USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
" Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ... "

If the Plaques are in the Katyn Forrest (were they should be) then they are a hell of a long way from Russia. So you can't blame them. Poland is an EU member.
If they are anywhere else say in Russia, then its up to the locals as to how relevant is it to them. No doubt there will be Holocaust burial, Pogrom burial,(Tsars), Nationalist burial, Napolionic burial etc etc sites around. How many plaques do you want all over the shop?
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
" Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ... "

If the Plaques are in the Katyn Forrest (were they should be) then they are a hell of a long way from Russia. So you can't blame them. Poland is an EU member.
If they are anywhere else say in Russia, then its up to the locals as to how relevant is it to them. No doubt there will be Holocaust burial, Pogrom burial,(Tsars), Nationalist burial, Napolionic burial etc etc sites around. How many plaques do you want all over the shop?
my point is that Muscovites are even today lying covering Koba´s crimes against humanity , do you agree?

" On June 14, in a letter to Tver’s Mayor Aleksei Ogonkov, Kleymenov --.... Communist Party -- called the information on the plaques “distorted” and claimed that it has an “antipatriotic effect on the young generation.” Without providing support for his claim, he called the idea that Polish officers were shot in Kalinin’s NKVD building “quite simply falsified.” "
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
" Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ... "

If the Plaques are in the Katyn Forrest (were they should be) then they are a hell of a long way from Russia. So you can't blame them. Poland is an EU member.
If they are anywhere else say in Russia, then its up to the locals as to how relevant is it to them. No doubt there will be Holocaust burial, Pogrom burial,(Tsars), Nationalist burial, Napolionic burial etc etc sites around. How many plaques do you want all over the shop?
my point is that Muscovites are even today lying covering Koba´s crimes against humanity , do you agree?

" On June 14, in a letter to Tver’s Mayor Aleksei Ogonkov, Kleymenov --.... Communist Party -- called the information on the plaques “distorted” and claimed that it has an “antipatriotic effect on the young generation.” Without providing support for his claim, he called the idea that Polish officers were shot in Kalinin’s NKVD building “quite simply falsified.” "
How do you know have you ever lived among Moscovites and asked them?
No doubt some Brits lie or are uneducated about the Great Irish Famine.
In every country there are those who will refuse to accept their country's dark side.

Of more concern to me is why Americans including some Jews refuse to acknowledge what the far right are capable of.
The Nazi's didn't just kill their so called enemies in isolated though often large massacres.
It was state policy to destroy an entire race - 13 million Jews & Gypsies across the whole of Europe. And no nation has set up industrial processes that involved firms competing to build Gas chambers & crematoria to murder innocent people by the thousands at a time, - that goes way beyond what every other nation did, and actually their crimes pale into insignificance in comparison.

All your posts seem to relate only to offences by the former USSR. Surely the objective should be that no nation commits these crimes in future, and to do that you have to look at ALL human rights abuses, take your tinted political specs off and then put your neutral hat on!
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
" Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ... "

If the Plaques are in the Katyn Forrest (were they should be) then they are a hell of a long way from Russia. So you can't blame them. Poland is an EU member.
If they are anywhere else say in Russia, then its up to the locals as to how relevant is it to them. No doubt there will be Holocaust burial, Pogrom burial,(Tsars), Nationalist burial, Napolionic burial etc etc sites around. How many plaques do you want all over the shop?
my point is that Muscovites are even today lying covering Koba´s crimes against humanity , do you agree?

" On June 14, in a letter to Tver’s Mayor Aleksei Ogonkov, Kleymenov --.... Communist Party -- called the information on the plaques “distorted” and claimed that it has an “antipatriotic effect on the young generation.” Without providing support for his claim, he called the idea that Polish officers were shot in Kalinin’s NKVD building “quite simply falsified.” "
How do you know have you ever lived among Moscovites and asked them?
No doubt some Brits lie or are uneducated about the Great Irish Famine.
In every country there are those who will refuse to accept their country's dark side.

