vanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of emails about government business last

Richard W. Painter‏ @RWPUSA 6m6 minutes ago
So Ivanka, what else is on your personal email server? You chose to use it for government business. Now it’s time for the U.S. House and the FBI to take a look. If it concerns Russia, Bob Mueller gets to look too.


Ivanka's emails: sins of the daughter threaten to hit Trump where it hurts

She will be thoroughly investigated - and maybe prosecuted.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis - The Washington Post

Ivanka Trump sent hundreds of emails last year to White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistants using a personal account, many of them in violation of federal records rules, according to people familiar with a White House examination of her correspondence.


But but Hillary!
/----/ Ivanka is not gubmint employee

Then why is she in email communication with cabinet members?

Not an employee, that would be illegal, but still a member of the team.
It's not illegal to send an email to a member of Trump's cabinet, moron.

Never said it was, dope.
Yes you did. " Then why is she in email communication with cabinet members? Not an employee, that would be illegal."

You're a special kind of dumbass.

Being an employee would be illegal, dope.
Not the emails.
Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.
Most of Mr. Trump’s aides used popular commercial email services like Gmail. Mr. Kushner created a domain,, in December to host his family’s personal email. That domain was hosted by GoDaddy on a server in Arizona, records show.

hosted by godaddy.

fuck off.
You liberals set the bar so low anything above it is hard to get excited about.
Deflect from a real question. You know exactly who you are! I have no fear of St.Pete at the pearly gates. Run your mouth but it has no effect here. Why would I give a shit what a hypocrit thinks.
You keep playing that hypocrite card brain dead.
Were you talking about locking Hillary up?
Did you instead vote for her?
Do you and others to this day not remain bitter and upset that everyone did not reward her for what she did?

Trump did not destroy over 30,000 emails beyond recovery. She did not send secret or classified emails. She did not have people that did not have clearance reading those emails. She did not setup her own unsecured server. It was found out and she was told the proper procedure and given a government account.

We will actually punish her by not running her for president which is more then then the liberals did.

Actually, dickbrearth, you don't really know shit about these emails other than what Trump people have said.

And we know what lying fucks they are.

So lets have at least 3 years of investigation first.

in the meantime: Lock her up Lock her up!!!! Crooked Ivanka should be fired. What does she do other than promote gher own business?
Good job of name calling. Nothing like childish behavior.
Trey Goudy has already requested the emails. So the whole committee will be able to read them.
You can read them too if you file a FOIA.
Unlike those emails of Hillarys. We are just taking her word for how many were bleach bit. We all know how she lies.
How do we that Crooked Ivanka never ever deleted an email???

Trey Gowdy? Who redacted reports before he gave them to his committee? That piece of shit?

Trtey the crooked

As for name calling, you're a Trumpette, you must love name calling.
Did you ever grow up?
Do you want cry and kick your heels on the floor a little more? Do you need a tissue?

At least we are not talking about Pelosi, Schumer or Watters now that is a real corrupt crew.

But you have fun.
Ivanka used personal email for WH business

Can we all finally admit that we really don't care about people using their personal emails for government business? Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of messages discussing official White House business last year, officials confirm.

From the article: A review into her emails revealed she had used her private address to contact government officials; Ms. Trump sent the emails before she was briefed on the rules, her lawyer says.

To be fair to Ivanka, she didn't know there was an issue about using your personal emails to conduct government business -- yea we know her Pops accused Hillary Clinton of putting the US "in danger" over her use of a private email while secretary of state -- the difference is, Ivanka is not Sec Of State so the likelihood of her having any national security level information is zero -- she was most likely sending cute cat videos or pictures of her clothing outfits trying to get feedback on the upcoming fall collection.

This may also be a distraction orchestrated by Obama and Hillary to take attention off of her real email scandal -- something that she will be going to jail for in the very near future, now that Matt Whitaker or Jeanine Pirro will be Attorney General.
Then you agree that Hillary needs to be locked up as well ?
This story is over a year old.
No it is not over a year old -- you just want it to be

Yes it is, she did this last year. We're in the end of November of this year. It's over a year old. It just came to light but its been over a year now.

