USS Liberty

The ship was clearly marked as an American ship, with a very large Stars and Stripes flying off her mast.

There's no way the Zionists Squatters didn't know what they were shooting at.

The more likely explanation was they were afraid the Liberty had picked up intelligence on their unprovoked pre-emptive attacks on their neighbors.
I think the more likely explanation, as advanced by others besides me, is that they intended for the ship to sink so that it could be blamed on the Egyptians. The Israelis are masters of deception and propaganda and using false flags. LBJ MacNamara and McCain Sr. were in on it.

Not being a sailor, it was a miracle that the boat did not sink.
The ship was clearly marked as an American ship, with a very large Stars and Stripes flying off her mast.

There's no way the Zionists Squatters didn't know what they were shooting at.

The more likely explanation was they were afraid the Liberty had picked up intelligence on their unprovoked pre-emptive attacks on their neighbors.

To suggest that the Israelis attacked the clearly marked USS Liberty by "accident" would be laughable if the event was not so tragic.

1. Did our "ally" accidentally deploy unmarked Mirage planes ?

"History Channel’s "Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty" Gives Crew Chance to Tell Their Story"

EXCERPT "Then, at 2 p.m. on June 8, 1967, a clear day, three unmarked Mirage fighters attacked the USS Liberty for five minutes. A National Securty Agency (NSA) surveillance plane overheard the attack. Radio operators in nearby Lebanon also intercepted Israel Defense Force orders to attack the ship, as well as the pilot’s reply that it was an American ship and he could see an American flag. The order was repeated: “Attack the ship.”"CONTINUED

2. Did our "ally" accidentally strafe lowered American life rafts for the wounded American G.I.s ?

"Commonly Asked Questions about the USS Liberty"
Prepared by the Independent Commission of Inquiry

EXCERPT "After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range."CONTINUED

3. Did one ethical Israeli pilot refuse to attack a clearly marked American ship get locked up by accident ?

"Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED

To suggest that the deliberate Israeli attempt to sink our USS Liberty and murder the entire crew was an "accident" is just as absurd and insulting as saying that the Holocaust was also an "accident".

Next, someone was foolish enough to suggest that the fact that there were Jewish crew members among the Liberty's crew is proof that the attack was an accident. The same individual must be unaware that some Jews will eagerly sacrifice other Jews when it serves their treacherous agenda.

For example:

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”

Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

Regrettably, America's infestation of disloyal "Israel Firsters" who appear to be in America for the sole purpose of extracting even more American blood and precious resources for right wing Israeli genocide,"Greater Israel" regional hegemony and expansionism.

Americans who made excuses for an earlier Israeli betrayal, The Lavon Affair, ignored the fact that history repeats itself.

The reason that the Liberty betrayal is salient, today, is that loyal but naive Americans must see the current genocidal, right wing and expansionist Netanyahu government for the treacherous parasite it is.

The Liberty massacre wasn't the last of Israeli betrayals:

"Israel Kept ’83 Bomb Plot From U.S., Book Says"

EXCERPT "Israel could have prevented the bombing that killed 241 Marines in Lebanon in 1983 but it chose not to give the Americans details of the plot, according to a book about Israel’s fabled Mossad intelligence agency.

The book, “By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer,” was written by Victor Ostrovsky, a Canadian-born artist who grew up in Israel and said he served in the agency for four years starting in 1983.

At the request of the Israeli government, a New York state judge issued an order Wednesday temporarily barring St. Martin’s Press from distributing the book. A similar order was obtained this week in Canada." CONTINUED

Death to Hamas.

Death to Hezbollah.

Death to Houthis.

Go Team Israel.

I wonder what Donald Trump has in-mind pertaining to the unleashing of Hell in the Middle East?

Round-the-clock carpet-bombing and high-explosive missile barrages against Hamas sounds like a grand way to kick that off.

Any Gazan with an ounce of brains and two shekels to rub together needs to get his family out of Gaza before January 20th.

This is the price they pay for decades of support for Hamas and stupidly keeping them in power after October 7, 2023.

Phukk 'em... ol' Donald Trump may very well light-'em-up... couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of lowlife Islamist scumbags.
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The ship was clearly marked as an American ship, with a very large Stars and Stripes flying off her mast.

