Video: Feminism dying thanks to Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Radical Feminism has gone totally off the charts, creating a " man hate" world.
Men are constantly being accused of being sexist on all levels. Look at some radical feminist bitch wrong and you already raped her.
Being a female I can't stand these trash hoes myself. What's wrong with this picture most forget to connect it too, YOUR SONS!! will pay the price for your feminist moronic actions that is what's wrong with this picture. And many young men are already paying the price for example multiple cases of lets say a 19 yr old having sex with a consensual 17 yr old, parent's don't like the idea they go after the BF he goes to jail, and now has to be placed on the sexual pred. list. really, I mean reallyeeee, how many do you know that had a gawd damn kid at 16 if you want to look at the ages of typical teens having sex than every damn boy/young man out there would be on the Molesters list.

This is only one area of their destruction, there are multiple other ways they are causing the Hate men with in their own children. One made a video of little 7 year old who dropped the F bomb saying who needs men, not those exact words , but boy these kids went to down saying Fuck.
How many women does it take to change a light bulb in the Trump kitchen?

None, just tell her to cook in the dark!
Feminism is the poison that keeps on giving. It is corrosive to every aspect of society.
Worst of all it gives us nasty women like Hillary Clinton to screech at us.

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Feminism is nothing more than a clever way for dykes to get female submissives and its ideology no more complex than the fear that somewhere some man is enjoying himself.

Radical Feminism has gone totally off the charts, creating a " man hate" world.
Men are constantly being accused of being sexist on all levels. Look at some radical feminist bitch wrong and you already raped her.
Being a female I can't stand these trash hoes myself. What's wrong with this picture most forget to connect it too, YOUR SONS!! will pay the price for your feminist moronic actions that is what's wrong with this picture. And many young men are already paying the price for example multiple cases of lets say a 19 yr old having sex with a consensual 17 yr old, parent's don't like the idea they go after the BF he goes to jail, and now has to be placed on the sexual pred. list. really, I mean reallyeeee, how many do you know that had a gawd damn kid at 16 if you want to look at the ages of typical teens having sex than every damn boy/young man out there would be on the Molesters list.

This is only one area of their destruction, there are multiple other ways they are causing the Hate men with in their own children. One made a video of little 7 year old who dropped the F bomb saying who needs men, not those exact words , but boy these kids went to down saying Fuck.

Umm, I had to read your post 3 times
to try to understand what you were saying.

Then I looked up the word feminism,
to make sure the definition didn't change.

Bitter women are bitter women

Women have a place and so do men.
We are well past the right to own property and vote.

If a woman doesn't like what she makes, find another job.
If a woman can't successfully negotiate her worth, her problem

Women can be very bitter when it comes to men,
and they use the kids to hurt him, if it effects him...
otherwise, hit him in the pocketbook...can't afford his new gf now.

I had been with my sons father for about 3 months,
when he took belongings of mine that were in his car,
and placed them in a pile on the front lawn and set it ablaze.
I had to leave my apartment and move back home w my dad.
And, of course, broke it off,

What I didn't know was that I was pregnant.
Because I would not give him another chance,
he chose to have nothing to do with his son.

I never took him to court for child support,
because Im not going to force him to be responsible.
And, I'm not the petty, bitter people I despise.

My son is 19 and never once have I dogged his father to him.
As he was getting older, he came to me, crying, asking me...
why don't I have a father...why doesn't he love me?

Let me tell you, it took every bit of strength not to start balling.
I grabbed him by his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said...
That's not true Jacob, your father is not well and needs our prayers
even though your father isn't in your life, he loves you very much
and maybe one day, when you're older, you'll understand.

That man crashed his car into the pizza place next door,
printed up hundreds of flyers stating I was a crack head, whore
and put them under the wipers of every car in the lot at my job,
attacked me in the parking lot twice, slit my tires, busted my windows
...I could go on and on and on, and to this day, my son doesn't know.

I cared more about my son then the nutcase his father was.

