Vendor Vidi Vici


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Wait for it. Wait for it.

Yes, it's "racism"! Unsanitary mess, but of course it's racsim.

Haitian food! Mmmm….can’t you just smell it?

Wait, that’s the odor of raw sewage.

Last week the AP told the heart-wrenching tale of two Haitians who “fled” their home country for Parksley, Virginia (has anyone ever left Haiti in any other manner than “flee”? Anyone ever “casually departed” fetid cesspool Port-au-Prince in anything less than a rush?).

The AP profiled Clemene Bastien and Theslet Benoir, two names well-suited to a French detective and his arch-nemesis or a Devil’s Island escapee and the dogged policeman obsessed with catching him. After relocating to Parksley, Bastien and Benoir decided to become food vendors, so they opened a “Haitian food truck,” causing much confusion among the locals who thought the menu contained typos.

“Chicken sewers? Surely you mean chicken skewers.”

“Non monsieur, it is chicken marinated in sewer runoff. A specialty in our home country!”

“TB&J? You must mean PB&J.”

“Not at all. It is tuberculosis and jelly, what every Haitian child craves.”

“Should I even ask about the choleraflower casserole?”

“Probably not. But our chimichagas comes with a free side of ticks.”

After the city caught the Haitians flushing the waste from their unlicensed truck down curbside gutters, the “food truck” was shut down. And of course Papa Doc and Baby Doc Poo-valier are suing, claiming racism. According to the AP, to defend itself the city has hired the law firm of Pender & Coward…which some of you may recall as the 1979 film starring Tim Conway as a cocksure PI and Don Knotts as his jittery assistant.​


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