
William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
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This is an EXCELLENT website for those who follow the immigration issue. It runs great columnists like Michelle Malkin, Sam Francis and Paul Craig Roberts. It is run by Peter Brimelow, author of "Alien Nation." It even has a few pro-Bush conservatives (Malkin is one), but I try not to let that bother me.

Sadly, this is true. With Kerry the Democrat, we expect it. From a Republican, we should expect --- and get --- better.
Mexicans are famous for being lazy and ignorant, they are clearly the bottom feeders of American socity. Only another lazy, ignorant, bottom feeder would injoy having these sub-humans invade America.
Dave said:
Mexicans are famous for being lazy and ignorant, they are clearly the bottom feeders of American socity. Only another lazy, ignorant, bottom feeder would injoy having these sub-humans invade America.

Dave, that post was outrageous, mean, and racist.
onedomino said:
Dave, that post was outrageous, mean, and racist.

Sure. And dead between the eyes.

The question nobody ever seems to ask is, if Mexicans are so great, why aren't they spreading that greatness in Mexico? Why do they have to come here? And bring their... whatever it is that they bring? Nobody ever stops to consider that the third worlders now flooding our country are NOTHING LIKE the Italians and Irish who came here last century, who were white, willing to learn English and keep their garbabe in containers. Now, it's a whole different thing. Don't believe me? Just take a walk around. Near my new office, I see every flag but the American one. These people are NOT interested in assimilating to America. They just want the higher levels of goods and services WE provide. THEY aren't going to contribute anything. We are the world's ATM and nobody seems to be pissed off about it.
Dave said:
Yea, but you can't say it is not true.

I can, at least the lazy part. I know how labor intensive hand picking oranges is down here in Florida. Not only is it hard work, but it's not exactly cold down here, and they don't get paid hourly, their pay is directly based on how much they pick. Those guys aren't lazy. They work their asses of.
I just heard last night on the local news here in Phoenix that over 50% of California's labor force CAN NOT speak ENGLISH!

Is there an immigration problem? You bet your fucking life there is!

But LAZY, Mexicans are NOT! They'll do any dirty job you got, and without complaining. And they'll be happy to get paid, whatever amount.

Now if you want to talk about LAZY, there's another race here in America that fits that catagory MUCH better, and I bet I don't even have to say what race. You all know already.
Mexicans are people who have always just used their hands and never their brains, they are lazy on intelligents. But the worst is how much crime mexicans bring to a area and the disrespect they have for America and givin the chance they will stab America in the back.
Pale Rider said:
I just heard last night on the local news here in Phoenix that over 50% of California's labor force NOT .

Now if you want to talk about LAZY, there's another race here in America that fits that catagory MUCH better, and I bet I don't even have to say what race. You all know already.

With all those hard working mexicans why is not Mexico a superpower?
Dave said:
Mexicans are people who have always just used their hands and never their brains, they are lazy on intelligents. But the worst is how much crime mexicans bring to a area and the disrespect they have for America and givin the chance they will stab America in the back.

Mexicans aren't any less intelligent than anyone else.

As far as they bring crime to America... yes they do. The facts prove it. They've been posted here many times.

Disrespect America, maybe in a way, fact of the matter is, THEY WANT IT BACK!
Dave said:
With all those hard working mexicans why is not Mexico a superpower?

Mexica is a rich country. They've got oil, produce and a thriving tourist industry. As far as a "military" superpower... I don't think they WANT to be.
Pale Rider said:
Now if you want to talk about LAZY, there's another race here in America that fits that catagory MUCH better, and I bet I don't even have to say what race. You all know already.

Oh, I'll go ahead and say it: The Finnish. Laziest bastards I've ever known.
Pale Rider said:
Mexica is a rich country. They've got oil, produce and a thriving tourist industry. As far as a "military" superpower... I don't think they WANT to be.

Not to take the subject too far afield, but why should anyone (Mexico, France, Germany, Japan, etc., etc., etc.) want to be a military power when they've got US to hide behind?

And, of course, because it is human nature, charity without some requirement of recompense(or, at least GRATITUDE) makes the recipient contemptuous of the giver.
William Joyce said:
Oh, I'll go ahead and say it: The Finnish. Laziest bastards I've ever known.

Q: Which is the ONE nation that repaid it's WW2 debt to the United States?

A: Finland.
I fart in your general direction, you American wipe-airs of other people's bottoms....
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