I don't sugar coat anything with him, never have, never will
I have talked to him about sex and the importance of waiting
and the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies
and what are important qualities to look for in a girl,
and what kind of girls he should steer clear of.

Bitter, spiteful, petty women are just that....
Bitter, spiteful, petty women.

And that, has nothing to do, whatsoever, with feminism!
It's funny, that it's still about what women want. Women are sick of men being less masculine. So it's still the responsibility of men that feminism happened. lol

Radical Feminism has gone totally off the charts, creating a " man hate" world.
Men are constantly being accused of being sexist on all levels. Look at some radical feminist bitch wrong and you already raped her.
Being a female I can't stand these trash hoes myself. What's wrong with this picture most forget to connect it too, YOUR SONS!! will pay the price for your feminist moronic actions that is what's wrong with this picture. And many young men are already paying the price for example multiple cases of lets say a 19 yr old having sex with a consensual 17 yr old, parent's don't like the idea they go after the BF he goes to jail, and now has to be placed on the sexual pred. list. really, I mean reallyeeee, how many do you know that had a gawd damn kid at 16 if you want to look at the ages of typical teens having sex than every damn boy/young man out there would be on the Molesters list.

This is only one area of their destruction, there are multiple other ways they are causing the Hate men with in their own children. One made a video of little 7 year old who dropped the F bomb saying who needs men, not those exact words , but boy these kids went to down saying Fuck.

Umm, I had to read your post 3 times
to try to understand what you were saying.

Then I looked up the word feminism,
to make sure the definition didn't change.

Bitter women are bitter women

Women have a place and so do men.
We are well past the right to own property and vote.

If a woman doesn't like what she makes, find another job.
If a woman can't successfully negotiate her worth, her problem

Women can be very bitter when it comes to men,
and they use the kids to hurt him, if it effects him...
otherwise, hit him in the pocketbook...can't afford his new gf now.

I had been with my sons father for about 3 months,
when he took belongings of mine that were in his car,
and placed them in a pile on the front lawn and set it ablaze.
I had to leave my apartment and move back home w my dad.
And, of course, broke it off,

What I didn't know was that I was pregnant.
Because I would not give him another chance,
he chose to have nothing to do with his son.

I never took him to court for child support,
because Im not going to force him to be responsible.
And, I'm not the petty, bitter people I despise.

My son is 19 and never once have I dogged his father to him.
As he was getting older, he came to me, crying, asking me...
why don't I have a father...why doesn't he love me?

Let me tell you, it took every bit of strength not to start balling.
I grabbed him by his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said...
That's not true Jacob, your father is not well and needs our prayers
even though your father isn't in your life, he loves you very much
and maybe one day, when you're older, you'll understand.

That man crashed his car into the pizza place next door,
printed up hundreds of flyers stating I was a crack head, whore
and put them under the wipers of every car in the lot at my job,
attacked me in the parking lot twice, slit my tires, busted my windows
...I could go on and on and on, and to this day, my son doesn't know.

I cared more about my son then the nutcase his father was.

I don't sugar coat anything with him, never have, never will
I have talked to him about sex and the importance of waiting
and the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies
and what are important qualities to look for in a girl,
and what kind of girls he should steer clear of.

Bitter, spiteful, petty women are just that....
Bitter, spiteful, petty women.

And that, has nothing to do, whatsoever, with feminism!

That's because you in your own world of what the " Radical " feminist are doing.
These the ones who are shredding REAL feminism apart.
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Radical Feminism has gone totally off the charts, creating a " man hate" world.
Men are constantly being accused of being sexist on all levels. Look at some radical feminist bitch wrong and you already raped her.
Being a female I can't stand these trash hoes myself. What's wrong with this picture most forget to connect it too, YOUR SONS!! will pay the price for your feminist moronic actions that is what's wrong with this picture. And many young men are already paying the price for example multiple cases of lets say a 19 yr old having sex with a consensual 17 yr old, parent's don't like the idea they go after the BF he goes to jail, and now has to be placed on the sexual pred. list. really, I mean reallyeeee, how many do you know that had a gawd damn kid at 16 if you want to look at the ages of typical teens having sex than every damn boy/young man out there would be on the Molesters list.

