

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

its amazing isnt it, Democrats are opposed to giving parents a choice of where to end their children to school. Apparently they seem to think sending them to a private school is wrong because it doesnt provide accountability. I dont think those who say that grasp the concept of vouchers. they are accountable through the vouchers. if they arent teaching the students, they dont get the students. are these people just dumb or is it really that difficult to understand?
I also wonder what they mean by accountability? Do they mean accountability for how the money is spent or do they mean are they getting their money's worth?
Avatar4321 said:

its amazing isnt it, Democrats are opposed to giving parents a choice of where to end their children to school. Apparently they seem to think sending them to a private school is wrong because it doesnt provide accountability. I dont think those who say that grasp the concept of vouchers. they are accountable through the vouchers. if they arent teaching the students, they dont get the students. are these people just dumb or is it really that difficult to understand?

I think neither---they're just anti everything and don't feel a need to offer alternatives. Arrogant is more appropriate IMHO.
They oppose anything that will undermine their stranglehold on the minds of american youth. Their only agenda it to instill the principles of Ingsoc.
I've not really gone into vouchers in a lot of detail, so I have a few questions I'd like to be answered by anyone who knows:

If the voucher is only for $2500 and the private school charges $3000, how are the poor kids who can't afford the extra $500 supposed to pay for it? Or will there be a maximum amount private schools can take?

Would all public schools become private?

Will teachers get more money?
Palestinian Jew said:
I've not really gone into vouchers in a lot of detail, so I have a few questions I'd like to be answered by anyone who knows:

If the voucher is only for $2500 and the private school charges $3000, how are the poor kids who can't afford the extra $500 supposed to pay for it? Or will there be a maximum amount private schools can take?

Vouchers seem to provide the amount needed to goto the closest alternative. You can't send your kid across the state to the highest paid school. They can choose among the private schools in the area though and the vouchers usually provide enough to go there. I believe (not 100% positive) that if in the case you described, where there is a monatary difference, the parents would pay. Still to goto a private school for on $500 a year instead of $3k or be stuck in a shit school, most parents would find a way to scrounge $500.

Would all public schools become private?

All public schools that meet the requirements of the NCLB act will not need to worry about losing children to private schools. If they keep their schools learning, then they keep their students. If the schools become run down and have low scores, students are offered a choice through vouchers.

Will teachers get more money?

Do teachers really need more money? Unions already have a chokehold on teacher salaries. They also control a superintendants abilty to layoff bad teachers. In NY it costs a district $400k to lay off one teacher because of all the fees involved. Its too controlled.

Teachers get paid in Public schools an average of $42k a year. More than enough to survive off of considering they only work 9 months out of the year. Now private school teachers get far less. $33k on average for private school and $21k for Catholic School teachers.

Paying teachers more isnt the issue. Its holding all of them accountable for teaching the curriculum.

Link for Pay stats: http://www.edreform.com/index.cfm?fuseAction=section&pSectionID=15&cSectionID=97

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