VA Dept of Education Promoted Book Embracing CRT Curriculum While McAuliffe was Governor

CRT is openly taught and advocated, as Terry McAuliffe has called for and citations have demonstrated.
It's just not a formal part of the curriculum.

Think of teachers that openly espouse and promote Marxism even though there is no explicit formal teaching of Marxism as part of school curriculum.

See if your tiny mind can handle that, though I realize you will continue to obfuscate and garble the whole
matter no matter what. That's how you believe you can "win".

Check the thread OP.
You start off talking about CRT and then suddenly veer off to "Marxism".

Can you define either of those terms?
Alert the Fauxrage committees right away.

Wait a second, even Lincoln had racist attitudes didn't he? It was taught that way. It had to be taught that way. How else could the county allow the slave states to hold an entire race in servitude in perpetuity?

So the Anti CRT crusade is a fascist anti truth campaign.
It looks like this anti-CRT campaign is just a 21st century extension of the "Lost Cause" type propaganda.
The start of slavery in North America had NOTHING to do with race. CRT would tell you that it did, but it is a fine example of the anti-history/anti-truth aspects of CRT-type ideology. Were the Black Africans who imported Slavery into the US racist? What about the Blacks in North American who owned slaves (a higher percentage of Free Blacks owned slaves than Whites)? Were the Whites who owed White Slaves racist against Whites? Were the Indians who owned slaves racist? Were the Chinese slave owners racist against others? What about the Islamic slave trade? Are Muslims 75 Times more racist than Whites, since the Islamic world imported 75 TIMES more Black Africans into a far more brutal slave system than did North America?
Whites never owned Islamic Slaves, but 1.5 million White Europeans were enslaved in Islamic countries. Does that mean Whites cannot be racist against Islamic people and that they OWE Whites reparations?
"Whites never owned Islamic Slaves".....they most certainly did...............and took their religion away from them.
What a crock. Slavery in THIS country was all ABOUT race. Some lie there , so what you want is for children to be taught the racist version of history and anything else is “CRT” huh?

They like to slip in Indentured Servitude as if it were the same as race based Chattel was not.
Absolutely! Look at the memo that McAukiffe’s Deot of Education put out. The second line says to “engage in race-conscious teaching.” So there it is - in black and white. They want race to permeate all aspects of teaching!

And what does that mean? Does that mean if you have a class in which no blacks are in the top third that racism is at play? If more black kids fail math than whites, that’s a problem of whiteness?

And how will it play out in class? When teacher asks a question and hands go up, will she favor blacks and pick them over whites four times out of five to make sure she’s not accused of racism?
What does "race-con-scious" teaching mean to you? Sounds like you think it's a bad thing?
CRT is a dangerous mind altering system of racial brain washing that says whites are hopelessly racist
by dint of their genes (they can't help themselves) and blacks are naturally victims that are too weak and
passive to help themselves.

It wants to usher Jim Crow law back into the nation and re-segregate our schools and society.
It's simply a way for race hucksters to line their pockets at the expense of society in general.
"CRT is a dangerous mind altering system of racial brain washing that says whites are hopelessly racist...."

Link the part of CRT that makes that claim, please.
You know before I came onto this board I didn't really like liberals, but I didn't necessarily lOATHE them either. I just figured they were decent folks but misguided. NOPE. They are absolute scum of the earth. They want to destroy America in every way they can. Im so glad the weasel McAuliffe had a momentary lapse of liberal normalcy and actually SPOKE THE TRUTH. He said what he believed with regards to parents being involved in their children education and its biting him in the ass. You know he wishes he had that moment back where he could do what liberals typically do.......LIE!!!!!
It's interesting how, to you, this thread has morphed from taking about claims that the VA Dept of Ed embracing a book on how you hate liberals.

Maybe this was the ulterior motive of the Far Right by creating this CRT boogeyman.
I agree. I didn’t used to hate liberals either, but after seeing what they write on message boards, I do. They actually want to make our children racist against white people, and if anyone objects, they call that person a liar….or a racist himself.

And the rape case in Loudoun was the last straw. Here we see liberal after liberal spewing venom against the father of the victim while rushing in to a) defend the rapist, and b) hate on anyone who speaks up against this horrible crime.
It's interesting how, to you too, this thread has morphed from taking about claims that the VA Dept of Ed embracing a book on how you hate liberals.

Maybe this was the ulterior motive of the Far Right by creating this CRT boogeyman. (besides being a silly campaign rally cry in the Governor's race)
And the memo from the Dept of Education, in 2013 when Macaulife was Governor, reveals the lie. He can insist all he wants that they are not teaching CRT, but the memo says “teachers should embrace CRT“ and “be race-conscious in all their teachings”

This actually INSTILLS racism. Instead of saying, “just teach math without focusing on the skin color of your students,” it says, basically, “be aware of which students are black and which are white when you are teaching math.”

CRT promotes racism.
How does CRT promote racism?
It's interesting how, to you too, this thread has morphed from taking about claims that the VA Dept of Ed embracing a book on how you hate liberals.

Maybe this was the ulterior motive of the Far Right by creating this CRT boogeyman. (besides being a silly campaign rally cry in the Governor's race)
There’s no bogeyman. That‘s what leftists call it because the cat is out of the bag. The memo from the VA Dept of Ed, under Maculife, was all this stuff about how teachers should embrace CRT, they should be race-conscious when teaching their classes (in other words, pay attention to the skin tone of each of the kids), re-engineer beliefs and values, and reconstruct the image of the black male. Race, race, rwce!

They need to get back to teaching math, English Composition, and the other basics.
One additional point: that the memo under Maculiffe is from 2013 shows how far back the leftists who have infiltrated our school system were trying to get CRT thinking into the classroom.

and finally, when the lying Dems insist that CRT is not being taught in Virginia, they mean there is no official class: CRT, Room 224, 1:00 - 2:00 pm. But CRT is more than that: it is a racist and anti-American ideology that is influencing what is taught in the schools.

Go, Youngkin!
2013...8 years. How much is your idea of CRT (still not defined) has become entrenched in VA school curriculum since then? Perhaps you can link some of that.
How does CRT promote racism?
By telling teachers to be race-conscious when interacting with students. IOW, be aware of which students are the oppressors and innate racists, and which ones are oppressed victims.

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