Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.

Good. They should be arrested.
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
Doesn't say which side the arrestees were from. I think you're engaging in wishful thinking.
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
well this time the antifa at least improved upon their taste,instead f going after the elderly,women and children as they did in washington,this time they only went after trump suooprters that were gay. A HUGE improvement.:biggrin:
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
Doesn't say which side the arrestees were from. I think you're engaging in wishful thinking.

"At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested".
The MSM is pushing the hate and divisiveness as ordered by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democratic Party. In America we used to have free speech, but now with these Antifa/BLM terriorist groups they resort to violence because they want to dictate free speech. It is not Trump supporters who are violent, it is the Commie leftwing.
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Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
Media Circus - Media Bias Fact Check


These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED

Notes: Media Circus is a borderline questionable source with a far-right bias in reporting. All articles reviewed were pro-right and anti-left. Media Circus does not have an about page or disclaimer to describe who and what they are. The content of headlines and articles use loaded words and most times quote sources that are right biased or on our questionable list. For example, this headline uses the loaded word “Tragic” “The tragic family background of Barack Obama .“ The use of the word “tragic” in this case is meant to portray Obama negatively. In another article entitled: Soros-Funded ‘Fact Check’ Group Will Determine Which Facebook Stories are “Fake News” they source to the Gateway Pundit, which is on MBFC’s questionable list due to publishing many false stories. Further, the claim that Soros is funding Snopes is false. Due to poor sourcing, a false claim, and misleading words, we rate Media Circus as mixed for factual reporting with a strong right-wing bias. (M. Huitsing 7/26/2017)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
Doesn't say which side the arrestees were from. I think you're engaging in wishful thinking.

"At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested".
The MSM is pushing the hate and divisiveness as ordered by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democratic Party. In America we used to have free speech, but now with these Antifa/BLM terriorist groups they resort to violence because they want to dictate free speech. It is not Trump supporters who are violent, it is the Commie leftwing.
Yes, kiddo. I know that what your link says. It isn't what tharticle says when you actually go there and read it, which you obviously did not.

Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.

How long did it take you to come up with the lies for this stinking pile of dog crap?

Read your story.
Watched your videos.
You "clash" amounted to some guy CLAIMING to be gay acting like an asshole Trumpinista.

Shall i say it?


from your source for fake news n the internet, Trump cheeto-suckers.
More leftwing terrorist carrying out the orders of the DNC top brass.....this group is the DNC version of the SS.
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO)
Violent Antifa-BLM Thugs Attack Trump Supporters at Manhattan Rally – Seven Arrested (VIDEO) - Media Circus | Media Circus
6 Mar 2021 ~~
Trump supporters held a march for President Donald Trump in Manhattan on Friday.
The peaceful demonstration was interrupted by violent Antifa-BLM activists.
The Trump supporters unfurled a giant Demon Pelosi banner during their march in Manhattan.
At least one supporter was wearing “Trump 2024” T-shirts.
The protest was broken up by Antifa-BLM thugs who attacked the peaceful Trump protesters.
At least 6 Antifa goons were arrested.
The protesters went after the Trump supporters, even the gay Trump supporters.
ANTIFA and Trump Supporters are clashing at NYC with many ANTIFA being arrested - YouTube
Blm clash with Gays for Trump in NYC - YouTube

It's nice to see NY Police Dept unafraid of arresting Antifa members. Maybe the tide is beginning to turn on the Left wing agitators. The only problem here is that the DeBlasio regime will have them released faster than it took LEO to arrest them. Not so with those arrested in D.C. on Jan 6th...
Rick Klein of the D-rat Party calling for CLEANSING of Trump supporters after a communist s h o t a citizen in the neck is a dead giveaway as to how communists are aiming to solve their perpetual problem of having too much paperwork/ too many people . : ABC demands 'cleansing’ Trump movement from America (
What surprises me is that DeBlasio didn't give the NYPD orders to arrest Trump supporters and label them " violent White Supremacist Insurrectionists".
The standard of justice has become Guilty until proven to be a COMMUNIST.
BLM vs. MAGA!!!!!! CAGE MATCH!!!!!! Sunday, SUNday, SUUNDAAYY!!!!!!! :113:

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