There's no way the Zionists Squatters didn't know what they were shooting at.

The more likely explanation was they were afraid the Liberty had picked up intelligence on their unprovoked pre-emptive attacks on their neighbors.
You are assuming your info is true and accurate and there was a visual which contradicts the request to identify themselves.
If no ships from U.S. were supposed to be there, then how does it get there without a foreign entity disguising as a U.S. ship? Arabs assaults have pretended to be women and Rabbis masquerading as something else is a known acceptable tactic by Arab aggressors. But of course coming from you, who can't tell the difference from a guy from a girl, trying to tell us this is a mute point.
You are assuming your info is true and accurate and there was a visual which contradicts the request to identify themselves.
If no ships from U.S. were supposed to be there, then how does it get there without a foreign entity disguising as a U.S. ship? Arabs assaults have pretended to be women and Rabbis masquerading as something else is a known acceptable tactic by Arab aggressors. But of course coming from you, who can't tell the difference from a guy from a girl, trying to tell us this is a mute point.

Please read and respond to my Comment # 162 in which I addressed your opinion that because some members of the USS Liberty's crew were Jewish, the Israeli attack must have been accidental.

I provided just one example in which some Jews were willing to sacrifice other Jews for "Greater Israel" before just as they had already proven their willingness to firebomb American offices in an earlier False Flag attempt; The Lavon Affair.

Briefly put, attempting to pretend that Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident" is as absurd as "accidentally" shooting a spouse for over 2 hours.

1. How did the Israelis "accidentally" strafe lowered life rafts at close range if their intent was not to kill all American G.I.s aboard?


EXCERPT "Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, who has served this country as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations, once lead an independent commission to investigate what really happened to the USS Liberty. The commission’s findings were made public in 2003. Here are a few of the shocking conclusions.

  • The attack, by a U.S. ally, was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill its entire crew.
  • The attack included the machine-gunning of stretcher-bearers and life rafts .
  • The White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the USS Liberty. This was the first time in naval history a rescue mission had been cancelled while an American ship was under attack.
  • Surviving crew members were later threatened with court-martial, imprisonment, or worse if they talked to anyone about what had happened to them; and were “abandoned by their own government.”CONTINUED

The only reason that the attack on the USS Liberty remains a salient incident is because there was never a full, honest and open investigation.

If young American G.I.s are going to be repeated sacrificed for "Greater Israel" and regional Zionist hegemony, their survivors should at least know why.

Yesterday Candace Owens interviewed Phil Tourney, a survivor of the attack on the USS Liberty by Israeli jets and attack boats. I read Tourney's book "Erasing the Liberty" about 10 years ago.

Owens' interview is spot on and most informative.

It turns out the first Israeli POTUS was Lyndon Johnson. As the Liberty came under attack a Navy carrier launched Phantoms to defend the Liberty. LBJ ordered the aircraft back to the carrier. Quite a shame.
Huh, well, Candace Owens also thinks the Moon landings were faked and that the Nazis did not conduct cruel medical experiments on Jews at Auschwitz. She has lost her mind.

Numerous official investigations have reached the same conclusion: that the firing on the USS Liberty was accidental. There have been even worse, seemingly baffling cases of friendly fire in wartime. In all those cases, the targets were clearly marked as friendly, yet they were fired on anyway by friendly forces. It happens.

What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty, given how dependent Israel was on U.S. aid?

Here is a good resource for the facts on the USS Liberty incident:

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Huh, well, Candace Owens also thinks the Moon landings were faked and that the Nazis did not conduct cruel medical experiments on Jews at Auschwitz. She has lost her mind.

Numerous official investigations have reached the same conclusion: that the firing on the USS Liberty was accidental. There have been ever worse, seemingly baffling cases of friendly fire in wartime. In all those cases, the targets were clearly marked as friendly, yet they were fired on anyway by friendly forces. It happens.

What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty, given how dependent Israel was on U.S. aid?

Here is a good resource for the facts on the USS Liberty incident:

Rather than writing what I've already written, please read my earlier comment regarding Israel's additional betrayal.

Briefly put, attempting to pretend that Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident" is as absurd as "accidentally" shooting a spouse for over 2 hours.

