roads, than state roads. If you look at the major construction companies, they list different costs per mile of state roads than Federal roads, and it's over a 50% increase.

Right, because interstates were designed for commercial vehicles, whereas state roads were designed for cars, light trucks, vans, and u-haul sized box trucks that they had "back in the day" when state roads were the only option.

I want you to provide direct proof of that claim, for Route 40 or 23. Prove that claim. You people just make up crap.

do you really think Federal roads are worth how much it cost?

Ask it a million times if you want to, the answer remains the same... hell yes. If you want to do away with the duplicity that is fine by me... demolish US40.

No, I already know your ignorant, uninformed, make it up, unsupportable opinion.

The rest of us, are not convinced by "dur... those road are not designed for the trucks that travel on them every single day!.... dur".

That's not a rational argument to people who can think independently of the leftist stupidity.

Listen, bl

Blaw blaw blaw blaw blaw....

Listen up blowhard..... You want be dumb and ignorant? That's fine. You are allowed.

Beyond that, I don't have to listen, or respond to your blathering insults. Have a nice day :)

You .

Blaw blaw blaw blwa blaw blaw blaw blaw...

You've been a jerk for ages, and you still think that I care what you think of me... At what point do you stop being so ignorant? I don't care what you think. "well you're a..." blaw? Blwa blaw blaw? Don't care stupid. Your opinion of me, could not possibly get any lower in importance in my world.

That's why I'm just mocking you now :)

Since you seem

I'm sorry were you saying something?

I have no trouble quoting, when the other person is worth quoting. You have proven that you have nothing worth quoting.

So, just keep blaw blaw blawing all you want.

When you stop being a jerk, maybe someone will give a crap what you think.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

I don't count unemployment as an entitlement myself. Take that out of the equation and it certainly doesn't "pay better" to be on welfare.

A more correct assessment would be that it pays enough that people who are losers and don't care about bettering themselves would rather be on welfare than earn what minimum wage jobs pay.

Exactly. All the way back to high school, when I was working at McDonald, we had a lady that showed up and on her first day said openly that she intended to work only long enough to get back on welfare, and even told us the exact day she would qualify again. Sure enough, on that day she stopped showing up for work.

This is the reality.

75% of McDonald's Franchise owners, started off as crew members. Yet I promise you, that lady today, is still just as impoverished as she was back in the 90s at McDonald's.

She held herself down with her bad choices. Not McDonalds.
The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

First off..... lol.... Anyone who says that working at McD's, in an air conditioned building, with a rest area, and free meal, and the work is flipping a burger over, is a "miserable slave"... is a completely ignorant fool.

If you think working at McDs or Walmart, is 'miserable slave' work... you are brainless idiot. You are a moron, that has not really put in a full days hard work in your life.

Let me tell you about working at the factory.

You had to be there 15 minutes BEFORE your shift started, because it required that long to put on the safety gear.

Oh, and don't be late. If the bell rings, and you are not at your post twice in one month, even 1 minute late.... you finished. They walk you to the door.

There was a thermometer on the wall when you walked in. If it was 90º outside, it was 110º inside. There were no 'smoke breaks' at the factory. If you left your position without permission, and someone to cover you, you were walked to the door, and sent home.

There were no 'breaks'. Not like at McDonalds, where you go to the break room, and sit and watch TV for 15 minutes. Why? Because the only break room was on the opposite side of the factory. By the time you got there, it was time to walk back, and if you were not at your position when the bell rang, and the line started, you were walked to the door and sent home.

Instead, at 'break' time, you stood leaning against the rails. No chairs. No tables.

You stood the entire 8 hours, lifting and moving 25 lbs, and 50 lbs steel cylinders, pulling them off the line, checking for leaks, and stacking them on pallets. In front of you was the curing furnace, which had flames spilling out the entire time.

You started sweating, the moment you walked into the building, and did not stop until you were half way home after the shift was over. At home, you would take a shower, and run your hands through your hair, and feel crystallized salt, from your sweat.

And you think.... working at McDonald is 'miserable slave' work? You are full of CRAP. You spoiled brat American wimp. GROW UP! Go work a real hard job. You'll be BEGGING for a job at Walmart.
I'm sorry were you saying something?

I have no trouble quoting, when the other person is worth quoting. You have proven that you have nothing worth quoting.

Ya heard it here first, folks. Facts are not worth quoting when someone is shown up to be an idiot.

Listen, blowhard retard. Just because somebody is calling you out on the idiocy you spew doesn't mean they're "leftist". It's fucking hilarious watching jackasses like you put your ignorance on display for the world to see simply because I disagree with you, because anybody that has actually read my posts in more than one or two threads knows that "leftist" or "conservative" are both ridiculous labels for me.

