Valentine's Day Advice for the Menfolks


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Menfolks. In particular Menfolks Who Have Committed Relationships with Womenfolks:

If you are even remotely tempted to purchase a Big Hunka Love Teddy Bear for your Dearest, just one word of advice:

I usually get her a medium size box of chocolates, but not any more.

she'll have a piece or two, then leave it sitting for 4-5 days, at which point, I would finish it off.

Unfortunately, last check-up, doc told me I was borderline diabetic.

till I get my sugar far below the border, no candy.

(and other things)
Thanks for the advise. Not that the thought would ever cross my mind.

I have been known on occasion to tell her we are going to lunch and take her to the beach for a fun filled weekend.

The Mrs. favorite is the post it love notes carefully placed throughout the house where they will eventually be found.
I take my ladies out to a fancy dinner at McDonald's. I tell her she can order anything she wants from the dollar menu, as long as it comes out to under $5. Then I'll take her out to a movie. I know how the ladies love the Expendables flicks. If I'm feeling extra generous I'll even let her buy popcorn. I'm just a romantic.

Menfolks, please consider a good bottle of Champagne.
The best thing that my husband can give to me is a thought out gift, as easy as a poem...or a treasure hunt to the candy..Nice of you to start thinking about it.

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