1. How did the Israelis "accidentally" strafe lowered life rafts at close range if their intent was not to kill all American G.I.s aboard?


Flashback: New Evidence Proves Israel Attacked USS Liberty With Orders to Kill 294 Americans – Socio-Economics History Blog

EXCERPT "Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, who has served this country as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations, once lead an independent commission to investigate what really happened to the USS Liberty. The commission’s findings were made public in 2003. Here are a few of the shocking conclusions.

  • The attack, by a U.S. ally, was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill its entire crew.
  • The attack included the machine-gunning of stretcher-bearers and life rafts .
  • The White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the USS Liberty. This was the first time in naval history a rescue mission had been cancelled while an American ship was under attack.
  • Surviving crew members were later threatened with court-martial, imprisonment, or worse if they talked to anyone about what had happened to them; and were “abandoned by their own government.”CONTINUED

Additionally, $10,000- says that the traitorous author / apologist, A. Jay Cristol is lying:

$10,000 Challenge

EXCERPT "The Liberty Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim:

"After ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations), there was never any evidence that the attack was made with knowledge that the target was a US ship." CONTINUED

Rather than writing what I've already written, please read my earlier comment regarding Israel's additional betrayal.

Briefly put, attempting to pretend that Israel's deliberate attack on the USS Liberty was an "accident" is as absurd as "accidentally" shooting a spouse for over 2 hours.

1. How did the Israelis "accidentally" strafe lowered life rafts at close range if their intent was not to kill all American G.I.s aboard?


Flashback: New Evidence Proves Israel Attacked USS Liberty With Orders to Kill 294 Americans – Socio-Economics History Blog

EXCERPT "Navy Admiral Thomas Moorer, who has served this country as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Chief of Naval Operations, once lead an independent commission to investigate what really happened to the USS Liberty. The commission’s findings were made public in 2003. Here are a few of the shocking conclusions.

  • The attack, by a U.S. ally, was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill its entire crew.
  • The attack included the machine-gunning of stretcher-bearers and life rafts .
  • The White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the USS Liberty. This was the first time in naval history a rescue mission had been cancelled while an American ship was under attack.
  • Surviving crew members were later threatened with court-martial, imprisonment, or worse if they talked to anyone about what had happened to them; and were “abandoned by their own government.”CONTINUED

Additionally, $10,000- says that the traitorous author / apologist, A. Jay Cristol is lying:

$10,000 Challenge

EXCERPT "The Liberty Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim:

"After ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations), there was never any evidence that the attack was made with knowledge that the target was a US ship." CONTINUED

Every little bit of this abject nonsense is answered by articles at the link I posted. You clearly have only read one side of the story and are determined to believe the most ridiculous claims on the matter.

I ask again, What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty? Every actual action that the Israelis took was consistent with their belief that the ship was Egyptian. When the Israelis became convinced the ship was American, they ceased firing and offered to help the wounded. You might want to do a little research on other friendly fire incidents where the targets were clearly, obviously marked but were fired on anyway. It just happens in wartime.

For example, during WWII, in the middle of the day, German Luftwaffe fighters attacked the French town of Chemery-sur-Bar while the 1st Panzer Division was holding a victory parade following the Battle of Bulsen. Somehow, someway, the low-flying Luftwaffe fighters did not notice the numerous German flags that were in plain view on the reviewing stand and among the soldiers who were marching in the parade.

On another occasion during WWII, 15 British Swordfish torpedo bombers from the British aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal mistakenly attacked the British light cruiser HMS Sheffield, even though the ship was flying its large British naval flag. Although the British naval flag bore no resemblance to the Nazi flag nor to the German naval flag, the British pilots somehow missed this and attacked the cruiser.
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Every little bit of this abject nonsense is answered by articles at the link I posted. You clearly have only read one side of the story and are determined to believe the most ridiculous claims on the matter.

I ask again, What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty? Every actual action that the Israelis took was consistent with their belief that the ship was Egyptian. When the Israelis became convinced the ship was American, they ceased firing and offered to help the wounded. You might want to do a little research on other friendly fire incidents where the targets were clearly, obviously marked but were fired on anyway. It just happens in wartime.