The federal interstate system is designed for commercial vehicles and are regulated to prevent states from placing limitations on them that would prevent their use by said commercial vehicles. It's one of the (very) few things the government has actually done to make a carrier's life a little easier, because drivers don't have to research every damned state they're driving through to make sure their truck/trailer combo isn't a foot too long, or 200 pounds too heavy. There are uniform size/weight restrictions across all 48 continental states*.

If you think that doesn't make my life easier as a driver, I'm glad you got your stupid ass out of a truck.

* The bridge law requirement is a notable exception, which is managed fairly easily by keeping the tandems set all the way forward or at any point between all the way forward to the California bridge law setting, which is the most restrictive).
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

Different people have different conceptions of misery. My point is, if someone would rather work a job - even if it pays less than what you think is suitable - why shouldn't they be allowed to?
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

Different people have different conceptions of misery. My point is, if someone would rather work a job - even if it pays less than what you think is suitable - why shouldn't they be allowed to?

While I agree with the concept of a minimum wage on paper, it doesn't work in practice because people find ways to work around it via subcontracting, salaries, and under the table pay.

Truth of the matter is, people will find a way to employ those willing to work for peanuts if they can find the applicants.

The minimum wage is much like communism... sounds great in theory, but human greed makes it implausible in practice.
I'm sorry were you saying something?

I have no trouble quoting, when the other person is worth quoting. You have proven that you have nothing worth quoting.

Ya heard it here

Still pretending what you think matters to everyone on the forum. Jerks always have a few supporters, but are otherwise ignored... just like I'm ignoring most of your post. Have a nice day.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

Different people have different conceptions of misery. My point is, if someone would rather work a job - even if it pays less than what you think is suitable - why shouldn't they be allowed to?

Agreed. And many people do work lower paying jobs, to have a job they enjoy more.

But of course the left things they know better than everyone, including the employer and employee, what that contract should be. Arrogance, and leftism, go hand in hand.
Walmart could do better. America as a whole could do better in how it treats its workers. Unfortunately, too many of my Conservative friends feel compelled to defend Corporations like Walmart and denigrate Workers.

But you can be a Capitalist and still defend the workers. You don't have to Goose Step along and lick Corporate boots. Sometimes Corporations are wrong. And it's ok to point that out. Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They've earned their reputation.

Agreed. But this thread isn't really about Wal-Mart. It's about mini,um wage nonsense.

And the minimum wage is too low.

Simple as that. What some "conservatives" can't figure out is that they need to get past the "no no no" rhetoric or they're not going to be part o the discussion of what a reasonable minimum wage would be, then they will really be pissed when they have no say.

Americans are tired of the "no no no"

Apparently "no job" is better in leftard world.

Yep. The minimum wage movement might as well be called the "War on Scabs".

Actually, that's how bad things have gotten for workers. No job might just be a better option.

It might be. The question is, who gets to make that call?

The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

Different people have different conceptions of misery. My point is, if someone would rather work a job - even if it pays less than what you think is suitable - why shouldn't they be allowed to?

Agreed. And many people do work lower paying jobs, to have a job they enjoy more.

But of course the left things they know better than everyone, including the employer and employee, what that contract should be. Arrogance, and leftism, go hand in hand.

Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?

LOL it does no such thing.

Listen, any competent business manager is going to A) have their staff EXACTLY where they need in comparison to sales , and as an example McDonalds does just this, they place labor at 20% of sales , the wage per employee doesn't matter, 20% of sales matters. so they are already running with a few people as they can get by with, if they had any less it would affect their ability to service their customers and B) pricing their products at the HIGHEST price customers are willing to pay. They didn't just make up $3.65 for a quarter pounder with cheese. That is the highest price their customers are willing to pay. If they raise the price, people won't buy as many. Again , the customer doesn't care what labor is costing , all they care about is "that quarter pounder with cheese is worth $3.65 to me"

We seen a very good example of this with Wal Mart right after the ACA became law, they cut a bunch of people down to part time trying to avoid having to pay them benefits and the almost immediate reaction from the customer was "fuck this , I'm going to Costco where I can get some service" and Wal Mart resonded by ta dah, returning to full time help.

Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?

LOL it does no such thing.

