Zone1 USMB Now accelerated by Cloudflare


Platinum Member
Staff member
Jan 23, 2009
We have just enabled Cloudflare acceleration/caching. I don't expect anything will break but if you see something broken or out of the ordinary, please post about it in this thread.

This should reduce the load on the server and generally just speed up pages for everyone. Cloudflare has data centers all over the world and does edge caching of images, CSS, etc... this _should_ be one of those things that simply speeds up the site for everyone with zero downsides.
We have just enabled Cloudflare acceleration/caching. I don't expect anything will break but if you see something broken or out of the ordinary, please post about it in this thread.

This should reduce the load on the server and generally just speed up pages for everyone. Cloudflare has data centers all over the world and does edge caching of images, CSS, etc... this _should_ be one of those things that simply speeds up the site for everyone with zero downsides.
I notice an improvement.

Much faster thanks.


Lol if I knew what he was saying I'd probably be able to keep up with him since I'm a fast talker too because I know how to rap. XD

So everyone here can still suck only faster and more reliably?

I'd be WAY more amazed if there was a kind of software that made you suck less or not at all. And yes I'm very well aware this is zone 1 but this is me speaking out of defense for the record.
Lol if I knew what he was saying I'd probably be able to keep up with him since I'm a fast talker too because I know how to rap. XD

I'd be WAY more amazed if there was a kind of software that made you suck less or not at all. And yes I'm very well aware this is zone 1 but this is me speaking out of defense for the record.
I don't do this for your entertainment. You deciding to rebut a joke with an unfunny attack means you suck too Karen.
Will this allow us to achieve a low orbital status? Oh look, the Northern Lights!

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