For example, during WWII, in the middle of the day, German Luftwaffe fighters attacked the French town of Chemery-sur-Bar while the 1st Panzer Division was holding a victory parade following the Battle of Bulsen. Somehow, someway, the low-flying Luftwaffe fighters did not notice the numerous German flags that were in plain view on the reviewing stand and among the soldiers who were marching in the parade.

On another occasion during WWII, 15 British Swordfish torpedo bombers from the British aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal mistakenly attacked the British light cruiser HMS Sheffield, even though the ship was flying its large British naval flag. Although the British naval flag bore no resemblance to the Nazi flag nor to the German naval flag, the British pilots somehow missed this and attacked the cruiser.

Just to follow up, here's an excerpt from a CIA report on the USS Liberty incident that observes that the intercepted comms between the Israeli helicopter pilots and their control tower make it clear that the pilots failed to ID the ship as American, and that the Liberty resembled the Egyptian ship the Israelis thought they were attacking:

The intercepted conversations between the helicopter pilots and the control tower at Hatzor (near Tel Aviv) leave little doubt that the Israelis failed to identify the Liberty as a US ship before or during the attack. Control told (helicopter) 815 at 3:31 p.m. (8:31 a.m.) that “there is a warship there which we attacked. The men jumped into the water from it. You will try to rescue them.” Although there were other references to a search for the men in the water and although US units later searched the area, no survivors were recovered from the sea, nor were there any indications that any of the 22 missing personnel from the Liberty had been lost overboard.

5. A subsequent message from the control tower to the helicopter identified the ship as Egyptian and told the pilot to return home. Although the Liberty is some 200 feet longer than the Egyptian transport El Quesir, it could easily be mistaken for the latter vessel by an overzealous pilot. Both ships have similar hulls and arrangements of masts and stack. (Historical Documents - Office of the Historian)
Huh, well, Candace Owens also thinks the Moon landings were faked and that the Nazis did not conduct cruel medical experiments on Jews at Auschwitz. She has lost her mind.

Honestly, that doesn't sounds about as crazy as you insisting OJ was innocent, the Rape of Nanking wasn't that bad, or any of the other crazy shit you say, Mormon Mike. If it weren't for the lack of being "White and Delightsome", she'd probably be your dream girl.

Numerous official investigations have reached the same conclusion: that the firing on the USS Liberty was accidental. There have been even worse, seemingly baffling cases of friendly fire in wartime. In all those cases, the targets were clearly marked as friendly, yet they were fired on anyway by friendly forces. It happens.

Name one more baffling than firing at a clearly marked allied ship in daylight, that was clearly flying a large flag.

What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty, given how dependent Israel was on U.S. aid?

Well, perhaps to draw the US into the fighting by blaming the sinking on Egypt.
Or maybe they thought the ship had picked up radio transmissions proving that the Zionist Entity had launched a pre-emptive first strike.
Every little bit of this abject nonsense is answered by articles at the link I posted. You clearly have only read one side of the story and are determined to believe the most ridiculous claims on the matter.

I ask again, What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty? Every actual action that the Israelis took was consistent with their belief that the ship was Egyptian. When the Israelis became convinced the ship was American, they ceased firing and offered to help the wounded. You might want to do a little research on other friendly fire incidents where the targets were clearly, obviously marked but were fired on anyway. It just happens in wartime.

For example, during WWII, in the middle of the day, German Luftwaffe fighters attacked the French town of Chemery-sur-Bar while the 1st Panzer Division was holding a victory parade following the Battle of Bulsen. Somehow, someway, the low-flying Luftwaffe fighters did not notice the numerous German flags that were in plain view on the reviewing stand and among the soldiers who were marching in the parade.

On another occasion during WWII, 15 British Swordfish torpedo bombers from the British aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal mistakenly attacked the British light cruiser HMS Sheffield, even though the ship was flying its large British naval flag. Although the British naval flag bore no resemblance to the Nazi flag nor to the German naval flag, the British pilots somehow missed this and attacked the cruiser.

If openly debunked A. Jay Cristol's book which is the link you mention is accurate, why haven't you claimed the $10,000- reward?