Listen, any competent business manager is going to A) have their staff EXACTLY where they need in comparison to sales , and as an example McDonalds does just this, they place labor at 20% of sales , the wage per employee doesn't matter, 20% of sales matters. so they are already running with a few people as they can get by with, if they had any less it would affect their ability to service their customers and B) pricing their products at the HIGHEST price customers are willing to pay. They didn't just make up $3.65 for a quarter pounder with cheese. That is the highest price their customers are willing to pay. If they raise the price, people won't buy as many. Again , the customer doesn't care what labor is costing , all they care about is "that quarter pounder with cheese is worth $3.65 to me"

We seen a very good example of this with Wal Mart right after the ACA became law, they cut a bunch of people down to part time trying to avoid having to pay them benefits and the almost immediate reaction from the customer was "fuck this , I'm going to Costco where I can get some service" and Wal Mart resonded by ta dah, returning to full time help.

Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.

LOL it does no such thing.

I'm not going to pay $9.00 an hour to an employee that only adds $6.00 an hour of value.
So he earns $0, instead of $6. How does that prevent starvation?
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?

LOL it does no such thing.

Listen, any competent business manager is going to A) have their staff EXACTLY where they need in comparison to sales , and as an example McDonalds does just this, they place labor at 20% of sales , the wage per employee doesn't matter, 20% of sales matters. so they are already running with a few people as they can get by with, if they had any less it would affect their ability to service their customers and B) pricing their products at the HIGHEST price customers are willing to pay. They didn't just make up $3.65 for a quarter pounder with cheese. That is the highest price their customers are willing to pay. If they raise the price, people won't buy as many. Again , the customer doesn't care what labor is costing , all they care about is "that quarter pounder with cheese is worth $3.65 to me"

We seen a very good example of this with Wal Mart right after the ACA became law, they cut a bunch of people down to part time trying to avoid having to pay them benefits and the almost immediate reaction from the customer was "fuck this , I'm going to Costco where I can get some service" and Wal Mart resonded by ta dah, returning to full time help.

Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.

LOL it does no such thing.

I'm not going to pay $9.00 an hour to an employee that only adds $6.00 an hour of value.
So he earns $0, instead of $6. How does that prevent starvation?

Since the minimum wage is entirely made up and virtually all industries in all states apply it, reasonable people can agree that it doesn't represent a person's "value"
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?

LOL it does no such thing.

Listen, any competent business manager is going to A) have their staff EXACTLY where they need in comparison to sales , and as an example McDonalds does just this, they place labor at 20% of sales , the wage per employee doesn't matter, 20% of sales matters. so they are already running with a few people as they can get by with, if they had any less it would affect their ability to service their customers and B) pricing their products at the HIGHEST price customers are willing to pay. They didn't just make up $3.65 for a quarter pounder with cheese. That is the highest price their customers are willing to pay. If they raise the price, people won't buy as many. Again , the customer doesn't care what labor is costing , all they care about is "that quarter pounder with cheese is worth $3.65 to me"

We seen a very good example of this with Wal Mart right after the ACA became law, they cut a bunch of people down to part time trying to avoid having to pay them benefits and the almost immediate reaction from the customer was "fuck this , I'm going to Costco where I can get some service" and Wal Mart resonded by ta dah, returning to full time help.

Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.

LOL it does no such thing.

I'm not going to pay $9.00 an hour to an employee that only adds $6.00 an hour of value.
So he earns $0, instead of $6. How does that prevent starvation?

Since the minimum wage is entirely made up and virtually all industries in all states apply it, reasonable people can agree that it doesn't represent a person's "value"

Why are you changing the subject?
Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.

Usually, they don't. Usually, they win by minimizing labor costs and maximizing revenues. This seems to be the core delusion of the minimum wage mindset, that employers will simply soak up the additional costs by accepting reduced profits. But there are any number of 'workarounds' to this nonsense, and creative business people will find them. The very last thing they'll do is pay more for labor than it's really worth.
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

The subject hasn't been changed. You just are either too stupid to realize it or too dishonest to admit it.

The minimum wage does not reflect what companies "value" an employee at. ANY competent company can't afford to let people go just cuz their wages go up. Otherwise , any time an employee wanted a raise, they'd just let them go. "Sorry, don't need you" but they DO need them, because they are already worIking at minimum staff and so they pay them more. Same thing would happen here.

I've already proven it in THIS thread. Minimum wage increases have had VERY little effect on unemployment.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?

LOL it does no such thing.

Listen, any competent business manager is going to A) have their staff EXACTLY where they need in comparison to sales , and as an example McDonalds does just this, they place labor at 20% of sales , the wage per employee doesn't matter, 20% of sales matters. so they are already running with a few people as they can get by with, if they had any less it would affect their ability to service their customers and B) pricing their products at the HIGHEST price customers are willing to pay. They didn't just make up $3.65 for a quarter pounder with cheese. That is the highest price their customers are willing to pay. If they raise the price, people won't buy as many. Again , the customer doesn't care what labor is costing , all they care about is "that quarter pounder with cheese is worth $3.65 to me"

We seen a very good example of this with Wal Mart right after the ACA became law, they cut a bunch of people down to part time trying to avoid having to pay them benefits and the almost immediate reaction from the customer was "fuck this , I'm going to Costco where I can get some service" and Wal Mart resonded by ta dah, returning to full time help.

Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.

LOL it does no such thing.

I'm not going to pay $9.00 an hour to an employee that only adds $6.00 an hour of value.
So he earns $0, instead of $6. How does that prevent starvation?

Since the minimum wage is entirely made up and virtually all industries in all states apply it, reasonable people can agree that it doesn't represent a person's "value"

Why are you changing the subject?
Gentleman we don't let people take jobs for whatever companies will offer them because we don't want people starving to death. Simple as that.

The minimum wage law was put in place exactly because people were taking whatever jobs they could get and companies were taking advantage of this and paying jack shit.

How does pricing low skilled people out of the job market prevent starvation?

LOL it does no such thing.

Listen, any competent business manager is going to A) have their staff EXACTLY where they need in comparison to sales , and as an example McDonalds does just this, they place labor at 20% of sales , the wage per employee doesn't matter, 20% of sales matters. so they are already running with a few people as they can get by with, if they had any less it would affect their ability to service their customers and B) pricing their products at the HIGHEST price customers are willing to pay. They didn't just make up $3.65 for a quarter pounder with cheese. That is the highest price their customers are willing to pay. If they raise the price, people won't buy as many. Again , the customer doesn't care what labor is costing , all they care about is "that quarter pounder with cheese is worth $3.65 to me"

We seen a very good example of this with Wal Mart right after the ACA became law, they cut a bunch of people down to part time trying to avoid having to pay them benefits and the almost immediate reaction from the customer was "fuck this , I'm going to Costco where I can get some service" and Wal Mart resonded by ta dah, returning to full time help.

Sometimes a company has to eat the extra labor cost to win in the long haul.

LOL it does no such thing.

I'm not going to pay $9.00 an hour to an employee that only adds $6.00 an hour of value.
So he earns $0, instead of $6. How does that prevent starvation?
I'm sorry were you saying something?

I have no trouble quoting, when the other person is worth quoting. You have proven that you have nothing worth quoting.

Ya heard it here

Still pretending what you think matters to everyone on the forum. Jerks always have a few supporters, but are otherwise ignored... just like I'm ignoring most of your post. Have a nice day.

Just like dumbasses always ignore facts that don't support their unfounded assertions.
The sad reality is, Unemployment and other Entitlements pay more. So why go be a miserable slave at Walmart or Micky D's?

First off..... lol.... Anyone who says that working at McD's, in an air conditioned building, with a rest area, and free meal, and the work is flipping a burger over, is a "miserable slave"... is a completely ignorant fool.

If you think working at McDs or Walmart, is 'miserable slave' work... you are brainless idiot. You are a moron, that has not really put in a full days hard work in your life.

Let me tell you about working at the factory.

You had to be there 15 minutes BEFORE your shift started, because it required that long to put on the safety gear.

Oh, and don't be late. If the bell rings, and you are not at your post twice in one month, even 1 minute late.... you finished. They walk you to the door.

There was a thermometer on the wall when you walked in. If it was 90º outside, it was 110º inside. There were no 'smoke breaks' at the factory. If you left your position without permission, and someone to cover you, you were walked to the door, and sent home.

There were no 'breaks'. Not like at McDonalds, where you go to the break room, and sit and watch TV for 15 minutes. Why? Because the only break room was on the opposite side of the factory. By the time you got there, it was time to walk back, and if you were not at your position when the bell rang, and the line started, you were walked to the door and sent home.

Instead, at 'break' time, you stood leaning against the rails. No chairs. No tables.

You stood the entire 8 hours, lifting and moving 25 lbs, and 50 lbs steel cylinders, pulling them off the line, checking for leaks, and stacking them on pallets. In front of you was the curing furnace, which had flames spilling out the entire time.

You started sweating, the moment you walked into the building, and did not stop until you were half way home after the shift was over. At home, you would take a shower, and run your hands through your hair, and feel crystallized salt, from your sweat.

And you think.... working at McDonald is 'miserable slave' work? You are full of CRAP. You spoiled brat American wimp. GROW UP! Go work a real hard job. You'll be BEGGING for a job at Walmart.

Just pointing out reality. Not working and getting Government Entitlements, is the logical alternative for many Americans today. That's how bad things have gotten for American Workers. And guess what? It's gonna get a whole lot worse. With this current President and his Party opening the Border floodgates, wages are only gonna drop more.

It is a miserable future for American Workers. They'll have to stand up and fight for more. That's what was done in the past, and will have to be done again.

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