This is only one area of their destruction, there are multiple other ways they are causing the Hate men with in their own children. One made a video of little 7 year old who dropped the F bomb saying who needs men, not those exact words , but boy these kids went to down saying Fuck.

Umm, I had to read your post 3 times
to try to understand what you were saying.

Then I looked up the word feminism,
to make sure the definition didn't change.

Bitter women are bitter women

Women have a place and so do men.
We are well past the right to own property and vote.

If a woman doesn't like what she makes, find another job.
If a woman can't successfully negotiate her worth, her problem

Women can be very bitter when it comes to men,
and they use the kids to hurt him, if it effects him...
otherwise, hit him in the pocketbook...can't afford his new gf now.

I had been with my sons father for about 3 months,
when he took belongings of mine that were in his car,
and placed them in a pile on the front lawn and set it ablaze.
I had to leave my apartment and move back home w my dad.
And, of course, broke it off,

What I didn't know was that I was pregnant.
Because I would not give him another chance,
he chose to have nothing to do with his son.

I never took him to court for child support,
because Im not going to force him to be responsible.
And, I'm not the petty, bitter people I despise.

My son is 19 and never once have I dogged his father to him.
As he was getting older, he came to me, crying, asking me...
why don't I have a father...why doesn't he love me?

Let me tell you, it took every bit of strength not to start balling.
I grabbed him by his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said...
That's not true Jacob, your father is not well and needs our prayers
even though your father isn't in your life, he loves you very much
and maybe one day, when you're older, you'll understand.

That man crashed his car into the pizza place next door,
printed up hundreds of flyers stating I was a crack head, whore
and put them under the wipers of every car in the lot at my job,
attacked me in the parking lot twice, slit my tires, busted my windows
...I could go on and on and on, and to this day, my son doesn't know.

I cared more about my son then the nutcase his father was.

I don't sugar coat anything with him, never have, never will
I have talked to him about sex and the importance of waiting
and the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies
and what are important qualities to look for in a girl,
and what kind of girls he should steer clear of.

Bitter, spiteful, petty women are just that....
Bitter, spiteful, petty women.

And that, has nothing to do, whatsoever, with feminism!


Radical Feminism has gone totally off the charts, creating a " man hate" world.
Men are constantly being accused of being sexist on all levels. Look at some radical feminist bitch wrong and you already raped her.
Being a female I can't stand these trash hoes myself. What's wrong with this picture most forget to connect it too, YOUR SONS!! will pay the price for your feminist moronic actions that is what's wrong with this picture. And many young men are already paying the price for example multiple cases of lets say a 19 yr old having sex with a consensual 17 yr old, parent's don't like the idea they go after the BF he goes to jail, and now has to be placed on the sexual pred. list. really, I mean reallyeeee, how many do you know that had a gawd damn kid at 16 if you want to look at the ages of typical teens having sex than every damn boy/young man out there would be on the Molesters list.

This is only one area of their destruction, there are multiple other ways they are causing the Hate men with in their own children. One made a video of little 7 year old who dropped the F bomb saying who needs men, not those exact words , but boy these kids went to down saying Fuck.

Umm, I had to read your post 3 times
to try to understand what you were saying.

Then I looked up the word feminism,
to make sure the definition didn't change.

Bitter women are bitter women

Women have a place and so do men.
We are well past the right to own property and vote.

If a woman doesn't like what she makes, find another job.
If a woman can't successfully negotiate her worth, her problem

Women can be very bitter when it comes to men,
and they use the kids to hurt him, if it effects him...
otherwise, hit him in the pocketbook...can't afford his new gf now.

I had been with my sons father for about 3 months,
when he took belongings of mine that were in his car,
and placed them in a pile on the front lawn and set it ablaze.
I had to leave my apartment and move back home w my dad.
And, of course, broke it off,

What I didn't know was that I was pregnant.
Because I would not give him another chance,
he chose to have nothing to do with his son.

