VERY interesting news out of Israel; possibly a cure for Covid-19 (cn)


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This is great news!

We shouldn't expect less from Israel.

They have already had cures for this so called sickness like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Quinine, Artemisinin, Vitamin D3 But big pharma/vaccine companies can't make billions on those, so they push the COVID injections to make billions.
“Established from a child aborted decades ago”.....
A component was REPLICATED from that of an aborted child...

That is to me equivalent to a perpetual, life-giving organ transplant. You should praise the child and the doctor that saved and replicated the seed component. Also, we are not aware of the reason for that particular abortion.

It could have been to save the life of the mother so she might be able to birth another child. That is the only cause for which I condone abortion.
“Established from a child aborted decades ago”.....
A component was REPLICATED from that of an aborted child...

That is to me equivalent to a perpetual, life-giving organ transplant. You should praise the child and the doctor that saved and replicated the seed component. Also, we are not aware of the reason for that particular abortion.

It could have been to save the life of the mother so she might be able to birth another child. That is the only cause for which I condone abortion.
Yes, meaning it is benefiting from abortion.
“Established from a child aborted decades ago”.....
A component was REPLICATED from that of an aborted child...

That is to me equivalent to a perpetual, life-giving organ transplant. You should praise the child and the doctor that saved and replicated the seed component. Also, we are not aware of the reason for that particular abortion.

It could have been to save the life of the mother so she might be able to birth another child. That is the only cause for which I condone abortion.
Yes, meaning it is benefiting from abortion.
...but that abortion may have been performed to save the mother's life AND it may possibly save thousands of lives.
“Established from a child aborted decades ago”.....
A component was REPLICATED from that of an aborted child...

That is to me equivalent to a perpetual, life-giving organ transplant. You should praise the child and the doctor that saved and replicated the seed component. Also, we are not aware of the reason for that particular abortion.

It could have been to save the life of the mother so she might be able to birth another child. That is the only cause for which I condone abortion.
Yes, meaning it is benefiting from abortion.
...but that abortion may have been performed to save the mother's life AND it may possibly save thousands of lives.
American conservatives would have had that fetus tossed into a fire or buried and forgotten. Good job, Israel.
“Established from a child aborted decades ago”.....
A component was REPLICATED from that of an aborted child...

That is to me equivalent to a perpetual, life-giving organ transplant. You should praise the child and the doctor that saved and replicated the seed component. Also, we are not aware of the reason for that particular abortion.

It could have been to save the life of the mother so she might be able to birth another child. That is the only cause for which I condone abortion.
Yes, meaning it is benefiting from abortion.
...but that abortion may have been performed to save the mother's life AND it may possibly save thousands of lives.
American conservatives would have had that fetus tossed into a fire or buried and forgotten. Good job, Israel.

American conservatives would have had that fetus tossed into a fire or buried and forgotten.
Broad brush much? I am an American conservative and I condone abortions that save the lives of mothers, early abortions of pregnancies resulting from incest or rape, abortions of fetuses that are already dead...but I condemn abortions used as birth control and most certainly all late term abortions (with the single exception of saving the mother's life).

Let's not turn this thread into a discussion of abortion.

Good job, Israel.
If I did not think Israel once again did a GREAT job in the field of medical discovery, I would not have posted this thread.
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The video is insane.
It is not and can not be "cure" for covid-19.
First of all there is no drug for viruses.
Second is the virus is irrelevant since it is harmless, and the only harm is from an immune system over reaction.
So the drug many be useful to treat SOME covid-19 patients, but not to get rid of the virus.
It won't and can't do that.
And you only want to give immuno suppressants like this AFTER an excessive immune response has been verified.
If you give it too soon, you increase the actual viral infection.

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