Wall Street Democratic Donors May Back Trump If Warren is Nominated


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Wall Street Democratic Donors May Back Trump If Warren is Nominated
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Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren

Wall Street Democratic donors may back Trump if Warren is nominated
9/26/19 ~ By Brian Schwartz
3 hours ago · Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We'll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren ... and garnered the support of various wealthy donors, has started to lag in some ... In recent weeks, CNBC spoke to several high-dollar Democratic donors and fundraisers in the business community and found that this opinion was becoming widely shared as Warren, an outspoken critic of big banks and corporations, gains momentum against Joe Biden in the 2020 race.
“You’re in a box because you’re a Democrat and you’re thinking, ‘I want to help the party, but she’s going to hurt me, so I’m going to help President Trump,’” said a senior private equity executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity in fear of retribution by party leaders.

Wow!....now who is available, or think she/he is available? Rising from the ashes.....
The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dems are using (outgoing) Biden as a distraction to attack the president while simultaneously keeping the limelight OFF of their prospective (preselected) candidate this go round.
By the polls - the numbers then go to the DNC's establishment favorite Warren.
Establishment and Deep State donors want to have a say, if they feel (rightly) that Warren is NOT competitive. The donors want a fighting chance of winning. Except they have none. Which is unacceptable to them so... Be clear. The Trump impeachment fiasco is throwing crap up on the wall in the hopes something, anything sticks.
Turns out, Trump is doing a phenomenal job as president. He will win reelection. There is nothing the Dems can do about that.
It appears to me they would level this threat also against the Marxist Socialist. Since he would destroy Wall Street and Capitalism. But Bernie doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in Hell.
This is the real reason for the DNC panic.
Trump took out Biden with the Ukraine deal and the DNC has no one left except Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Commies.
Hillary and Mooshelle are both implicated so they are out of the picture.
Bloomberg is the only one left and he is already toast.
In the end, the DNC might be best served by nominating a rubber doorstop as their candidate. All other selections are too flawed.
So Trump hits two birds with one stone in this debacle. He both gets to rally his base and the country which is strongly against impeachment, and takes out Biden, who was the only candidate that had a chance against him.

And dumb media and the Left still don't understand that Trump just gave them the rope with which to hang themselves.
So Trump hits two birds with one stone in this debacle. He both gets to rally his base and the country which is strongly against impeachment, and takes out Biden, who was the only candidate that had a chance against him.

And dumb media and the Left still don't understand that Trump just gave them the rope with which to hang themselves.

This may have been orchestrated to take out Biden. They want a true radical nominated. Although, I can’t give the media credit for being that smart.
So Trump hits two birds with one stone in this debacle. He both gets to rally his base and the country which is strongly against impeachment, and takes out Biden, who was the only candidate that had a chance against him.

And dumb media and the Left still don't understand that Trump just gave them the rope with which to hang themselves.

This may have been orchestrated to take out Biden. They want a true radical nominated. Although, I can’t give the media credit for being that smart.
The media is complicit in this. They already decided that Biden is not radical and communist enough, plus he doesn't check one of the Left's favorite identity politics boxes. He's just an old White geezer. It looks like it's going to be Pocohantes, she already has a lead in Iowa, In other words, it's going to be a landslide for Trump, and a complete destruction of the Democratic Party and the media.
Because Warren intends war on wealth. She will use antifa and the democrat thugs to break Wall Street.

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