$10,000 Challenge

EXCERPT "The Liberty Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim:

"After ten official US investigations (including five congressional investigations), there was never any evidence that the attack was made with knowledge that the target was a US ship." CONTINUED

None of the "Friendly Fire" incidents you cite are not even close to the deliberate Israeli mass murder of American G.I.s in broad daylight.

Why won't you answer any of the questions that I asked in my previous comment to you?

For example, Why would one ethical Israeli pilot state that he was ordered to attack an unarmed American ship but refuse to participate in the war crime?

"Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED

Finally, you asked what Israel's motive was.
It's motive was the same as The Lavon Affair, an earlier Israeli False Flag attack on an American installation in Egypt: to deceive America into joining their war against Egypt.

One last question.
If the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty by accident, why did they "accidentally" deploy unmarked Mirage plane during the initial stage of the attack?

The reason that the USS Liberty massacre is still salient today is because there was never a full, honest and open investigation.

Huh, well, Candace Owens also thinks the Moon landings were faked and that the Nazis did not conduct cruel medical experiments on Jews at Auschwitz. She has lost her mind.

Numerous official investigations have reached the same conclusion: that the firing on the USS Liberty was accidental. There have been even worse, seemingly baffling cases of friendly fire in wartime. In all those cases, the targets were clearly marked as friendly, yet they were fired on anyway by friendly forces. It happens.

What possible, conceivable motive would the Israelis have had for attacking the USS Liberty, given how dependent Israel was on U.S. aid?

Here is a good resource for the facts on the USS Liberty incident:

Mike your knowledge base regarding the Modus Operandi of the Israeli State is so deficient that rational adult public dialogue with you is impossible.

Candace is so far ahead of you in critical thinking skills that it's not funny anymore.
To suggest that the Israelis attacked the clearly marked USS Liberty by "accident" would be laughable if the event was not so tragic.

1. Did our "ally" accidentally deploy unmarked Mirage planes ?

"History Channel’s "Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty" Gives Crew Chance to Tell Their Story"

EXCERPT "Then, at 2 p.m. on June 8, 1967, a clear day, three unmarked Mirage fighters attacked the USS Liberty for five minutes. A National Securty Agency (NSA) surveillance plane overheard the attack. Radio operators in nearby Lebanon also intercepted Israel Defense Force orders to attack the ship, as well as the pilot’s reply that it was an American ship and he could see an American flag. The order was repeated: “Attack the ship.”"CONTINUED

2. Did our "ally" accidentally strafe lowered American life rafts for the wounded American G.I.s ?

"Commonly Asked Questions about the USS Liberty"
Prepared by the Independent Commission of Inquiry

EXCERPT "After the attack was thought to have ended, three life rafts were lowered into the water to rescue the most seriously wounded. The Israeli torpedo boats returned and machine-gunned these life rafts at close range."CONTINUED

3. Did one ethical Israeli pilot refuse to attack a clearly marked American ship get locked up by accident ?
"Israeli Pilot Speaks Up"

EXCERPT "Fifteen years after the attack, an Israeli pilot approached Liberty survivors and then held extensive interviews with former Congressman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey about his role. According to this senior Israeli lead pilot, he recognized the Liberty as American immediately, so informed his headquarters, and was told to ignore the American flag and continue his attack. He refused to do so and returned to base, where he was arrested."CONTINUED

To suggest that the deliberate Israeli attempt to sink our USS Liberty and murder the entire crew was an "accident" is just as absurd and insulting as saying that the Holocaust was also an "accident".

Next, someone was foolish enough to suggest that the fact that there were Jewish crew members among the Liberty's crew is proof that the attack was an accident. The same individual must be unaware that some Jews will eagerly sacrifice other Jews when it serves their treacherous agenda.

For example:

“If I knew that it was possible to save all the children of Germany by transporting them to England, and only half by transferring them to the Land of Israel, I would choose the latter, for before us lies not only the numbers of these children but the historical reckoning of the people of Israel.”

Ben-Gurion (Quoted on pp 855-56 in Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion in a slightly different translation).

Regrettably, America's infestation of disloyal "Israel Firsters" who appear to be in America for the sole purpose of extracting even more American blood and precious resources for right wing Israeli genocide,"Greater Israel" regional hegemony and expansionism.