I never took him to court for child support,
because Im not going to force him to be responsible.
And, I'm not the petty, bitter people I despise.

My son is 19 and never once have I dogged his father to him.
As he was getting older, he came to me, crying, asking me...
why don't I have a father...why doesn't he love me?

Let me tell you, it took every bit of strength not to start balling.
I grabbed him by his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said...
That's not true Jacob, your father is not well and needs our prayers
even though your father isn't in your life, he loves you very much
and maybe one day, when you're older, you'll understand.

That man crashed his car into the pizza place next door,
printed up hundreds of flyers stating I was a crack head, whore
and put them under the wipers of every car in the lot at my job,
attacked me in the parking lot twice, slit my tires, busted my windows
...I could go on and on and on, and to this day, my son doesn't know.

I cared more about my son then the nutcase his father was.

I don't sugar coat anything with him, never have, never will
I have talked to him about sex and the importance of waiting
and the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies
and what are important qualities to look for in a girl,
and what kind of girls he should steer clear of.

Bitter, spiteful, petty women are just that....
Bitter, spiteful, petty women.

And that, has nothing to do, whatsoever, with feminism!

Excuse me darling....I don't need a reality check.

Maybe if your sentence structure
wasn't written, as if, speaking broken English,
I could grasp where your going with this.

Maybe what you really want to address is femininity.

How these goofy ass mothers raise and exploit their daughters,
doesn't concern me, nor, can be blamed on Trump.

What you want to label 'radical feminism',
as far as these little princess videos go,
I call bad parenting and fucking up their daughters.

Feminism is a movement for who knows what,
uptight women afraid of penises, I don't have that problem.

These are fucked up mothers exploiting their kids.
And Trump has nothing to do with it!
Excuse me darling....I don't need a reality check.

Maybe if your sentence structure
wasn't written, as if, speaking broken English,
I could grasp where your going with this.

Maybe what you really want to address is femininity.

How these goofy ass mothers raise and exploit their daughters,
doesn't concern me, nor, can be blamed on Trump.

What you want to label 'radical feminism',
as far as these little princess videos go,
I call bad parenting and fucking up their daughters.

Feminism is a movement for who knows what,
uptight women afraid of penises, I don't have that problem.

These are fucked up mothers exploiting their kids.
And Trump has nothing to do with it!

I know Trump has nothing to do with it.
But the r. feminist are blaming Trump when this has been an issue long before Trump ever came into the picture.
Excuse me darling....I don't need a reality check.

Maybe if your sentence structure
wasn't written, as if, speaking broken English,
I could grasp where your going with this.

Maybe what you really want to address is femininity.

How these goofy ass mothers raise and exploit their daughters,
doesn't concern me, nor, can be blamed on Trump.

What you want to label 'radical feminism',
as far as these little princess videos go,
I call bad parenting and fucking up their daughters.

Feminism is a movement for who knows what,
uptight women afraid of penises, I don't have that problem.

These are fucked up mothers exploiting their kids.
And Trump has nothing to do with it!

Why are more and more young men giving up on women and checking out of society?

They’re calling it The Sexodus – an entire generation of boys abandoning female company, relinquishing relationships and retreating into a virtual reality world of pornography, video games, lad culture and chemical addictions.

Anecdotally, the flip side of the equation also seems to be true. How often do you hear women who have resisted the brainwashing of radical feminism bemoaning the fact that they can no longer find “real men”? Men who are actually confident enough to know how to act around women without being constantly terrified that every word they utter, every behavior they express, every opinion they espouse, may be taken as offensive, sexist or predatory.

Radical Feminism is Destroying Young Men
Feminism is nothing more than a clever way for dykes to get female submissives and its ideology no more complex than the fear that somewhere some man is enjoying himself.

Very true. Look at Huma and Hillary.

