Virginia Dems add anti-Semitism accusation to party's troubles (Ibraheem Samirah)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A website cataloged some of Dr. Samirah’s old posts. The writings include him saying it was worse to send money to Israel than to the Ku Klux Klan, and wishing former Israeli Prime Minister would “burn a million times for every innocent soul you killed.”

Another train wreck - same track.

The Democrat Party now is the official Jew and Israeli hater political party in the USA!!! Go figure!!! Folks...this freak political party needs to be politically destroyed, before it destroys the USA, Israel. Wake up Americans, the enemy (the Democrat Party) is among us.

Ibraheem Samirah, Democrats’ candidate in a special election for a state House seat later this month, apologized Friday for anti-Israel comments from earlier this decade, saying that while he made them, the fact that they are rising now is a “slander campaign.”

Dr. Samirah, who was born in the U.S. but calls himself a “second-generation Palestinian refugee,” said he wrote the offending comments five years ago on Facebook, and says they were the musings of his college mind, which “I sincerely regret and apologize for.”

“I am so sorry that my ill-chosen words added to the pain of the Jewish community and I seek your understanding and compassion as I prove to you our common humanity,” he said in a statement Friday.

He also released a statement from his fraternity at American University, the historically Jewish Sigma Alpha Mu, which said it is “unequivocally false” to call him anti-Semitic.

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