USS Liberty

What demographic are

Victoria Nuland
Chris Wray

Here is what is discussed. Hitler later went crazy invading nations. He even tried to defeat Russia. Tell me how Israel did that.
Here is what is discussed. Hitler later went crazy invading nations. He even tried to defeat Russia. Tell me how Israel did that.

For $600 I'll take

What is Ukraine???

and who is in control of EEEEWWWkraine???

A JEW, right...
He even tried to defeat Russia.

He almost did. Churchill's aid saved Moscow from falling, and then Churchill talked Roosevelt into supplying the Soviets as well. It would be a year and half before the Soviets could launch a major offensive, at Kursk. The Allied bombing campaign forced Hitler to strip the eastern front of aircraft and anti-aircraft guns. Stalin could even use old WW I biplanes after that.
For $600 I'll take

What is Ukraine???

and who is in control of EEEEWWWkraine???

A JEW, right...
It is a fools folly to keep this going. I post very good questions and yet for some odd reason, the answers come back as hell man, I don't know.
He almost did. Churchill's aid saved Moscow from falling, and then Churchill talked Roosevelt into supplying the Soviets as well. It would be a year and half before the Soviets could launch a major offensive, at Kursk. The Allied bombing campaign forced Hitler to strip the eastern front of aircraft and anti-aircraft guns. Stalin could even use old WW I biplanes after that.
I understand that.
It is a fools folly to keep this going. I post very good questions and yet for some odd reason, the answers come back as hell man, I don't know.

So Zelenskky and Victoria Nuland are NOT JEWISH???
So Zelenskky and Victoria Nuland are NOT JEWISH???
Start a topic about those two. It does not matter to me if both are. But it seems you believe this is germaine to this topic and has to be discussed at length.
Start a topic about those two. It does not matter to me if both are. But it seems you believe this is germaine to this topic and has to be discussed at length.

If they are both Jewish, and they are, does that not suggest support from the top....
The "Liberty" was a ghost ship ordered to observe the hostilities and was attacked by friendly Israeli forces by mistake. Everyone knows it. Nobody seems to concerned by another "intelligence" U.S. ship, the Pueblo that is still held by North Korea.
How do you mistakenly strafe a ship flying 2 US flags for 30 minutes? How much strafing have you ever done sir.

The facts show your claims to be wrong. The conversations recorded by the Liberty prior to the attack show on the record that the pilots knew it was a US ship.

Do you think as Israel wants you to think? It appears so. Fear not, as Bibi notes in a candid video from years ago, 80% of Americans are fully behind the Zionist government. You're not a Lone Ranger sir, you're in the majority.
Scuttlebutt had it, some years ago, that US Navy patriots had their revenge for the Israeli attack on the Liberty. In 1968 the Israeli submarine Dakar was sunk enroute from Britain to Israel. It cannot be proved, but I hope it's true.

How do you mistakenly strafe a ship flying 2 US flags for 30 minutes? How much strafing have you ever done sir.

Pali terrorists used false flags before, and even if they did if you're sending ships into a war zone you notify the combatants of your presence, in this case Israel, which we had just assumed as a client after the French bailed on them. We didn't. Flags mean nothing in war ones.

Not that idiots can grasp basic facts.
Why not discuss the topic?

You are asking why Israel has not attacked Russia....

Well, the answer is that an appendage of Israel, Zelenskky, is doing that...

and for some reason YOU REALLY HATE THAT TRUTH....
How do you mistakenly strafe a ship flying 2 US flags for 30 minutes? How much strafing have you ever done sir.

The facts show your claims to be wrong. The conversations recorded by the Liberty prior to the attack show on the record that the pilots knew it was a US ship.

Do you think as Israel wants you to think? It appears so. Fear not, as Bibi notes in a candid video from years ago, 80% of Americans are fully behind the Zionist government. You're not a Lone Ranger sir, you're in the majority.
The Liberty flew US Flags for only 30 minutes? How big were the Flags? The Pueblo flew U.S. Flags for hours before the crew abandoned the ship to N.K. pirates Why does the left wing hatred concentrate on Israel and not N.K that still holds a U.S. ship?
You are asking why Israel has not attacked Russia....

Well, the answer is that an appendage of Israel, Zelenskky, is doing that...

and for some reason YOU REALLY HATE THAT TRUTH....
Russia has caused their own problems. But that is not what I had asked.
More than likely you fooled yourself into thinking that Israel is our ally. Yes, you had very much help in that regard. Zionist propaganda over generations and decades has been very successful, and you're a perfect example.

I'm guessing it all began with the Old Testament nonsense telling you that the Jews are God's Chosen People.

You Joo haters are all alike !

BTW: I have USSR JOO blood in me and I'm a mick to !
You are asking why Israel has not attacked Russia....

Well, the answer is that an appendage of Israel, Zelenskky, is doing that...

and for some reason YOU REALLY HATE THAT TRUTH....

Get into rehab and off the meth.
I didn't quote the Koran dude. The Old Testament of the bible is where "The Lord" declares the Jews to be his "Chosen People", not the Koran. I think the Jews call that their Torah.

The Israeli attack on the Liberty made it very clear that Israel is NOT our ally.
You did mention the Koran you are mistaken and as I stated at the time Israel was not an ally of the United Statesmost of the weapons they received and purchased at the time came from France not the US… I also said that friendly fire occurs plenty of times and it was an unfortunate error on both countries parts…. Since this incident occurred some 60 years ago you should see if you can drag out all Those old timers in the old folks homes who are still alive and find out their versionsome might be in their 90’s or late 80’s ..
You did mention the Koran you are mistaken and as I stated at the time Israel was not an ally of the United Statesmost of the weapons they received and purchased at the time came from France not the US… I also said that friendly fire occurs plenty of times and it was an unfortunate error on both countries parts…. Since this incident occurred some 60 years ago you should see if you can drag out all Those old timers in the old folks homes who are still alive and find out their versionsome might be in their 90’s or late 80’s ..
The old timer survivors of the Liberty attack ARE telling their story. Phil Tourney has written a book about it, and others have commented publicly despite threats from Navy brass when it happened. YOU are unaware of all that, ignorant of facts. I am not.

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