Of more concern to me is why Americans including some Jews refuse to acknowledge what the far right are capable of.
The Nazi's didn't just kill their so called enemies in isolated though often large massacres.
It was state policy to destroy an entire race - 13 million Jews & Gypsies across the whole of Europe. And no nation has set up industrial processes that involved firms competing to build Gas chambers & crematoria to murder innocent people by the thousands at a time, - that goes way beyond what every other nation did, and actually their crimes pale into insignificance in comparison.

All your posts seem to relate only to offences by the former USSR. Surely the objective should be that no nation commits these crimes in future, and to do that you have to look at ALL human rights abuses, take your tinted political specs off and then put your neutral hat on!
I fight them daily , they are products of Satan (the Mongol czars did not even hide this fact)



Soviet Dictator Stalin's Popularity in Russia: Organic or ... › disinfo-russia-stalin-poll

Apr 19, 2019 - Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's popularity in Russia has reached an all-time high, according to a poll by the independent polling agency Levada ...

Stalin's Appeal Surging Among Russians, Opinion Poll Suggests › stalin-s-appeal-surging-among-russians...

Apr 16, 2019 - Respect among Russians for Josef Stalin rose sharply in the past year ... of several indications that Stalin's popularity has been rising in recent ...

Vladimir Putin's Russia is rehabilitating Stalin. We must not let ... › commentisfree › jul › vladimir...

Jul 10, 2019 - Artefacts from Stalin's brutal reign give the lie to Putin's vision of a 'heroic' Soviet past, says author and historian Irina Sherbakova.
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
" Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ... "

If the Plaques are in the Katyn Forrest (were they should be) then they are a hell of a long way from Russia. So you can't blame them. Poland is an EU member.
If they are anywhere else say in Russia, then its up to the locals as to how relevant is it to them. No doubt there will be Holocaust burial, Pogrom burial,(Tsars), Nationalist burial, Napolionic burial etc etc sites around. How many plaques do you want all over the shop?
my point is that Muscovites are even today lying covering Koba´s crimes against humanity , do you agree?

" On June 14, in a letter to Tver’s Mayor Aleksei Ogonkov, Kleymenov --.... Communist Party -- called the information on the plaques “distorted” and claimed that it has an “antipatriotic effect on the young generation.” Without providing support for his claim, he called the idea that Polish officers were shot in Kalinin’s NKVD building “quite simply falsified.” "
How do you know have you ever lived among Moscovites and asked them?
No doubt some Brits lie or are uneducated about the Great Irish Famine.
In every country there are those who will refuse to accept their country's dark side.

Of more concern to me is why Americans including some Jews refuse to acknowledge what the far right are capable of.
The Nazi's didn't just kill their so called enemies in isolated though often large massacres.
It was state policy to destroy an entire race - 13 million Jews & Gypsies across the whole of Europe. And no nation has set up industrial processes that involved firms competing to build Gas chambers & crematoria to murder innocent people by the thousands at a time, - that goes way beyond what every other nation did, and actually their crimes pale into insignificance in comparison.

All your posts seem to relate only to offences by the former USSR. Surely the objective should be that no nation commits these crimes in future, and to do that you have to look at ALL human rights abuses, take your tinted political specs off and then put your neutral hat on!
I fight them daily , they are products of Satan (the Mongol czars did not even hide this fact)
View attachment 389397
View attachment 389398
View attachment 389399

Soviet Dictator Stalin's Popularity in Russia: Organic or ... › disinfo-russia-stalin-poll

Apr 19, 2019 - Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's popularity in Russia has reached an all-time high, according to a poll by the independent polling agency Levada ...
Stalin's Appeal Surging Among Russians, Opinion Poll Suggests › stalin-s-appeal-surging-among-russians...

Apr 16, 2019 - Respect among Russians for Josef Stalin rose sharply in the past year ... of several indications that Stalin's popularity has been rising in recent ...
Vladimir Putin's Russia is rehabilitating Stalin. We must not let ... › commentisfree › jul › vladimir...

Jul 10, 2019 - Artefacts from Stalin's brutal reign give the lie to Putin's vision of a 'heroic' Soviet past, says author and historian Irina Sherbakova.