From the OP:

Ivanka Trump used a personal email account to send hundreds of messages discussing official White House business last year, officials confirm.

Gotta learn to read, man. It helps a lot.
Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.
Most of Mr. Trump’s aides used popular commercial email services like Gmail. Mr. Kushner created a domain,, in December to host his family’s personal email. That domain was hosted by GoDaddy on a server in Arizona, records show.

hosted by godaddy.

fuck off.
A private domain.
A private server, dope.
Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.


Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.
Most of Mr. Trump’s aides used popular commercial email services like Gmail. Mr. Kushner created a domain,, in December to host his family’s personal email. That domain was hosted by GoDaddy on a server in Arizona, records show.

hosted by godaddy.

fuck off.
A private domain.
A private server, dope.

Once again Hillary was from the wicked witch of park ridge .a public paid servant..

Ivanka was just the president daughter.

Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.
Most of Mr. Trump’s aides used popular commercial email services like Gmail. Mr. Kushner created a domain,, in December to host his family’s personal email. That domain was hosted by GoDaddy on a server in Arizona, records show.

hosted by godaddy.

fuck off.
A private domain.
A private server, dope.
godaddy is not private asstard.

and i have a "private domain" my provider backs, up daily n must keep for awhile.

you know nothing of this or how it all works and thats very obvious.
Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.


i pulled my paragraph from another story. MOST dontctell you godaddy. com hosted it. people like assmunch here dont want the truth, just to hate.
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.
Most of Mr. Trump’s aides used popular commercial email services like Gmail. Mr. Kushner created a domain,, in December to host his family’s personal email. That domain was hosted by GoDaddy on a server in Arizona, records show.

hosted by godaddy.

fuck off.
A private domain.
A private server, dope.

Once again Hillary was from the wicked witch of park ridge .a public paid servant..

Ivanka was just the president daughter.

Yep, just the daughter who also has a security clearance, is an advisor to the president and communicates with cabinet members through a personal email account.

Every bit as involved as someone on the payroll. She's only not because it would be illegal.
Apparently even Trey Gowdy is getting into the act. He apparently does not want to leave the House as a hypocrite.

Gowdy requests info on Ivanka Trump's personal email use
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.


i pulled my paragraph from another story. MOST dontctell you godaddy. com hosted it. people like assmunch here dont want the truth, just to hate.

Like some third party host doesn't make it a private account on a private server.
Gowdy has always been something of a squish. I don't know why so many conservatives like him. He's all talk, no action.
let him look. nothing there. it will however fire up trump to go after hillary and o drive these differences home.

the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.
hillary... owned googles entire email system in her basement.

anyone doing "but but.. HILLARY" is, either technically illiterate and doesnt understand or being a fool n whining cause they simply hate trump and need "emotional insurance".
the left needs to shut the fuck up cause it is simply not the same thing.

ivanka... gmail type account.

Not a gmail account, dope. Not a publicly available system.

Ivanka used a private email account on a private server with its own domain set up by her and her husband.
Exactly like Clinton.
Stop lying.
Most of Mr. Trump’s aides used popular commercial email services like Gmail. Mr. Kushner created a domain,, in December to host his family’s personal email. That domain was hosted by GoDaddy on a server in Arizona, records show.

hosted by godaddy.

fuck off.
A private domain.
A private server, dope.
godaddy is not private asstard.

and i have a "private domain" my provider backs, up daily n must keep for awhile.

you know nothing of this or how it all works and thats very obvious.

It is private,dope.

Can I get an account at your or their domain?

Of course not.
Last edited:
No matter what security clearance the Kushner's have , they should know better, lock them up. They have the most secret of info and Trump depends on them. HIs close family advisors.
Let us know when she becomes Secretary of State. Starts an unsecured server. Then we will handle her in the same manner as Clinton was.

No she can be more damage that the SOS. We need to see those emails. She has inside info.

If there's sensitive information in the emails, you're one of the last people who should see them.

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