Americans who made excuses for an earlier Israeli betrayal, The Lavon Affair, ignored the fact that history repeats itself.

The reason that the Liberty betrayal is salient, today, is that loyal but naive Americans must see the current genocidal, right wing and expansionist Netanyahu government for the treacherous parasite it is.

The Liberty massacre wasn't the last of Israeli betrayals:

"Israel Kept ’83 Bomb Plot From U.S., Book Says"

EXCERPT "Israel could have prevented the bombing that killed 241 Marines in Lebanon in 1983 but it chose not to give the Americans details of the plot, according to a book about Israel’s fabled Mossad intelligence agency.

The book, “By Way of Deception: The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer,” was written by Victor Ostrovsky, a Canadian-born artist who grew up in Israel and said he served in the agency for four years starting in 1983.

At the request of the Israeli government, a New York state judge issued an order Wednesday temporarily barring St. Martin’s Press from distributing the book. A similar order was obtained this week in Canada." CONTINUED


This is such utter garbage and ugly anti-Semitic trash. The claim that NSA overheard an Israeli pilot say the ship was American and was ordered to attack anyway rests entirely on hearsay (or "hear-read"), not on any actual transcript. Not a single intercept transcript supports this sleazy claim. Furthermore, as I've already pointed out, we do have an actual transcript of the comms between the Israeli helicopter pilots and their control tower that proves that the helicopter pilots did not realize the ship was American (LINK).

I notice you simply ignored the friendly fire cases from WWII that I discussed, cases that are every bit as baffling as the USS Liberty incident, if not more so.

Oh gosh, and now we see the absurd smear that Israel allowed the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, that the Israelis knew it was coming and failed to warn us. Now why on earth would they have done that? What conceivable motive would they have had for allowing that attack to happen?

Folks, we have some people here who are vile anti-Semitic Israel bashers. They are posting in this thread. There is no sense in trying to reason with them. They don't care that there have been equally baffling cases of friendly fire in other wars, and some of those cases are far more baffling than the USS Liberty incident. If you want a good resource on the USS Liberty attack, here is a good LINK.

Your reference to friendly fire incidents, WWII and others, shows you have no persuasive or logical answer to the attack on the Liberty. Defending Israeli actions you offer only appeals to emotions, no logic, no honesty. In fact, the Israeli state is a terrorist government, stealing land from others and conducting genocide. How does it feel to be an apologist for genocide Mike?
This is such utter garbage and ugly anti-Semitic trash. The claim that NSA overheard an Israeli pilot say the ship was American and was ordered to attack anyway rests entirely on hearsay (or "hear-read"), not on any actual transcript. Not a single intercept transcript supports this sleazy claim. Furthermore, as I've already pointed out, we do have an actual transcript of the comms between the Israeli helicopter pilots and their control tower that proves that the helicopter pilots did not realize the ship was American (LINK).

I notice you simply ignored the friendly fire cases from WWII that I discussed, cases that are every bit as baffling as the USS Liberty incident, if not more so.

Oh gosh, and now we see the absurd smear that Israel allowed the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut, that the Israelis knew it was coming and failed to warn us. Now why on earth would they have done that? What conceivable motive would they have had for allowing that attack to happen?

Folks, we have some people here who are vile anti-Semitic Israel bashers. They are posting in this thread. There is no sense in trying to reason with them. They don't care that there have been equally baffling cases of friendly fire in other wars, and some of those cases are far more baffling than the USS Liberty incident. If you want a good resource on the USS Liberty attack, here is a good LINK.

Yes, remember, kids, when you catch a Zionist doing something shitty, just scream "Anti-semitism", and that will make it all go away.

None of the cases you mentioned involved attacking a 456-foot long ship in broad daylight.

The only comparable case you came up with was HMS Sheffield, but you leave out the fact that it was in poor visibility, flying primitive biplanes, while the Sheffeild was involved in gunnery action with KMS Bismarck. You know little details like that.

Here's why the Zionists would attack the Liberty. They hoped the Arabs would get blamed for it and drag America into the war. Same reason they probably didn't warn the Beruit barracks or shared what they know about what Bin Laden was up to. They like it when the US gets involved in fighting over there.
Yes, remember, kids, when you catch a Zionist doing something shitty, just scream "Anti-semitism", and that will make it all go away.
You're a child, a Mao-loving, Stalin-defending child. I only answer your screeds for the sake of others.