Its their country, if they decide they want to go back to communism that's up to them. In truth the reality is far different. Many Russians would prefer Stalin to Putin but there is a growing threat from the Nationalist right.
Just imagine a fascist Russia with a Stalin like figure running it.
Then the whole world would be in big, big trouble!
USSR Marxist Katyn cover operation. "USSR blamed the deaths on Nazi Germany during the Nuremberg Trials". one for sure, Moscow will never change, as long as Its an empire (ulus)

"Anti-Katyn (Polish: Anty-Katyń, Russian: Анти-Катынь) is a propaganda whataboutery[according to whom?] and historical negationist[according to whom?] campaign intended to reduce and obscure[according to whom?] the impact of the Katyn massacre of 1940 — when approximately 22,000 Polish citizens were murdered by the Soviet NKVD on the orders of Joseph Stalin — by referencing the deaths of thousands of Russian and Red Army soldiers at Polish internment camps from 1919–1924 during the Interwar era.

"Anti-Katyn" first emerged around 1990. After the Soviet government admitted that it had previously tried to cover up its responsibility for the massacre by claiming that it was perpetrated by the Nazi German army, previously neglected research into the fate of Soviet POWs in Poland in 1920s was revived to be used as a "tit-for-tat" argument in the discussions of Katyn.[1]

Polish historian Andrzej Nowak summarized "Anti-Katyn" as an attempt by (some) Russian historians and publicists to "overshadow the memory of the crimes of the Soviet system against the Poles, creating imaginary analogies or even justification" because of the earlier deaths of the prisoners of war.[2] "

Khatyn vs Katyn

On 3 July 1974 the British newspaper Daily Telegraph published the following article: «Confusion on Khatyn and Katyn».

President Nixon’s visit to the memorial in the Belarusian village of Khatyn has caused a mistaken impression that Russia has erected a memorial to the victims of the wartime massacre of Polish officers in the Katyn forest. In fact, Khatyn and Katyn are two entirely different places; Khatyn, in which the ’kh’ is pronounced like the English ’h’ is a small village some 30 miles to the north-east of Minsk, the capital of Belarus

Katyn, which is pronounced as written, is a town about 15 miles west of Smolensk, a provincial city in Russia proper. Khatyn is about 160 miles west of Katyn.

When Stalin and Hitler divided up Poland at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939, some 240,000 Polish officers and men fell into Russian hands. After Hitler’s invasion of Russia in June 1941, 15,000 were found to be missing and the Russians denied all knowledge of them.

Katyn fell into German hands in the late summer of 1941 and at the beginning of 1943 the German army discovered a mass grave of 4,443 Polish officers and men.

When the Polish Government-in-exile appealed for an international tribunal to determine how the Poles died Stalin broke off relations. After re-taking Katyn the Russians set up their own inquiry and said the Poles had been executed by the Germans.

Later researches by Polish and independent authorities in the west, as well as wartime Foreign Office documents, leave no doubt that the Poles were executed by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The Russians have tried to erase Katyn from maps and history books. The reference to it in the 1953 edition of the Soviet Encyclopedia was dropped in the 1973 edition. No visitors are allowed to the area and no memorial has been erected.

It was not until 1969 that the Russians announced the unveiling of a «memorial complex» on the site of the village of Khatyn. It was one of 9,200 Byelorussian villages destroyed by the Germans, and one of 136 of which all the inhabitants were killed.

Road to Khatyn

The Russians appear to have chosen Khatyn because of the similarity of its name to Katyn. They hoped in this way to obscure the fact they have erected no memorial to the victims of Katyn, which was no less a crime than the one committed at Khatyn.

Several things about this are interesting to note: President Nixon was taken by the Soviets to Khatyn at the very time the Katyn Memorial Fund was fighting the Church of England for permission to erect the Katyn Memorial in London. The President’s visit received wide publicity, the object so obviously being to occlude the issue and cause people to wonder, perhaps, why there was so much fuss in Britain to erect a memorial to the victims of Katyn when «one already existed in Russia.»

A look at Soviet maps is also revealing:

1954. A map in the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia does not show Khatyn at all.
1956. A map of the Smolensk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Katyn
1969. A large atlas of the USSR shows neither Khatyn nor Katyn
1971. A map of the Minsk region in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia shows Khatyn but not Katyn.

