Va. And Md. Governors Demand Garland Ban Protests Outside Justices Homes

Wrong.... Intimidating a judge in the performance of their duties is a violation of US law. Threatening a judge is a felony. You are about as dumb as they come.

18 U.S. Code § 1507 - Picketing or parading​

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

Nothing in this section shall interfere with or prevent the exercise by any court of the United States of its power to punish for contempt.

You can continue to repeat over and over what has been covered all you want, it changes nothing.

People have a constitutional right to protest, even Supreme Court rulings.
I sound like someone that supports the Constitution over politics.
Well, so approximately that makes you a classical liberal, which approximately today would be a right leaning libertarian like me. :)

Yeah, I dig. I like our Constitution. Too bad the rest of our law has... how shall we say... diverged from it
I sound like someone that supports the Constitution over politics.
For the most part, people on the other side are nowhere near as proactive as Progressives. If they start doing this at the level of Progs will you be the same? Jan. 6 was not an Insurrection but Progs brought that into the everyday word usage. It was more about Progs using the building the protesters were in as sacrosanct to get away with their childish politics when it is not.
For the most part, people on the other side are nowhere near as proactive as Progressives. If they start doing this at the level of Progs will you be the same? Jan. 6 was not an Insurrection but Progs brought that into the everyday word usage. It was more about Progs using the building the protesters were in as sacrosanct to get away with their childish politics when it is not.

You can go back and look but on Jan 6 I said I supported the people's right to protest, I just didn't support what they were protesting over. (A spoiled brat upset that he lost)
You can go back and look but on Jan 6 I said I supported the people's right to protest, I just didn't support what they were protesting over. (A spoiled brat upset that he lost)
The mistrust in politicians and those who push their agendas has been going on for some years. Most Repub voters have noticed this as they are being blamed for all the ills of the nation and world. I see very few Progs living off the land and with little comforts. That was no Insurrection. The voting system we have is questionable as it can be abused. A virus is released to control the people and the economy is purposely affected by people with power. Progs did this with the help of some Republicans and the establishment.
The mistrust in politicians and those who push their agendas has been going on for some years. Most Repub voters have noticed this as they are being blamed for all the ills of the nation and world. I see very few Progs living off the land and with little comforts. That was no Insurrection. The voting system we have is questionable as it can be abused. A virus is released to control the people and the economy is purposely affected by people with power. Progs did this with the help of some Republicans and the establishment.

It all happened under Trump.
Garland's failure to prohibit disruptive, abusive protests at conservative Supreme Court justices' homes is another disturbing manifestation of liberal lawlessness. Liberals talk of "tolerance," "inclusion," "diversity," "love," etc., but in reality they allow their most-radical element to abuse, bully, intimidate, and physically assault those who disagree with them.
please the demafasict uprising to undermine our republic began under bush not trump. you all became violent under trump

COVID shut downs happened under Trump. Oddly his supporters want to blame everyone else.
You mean like the murderous Trumpers on January 6 2021 at the Capitol?

So when do you law enforcing Republicans plan on prosecuting Trump?
Hmmm I thought it was a Dimmer who committed the only murder, how do you kill someone with a wavy flag or a baby carriage??

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