Radical Feminism has gone totally off the charts, creating a " man hate" world.
Men are constantly being accused of being sexist on all levels. Look at some radical feminist bitch wrong and you already raped her.
Being a female I can't stand these trash hoes myself. What's wrong with this picture most forget to connect it too, YOUR SONS!! will pay the price for your feminist moronic actions that is what's wrong with this picture. And many young men are already paying the price for example multiple cases of lets say a 19 yr old having sex with a consensual 17 yr old, parent's don't like the idea they go after the BF he goes to jail, and now has to be placed on the sexual pred. list. really, I mean reallyeeee, how many do you know that had a gawd damn kid at 16 if you want to look at the ages of typical teens having sex than every damn boy/young man out there would be on the Molesters list.

This is only one area of their destruction, there are multiple other ways they are causing the Hate men with in their own children. One made a video of little 7 year old who dropped the F bomb saying who needs men, not those exact words , but boy these kids went to down saying Fuck.

Umm, I had to read your post 3 times
to try to understand what you were saying.

Then I looked up the word feminism,
to make sure the definition didn't change.

Bitter women are bitter women

Women have a place and so do men.
We are well past the right to own property and vote.

If a woman doesn't like what she makes, find another job.
If a woman can't successfully negotiate her worth, her problem

Women can be very bitter when it comes to men,
and they use the kids to hurt him, if it effects him...
otherwise, hit him in the pocketbook...can't afford his new gf now.

I had been with my sons father for about 3 months,
when he took belongings of mine that were in his car,
and placed them in a pile on the front lawn and set it ablaze.
I had to leave my apartment and move back home w my dad.
And, of course, broke it off,

What I didn't know was that I was pregnant.
Because I would not give him another chance,
he chose to have nothing to do with his son.

I never took him to court for child support,
because Im not going to force him to be responsible.
And, I'm not the petty, bitter people I despise.

My son is 19 and never once have I dogged his father to him.
As he was getting older, he came to me, crying, asking me...
why don't I have a father...why doesn't he love me?

Let me tell you, it took every bit of strength not to start balling.
I grabbed him by his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said...
That's not true Jacob, your father is not well and needs our prayers
even though your father isn't in your life, he loves you very much
and maybe one day, when you're older, you'll understand.

That man crashed his car into the pizza place next door,
printed up hundreds of flyers stating I was a crack head, whore
and put them under the wipers of every car in the lot at my job,
attacked me in the parking lot twice, slit my tires, busted my windows
...I could go on and on and on, and to this day, my son doesn't know.

I cared more about my son then the nutcase his father was.

I don't sugar coat anything with him, never have, never will
I have talked to him about sex and the importance of waiting
and the importance of preventing unwanted pregnancies
and what are important qualities to look for in a girl,
and what kind of girls he should steer clear of.

Bitter, spiteful, petty women are just that....
Bitter, spiteful, petty women.

And that, has nothing to do, whatsoever, with feminism!

Actually this has everything to do with feminism. Ultimately women suffer the most from the breakdown in relations and customs between the sexes. No fault divorce and promiscuity, both fruits of feminism, have impoverished generations of females and wounded countless kids who grow up without a father.
Excuse me darling....I don't need a reality check.

Maybe if your sentence structure
wasn't written, as if, speaking broken English,
I could grasp where your going with this.

Maybe what you really want to address is femininity.

How these goofy ass mothers raise and exploit their daughters,
doesn't concern me, nor, can be blamed on Trump.

What you want to label 'radical feminism',
as far as these little princess videos go,
I call bad parenting and fucking up their daughters.

Feminism is a movement for who knows what,
uptight women afraid of penises, I don't have that problem.

These are fucked up mothers exploiting their kids.
And Trump has nothing to do with it!

I think you had your reality check some years back. But the war on femininity effects us all. Was it Ann Coulter who said "Feminism is the hatred of all things feminine"? From attacks on Barbie to making girls feel bad about about building a family and concentrating on mothering. We all suffer from it because no feminist is happy with a feminine woman or girl existing. They have to see it attacked in every movie and school textbook and every government program.
In reality feminists are not very common...just very very loud. Its time to put them in their place.

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