It can only be that this extraordinary sleight-of-hand is a device to remove the real Katyn and substitute Khatyn in an attempt, albeit clumsy, yet further to distract and confuse the world as to the whereabouts of massive crimes committed by the Soviets and substitute another alleged crime to Nazi Germany.
Its very old news mate!
There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else.

"There is no longer a Soviet Union as it has become a Russian Mafia state with little interest in ideological cleansing of Poles or anyone else."

you are wrong,

After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia › after-80-years-the-katyn-lie-lives-on-in...

Mar 5, 2020 - After 80 Years, The 'Katyn Lie' Lives On In Russia ... the chief policymaking body of the ruling CommunistParty -- received a proposal known as ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/5/20

In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See ... › russia-katyn-massacre-rewriting-histor...

Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ...
" Dec 22, 2019 - In Removal Of Plaques Marking Katyn Massacre, Critics See Russian ... and of the historical politics of President Vladimir Putin's government, ... "

If the Plaques are in the Katyn Forrest (were they should be) then they are a hell of a long way from Russia. So you can't blame them. Poland is an EU member.
If they are anywhere else say in Russia, then its up to the locals as to how relevant is it to them. No doubt there will be Holocaust burial, Pogrom burial,(Tsars), Nationalist burial, Napolionic burial etc etc sites around. How many plaques do you want all over the shop?
my point is that Muscovites are even today lying covering Koba´s crimes against humanity , do you agree?

" On June 14, in a letter to Tver’s Mayor Aleksei Ogonkov, Kleymenov --.... Communist Party -- called the information on the plaques “distorted” and claimed that it has an “antipatriotic effect on the young generation.” Without providing support for his claim, he called the idea that Polish officers were shot in Kalinin’s NKVD building “quite simply falsified.” "
How do you know have you ever lived among Moscovites and asked them?
No doubt some Brits lie or are uneducated about the Great Irish Famine.
In every country there are those who will refuse to accept their country's dark side.

Of more concern to me is why Americans including some Jews refuse to acknowledge what the far right are capable of.
The Nazi's didn't just kill their so called enemies in isolated though often large massacres.
It was state policy to destroy an entire race - 13 million Jews & Gypsies across the whole of Europe. And no nation has set up industrial processes that involved firms competing to build Gas chambers & crematoria to murder innocent people by the thousands at a time, - that goes way beyond what every other nation did, and actually their crimes pale into insignificance in comparison.

All your posts seem to relate only to offences by the former USSR. Surely the objective should be that no nation commits these crimes in future, and to do that you have to look at ALL human rights abuses, take your tinted political specs off and then put your neutral hat on!
I fight them daily , they are products of Satan (the Mongol czars did not even hide this fact)
View attachment 389397
View attachment 389398
View attachment 389399

Soviet Dictator Stalin's Popularity in Russia: Organic or ... › disinfo-russia-stalin-poll

Apr 19, 2019 - Soviet dictator Josef Stalin's popularity in Russia has reached an all-time high, according to a poll by the independent polling agency Levada ...
Stalin's Appeal Surging Among Russians, Opinion Poll Suggests › stalin-s-appeal-surging-among-russians...

Apr 16, 2019 - Respect among Russians for Josef Stalin rose sharply in the past year ... of several indications that Stalin's popularity has been rising in recent ...
Vladimir Putin's Russia is rehabilitating Stalin. We must not let ... › commentisfree › jul › vladimir...

Jul 10, 2019 - Artefacts from Stalin's brutal reign give the lie to Putin's vision of a 'heroic' Soviet past, says author and historian Irina Sherbakova.

Its their country, if they decide they want to go back to communism that's up to them. In truth the reality is far different. Many Russians would prefer Stalin to Putin but there is a growing threat from the Nationalist right.
Just imagine a fascist Russia with a Stalin like figure running it.
Then the whole world would be in big, big trouble!

