Video,covid dead bodies hoax exposed.



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Scamdemic indeed. They have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. cant get around the facts in this video. proof you sheep need to turn off the idiot box in the living room.

You think that's a credible site? Unbelievable.
a hell of a lot more credible than you will ever be....

Exactly,this is coming from someone that the majority of the board laughs at the fact she wont acknowledge reality that her hero Obama was a clone of Bush,a mass murderer of women and children same as him and expanded everything he started.:lmao::abgg2q.jpg: thats just one example that i could go on and on about.
You don't believe this is biowarfare ?
Wait until they unleash the real nasties.
And all you have to do is take footage of Israel doing a preparedness drill, and label it proof that coronavirus is phony.
Add sheep bleats to the sound track in place of the real audio.
Scamdemic indeed. They have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. cant get around the facts in this video. proof you sheep need to turn off the idiot box in the living room.

You think that's a credible site? Unbelievable.
You don't believe this is biowarfare ?
Wait until they unleash the real nasties.

she will never believe that,miss biased dem troll here,the wife of smellybozo,same as him cannot accept reality that Obama was a clone of Bush,a mass murderer of women and children same as him and lied to the people about reversing his policys EXPANDING everything he started.

she lies when she cant refute those facts so if she has to lie about THAT,,she wont accept the reality on that either,thats a given.
You think that's a credible site? Unbelievable.
When lefties resort to having to attack the source, it is because they cannot attack the content. You just endorsed the opening post.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12::yes_text12::yes_text12::yes_text12::yes_text12::yes_text12:

There have been some excellent stuff posted here on this thread from the awake like Baron and Angelo,but you sir,came in first place in the race,you get the medal of honor for first prize of the best damn post on this none. :thup: that was basically what i said and when the coward would not watch it,as you said so well,she attacked the messenger proving Exactly what i said to be true in my opening OP as did shill Donald as well.:thup:
she will never believe that,miss biased dem troll here,the wife of smellybozo,same as him cannot accept reality that Obama was a clone of Bush,a mass murderer of women and children same as him and lied to the people about reversing his policys EXPANDING everything he started.

she lies when she cant refute those facts so if she has to lie about THAT,,she wont accept the reality on that either,thats a given.
I saw a lady pull up for gas someplace with a mask on, and when she got
out of the car before she touched anything she put on a pair of blue gloves.:auiqs.jpg:
I thought about going up and hugging her and telling her I have some face shields and hazmat suits in my trunk if she needs them.:cool:

Bet she even had her vaccine already.
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she will never believe that,miss biased dem troll here,the wife of smellybozo,same as him cannot accept reality that Obama was a clone of Bush,a mass murderer of women and children same as him and lied to the people about reversing his policys EXPANDING everything he started.

she lies when she cant refute those facts so if she has to lie about THAT,,she wont accept the reality on that either,thats a given.
I saw a lady pull up for gas someplace with a mask on, and when she got
out of the car before she touched anything she put on a pair of blue gloves.:auiqs.jpg:
I thought about going up and hugging her and telling her I have some face shields and hazmat suits in my trunk if she needs them.:cool:

I have to admit,in the very beginning i was the same way as that lady was.the first couple weeks or so when this so called dangerous virus came out,i was washing my hands with soap staying away from everybody keeping a huge distance wearing my gloves whenever i read the mail or bought grocerys or filled up the gas,everything. Unlike this American hating commie shill though,I did not ignore the facts when i started hearing the best doctors in the world expose the lies of it and they were treating people with that hydro whatever its called long name treatment.

I as well have known for 20 years at least,that the elite have had a depopulation agenda against us for decades now so thats when the light bulb went on and i started becoming awake.

yeah I hear ya on that lady,just the other day i was driving by the park and i saw some lady playing tennis and she had a mask on.a mask on despite the fact she was not near a single sole. this fear mongering sure has people paranoid and scared shitless.Im glad i woke up to this scamdemic.
:thankusmile: you sir,come in SECOND place in the race for the best damn post on this thread.:thup:excellent stuff there sir,thank you so much for sharing that on my thread,very informative stuff.:thup: the shills right now are consulting with their bosses thinking very long and hard on what kind of propaganda to post next after this excellent stuff you just posted.:up:
I as well have known for 20 years at least,that the elite have had a depopulation agenda against us for decades now so thats when the light bulb went on and i started becoming awake.
The elite wouldn't do something that cripples the hospital system. Remember, during the crisis hospitals cancelled all elective surgery. So all those facelifts and tummy tucks were stopped. Why would the elites do that?
so much for vaccines being effective on this so called dangerous virus.
5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Henry Aaron just afew days later after taking the vaccine died.of course the hospital establishment wont say the vaccine caused it of course even though Aaron is not an isolated case,that its happening all over the world as well.:biggrin:
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Scamdemic indeed. They have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar. cant get around the facts in this video. proof you sheep need to turn off the idiot box in the living room.

You burnt all your credibility with your outrageious conspiracy theories on 911, and the proof you furnished with 'crashing an aluminum Coke can into a steel buliding.

Now you just up the ante by turning to Alt news.

as always,you have shit all over your face in embarrassment.

so much for vaccines being effective on this so called dangerous virus.
5,800 Fully Vaccinated Americans Have Contracted COVID-19, 74 Dead: CDC

After fully vaccinating 74 million people what percentage effectiveness does that give the vaccine?

Answer: 99.99% effective.
how many farts is that in this thread from you now MG?:auiqs.jpg:Your boss sure is paying you some big bucks to fart in this thread for all those ass beatings.:abgg2q.jpg:
In taking the shills from china penelope .donald,white and meaner gene handing their asses to them on a platter.
This shows that when vaccination effects are compared to people receiving a placebo, that adverse effects were reported in the placebo were over half those reported by the vaccine group.

Overall, rates of reported unsolicited adverse events were similar in the vaccine and placebo groups (13.1% vs 12.0%).

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