Waging Jihad on the taxpayers dime


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
I believe this goes on a lot more than reported or is known, not just by families directly involved but also the "moderates" providing a steady flow of cash to organizations that support terrorism. I dont the govt wants to know and the media would be just as averse to looking lest their constant cry for more would be seen as the danger it is. I also dont buy fully the self radicialized meme,,,,had to be something inside first that makes one search out terrorist ties.
Welfare for ISIS: The outrageous case of Iranian refugee Adnan Fazeli
Terrorist got food stamps, benefits in Maine while becoming radicalized
Outside Alaska, Minnesota spends more per low-income person on public welfare than any other state in the U.S., according to a report by the Center for the American Experiment, a think tank located in Minneapolis. The report found Minnesota outspent its average peer state in welfare subsidies by nearly $4,000.
In an effort to better assimilate their refugee population — and deter against Islamist recruitment efforts — Gov. Mark Dayton has expanded the state’s entitlement programs, although he remains mum on the state’s expense at doing so.
Islamist terror groups target Minnesota Somali refugees drawn by state’s welfare programs

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