" Its their country, if they decide they want to go back to communism that's up to them " you dont know history nobody even in Moscow "decide ", a criminal gang (Bolsheviks who representes 4% Muscovites- proletariat ) with gangs and bombs just took over. and once Marxists was dead USSR has collapsed. neo stalinism is national socialism , which is no way for the world and for Muscovite elites
The action of the Bolsheviks was an act of retaliation against the Poles. During the Soviet-Polish war of the first 1920s the Pollacks killed a great number of the Soviet prisoners of war.
The action of the Bolsheviks was an act of retaliation against the Poles. During the Soviet-Polish war of the first 1920s the Pollacks killed a great number of the Soviet prisoners of war.
its a well-known RT:ru version of world history . No it was not ,

Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946) - Wikipedia › wiki › Soviet_repressions_of_Polish...

In the aftermath of the German and Soviet invasion of Poland, which took place in September ... Both regimes endorsed a systematic program of genocide.
Location(s)‎: ‎Poland
Aftermath of the Soviet ... · ‎Dismantling of Polish ... · ‎Restoration of Polish ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 5/9/20

Polish Operation of the NKVD - Wikipedia › wiki › Polish_Operation_of_the_NK...

The Polish Operation of the NKVD (Soviet security service) in 1937–1938 was an anti-Polish ... Karol Karski argues that the Soviet actions against Poles are genocideaccording to international law. He says that while the extermination was ...
NKVD Order № 00485 · ‎Killing process and death ... · ‎Assessment
The action of the Bolsheviks was an act of retaliation against the Poles. During the Soviet-Polish war of the first 1920s the Pollacks killed a great number of the Soviet prisoners of war.
its a well-known RT:ru version of world history . No it was not ,

Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946) - Wikipedia › wiki › Soviet_repressions_of_Polish...

In the aftermath of the German and Soviet invasion of Poland, which took place in September ... Both regimes endorsed a systematic program of genocide.
Location(s)‎: ‎Poland
Aftermath of the Soviet ... · ‎Dismantling of Polish ... · ‎Restoration of Polish ...
You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 5/9/20

Polish Operation of the NKVD - Wikipedia › wiki › Polish_Operation_of_the_NK...

The Polish Operation of the NKVD (Soviet security service) in 1937–1938 was an anti-Polish ... Karol Karski argues that the Soviet actions against Poles are genocideaccording to international law. He says that while the extermination was ...
NKVD Order № 00485 · ‎Killing process and death ... · ‎Assessment
Well, I have read some articles about the Soviet-Polish war and I have to admit that I didn't find any mentions about organized killings of Bolshevik POW in Poland, at least of the Katyn scale. The vast majority of the victims was because of harsh conditions in the camps.

It surprised me greatly. Because I could bet that similar massacre had taken place.
It's an axiom that no matter how many acts of barbarism and cruelty are committed only the losers face the gallows.
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The action of the Bolsheviks was an act of retaliation against the Poles. During the Soviet-Polish war of the first 1920s the Pollacks killed a great number of the Soviet prisoners of war.
its a well-known RT:ru version of world history . No it was not ,

Soviet repressions of Polish citizens (1939–1946) - Wikipedia › wiki › Soviet_repressions_of_Polish...

In the aftermath of the German and Soviet invasion of Poland, which took place in September ... Both regimes endorsed a systematic program of genocide.
Location(s)‎: ‎Poland
Aftermath of the Soviet ... · ‎Dismantling of Polish ... · ‎Restoration of Polish ...
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Polish Operation of the NKVD - Wikipedia › wiki › Polish_Operation_of_the_NK...

The Polish Operation of the NKVD (Soviet security service) in 1937–1938 was an anti-Polish ... Karol Karski argues that the Soviet actions against Poles are genocideaccording to international law. He says that while the extermination was ...
NKVD Order № 00485 · ‎Killing process and death ... · ‎Assessment
Well, I have read some articles about the Soviet-Polish war and I have to admit that I didn't find any mentions about organized killings of Bolshevik POW in Poland, at least of the Katyn scale. The vast majority of the victims was because of harsh conditions in the camps.

It surprised me greatly. Because I could bet that similar massacre had taken place.
its propaganda, old man post wiki link , by the way its way way off topic which is Khatyn´ not Katyn´

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