None of the cases you mentioned involved attacking a 456-foot long ship in broad daylight.
Uh, the Germany army parade that German planes accidentally attacked was far longer than 456 feet. There were German flags all over the place. Gee, how did the pilots miss them? They must have done it on purpose. Yeah, that's it.

I mention this case because you ignored it, predictably enough.

The only comparable case you came up with was HMS Sheffield, but you leave out the fact that it was in poor visibility, flying primitive biplanes, while the Sheffeild was involved in gunnery action with KMS Bismarck. You know little details like that.
LOL! The HMS Sheffield was much smaller than the Bismarck--way smaller. The low visibility forced the planes to release their torpedoes closer than usual, yet they still did not realize that the target was much smaller than the Bismarck.

I could cite many, many other examples of baffling friendly fire, examples where the weather was good and visibility was not an issue, such as the previously mentioned German case of friendly fire against a huge German military parade.

Here's another example: During the Falklands War, the HMS Cardiff unbelievably somehow mistook the small British Gazelle helicopter for an enormous Argentinian Lockheed C-130 transport plane, destroying the chopper and its four occupants! The Gazelle is a tiny five-seater helicopter. The C-130 is a massive four-engine transport plane. The friendly fire blunder was so egregious that the British covered it up and said the Gazelle was hit by enemy fire. Only later did the truth come out.

Are you ever going to deal with the transcripts of the comms between the Israeli helicopter pilots and their control tower that prove those pilots did not realize the ship was American?

Here's why the Zionists would attack the Liberty. They hoped the Arabs would get blamed for it and drag America into the war. Same reason they probably didn't warn the Beruit barracks or shared what they know about what Bin Laden was up to. They like it when the US gets involved in fighting over there.
Oh my goodness. So the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty in an effort to get America to enter a war they were already handily winning?! Gosh, really?
Uh, the Germany army parade that German planes accidentally attacked was far longer than 456 feet. There were German flags all over the place. Gee, how did the pilots miss them? They must have done it on purpose. Yeah, that's it.

I mention this case because you ignored it, predictably enough.

Naw, because it was kind of stupid. First, it wasn't a "parade", it was a column moving through a small town during the larger Battle of Sedan.

Incidently, you make it sound like they attacked the whole fucking division, and not just elements of it. Enemy French forces were in close proximity, and it was close to the heavily forested Ardennes region.

LOL! The HMS Sheffield was much smaller than the Bismarck--way smaller. The low visibility forced the planes to release their torpedoes closer than usual, yet they still did not realize that the target was much smaller than the Bismarck.

again, low visibility. (Also, they missed). Unlike the Liberty, which was out in BROAD DAYLIGHT and was attacked THREE SEPARATE TIMES.

First by Mirages.
then by Mysteres
Then by Torpedo boats.

One fuckup, I could probably overlook.

Three fuckups, it looks a lot more suspicious.

Here's another example: During the Falklands War, the HMS Cardiff unbelievably somehow mistook the small British Gazelle helicopter for an enormous Argentinian Lockheed C-130 transport plane, destroying the chopper and its four occupants! The Gazelle is a tiny five-seater helicopter. The C-130 is a massive four-engine transport plane. The friendly fire blunder was so egregious that the British covered it up and said the Gazelle was hit by enemy fire. Only later did the truth come out.

That's kind of a dumb example. The Cardiff incident happened AT NIGHT, and they were relying on radar to tell them what they were shooting at. The helicopter turned off it's IFF system. (That's a transponder that identifies friendly aircraft.)

Are you ever going to deal with the transcripts of the comms between the Israeli helicopter pilots and their control tower that prove those pilots did not realize the ship was American?

Nope, because I don't care about Zionist LIES.

You're a child, a Mao-loving, Stalin-defending child. I only answer your screeds for the sake of others.

Mao was a bastard... who made China a world power.
Stalin was a bastard...who saved the world from Fascism.

The Zionists are a bunch of little twatnoodles plunging the middle east into perpetual war because they think their magic sky friend loves them the best.

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