USMB Members Halloween Costumes?


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
Central California
What costume do you imagine other members of USMB will be wearing on Halloween?


Modbert (Don't ask me why - just does) :lol:


Echo Zulu




Granny (Ok! Ok! Ok! It's a bit of a stretch!) :eusa_eh:

Now ..... who could this one be???
Hah. That's actually very close to what I'm wearing. Minus the pink thing underneath.

:cool: Holy cow! Without the "pink thing" what is left to the costume? Not much! lol If Duck is right and you went "Commando" last year .... your friends are gonna be looking like this ---> :eek: <---- lol :D
:cool: Holy cow! Without the "pink thing" what is left to the costume? Not much! lol If Duck is right and you went "Commando" last year .... your friends are gonna be looking like this ---> :eek: <---- lol :D

Duck doesn't know anything.

And I don't do pink.
:eusa_shifty: Silly, Duck! :slap: lol

..... and gang ... she did not say anything replaced "the pink". :lol:
I am sure she will be asked for pictures, but not from me. :D
hey--I know a few things--I still got that photoshop job somewhere that Joker did for ya---that was sorta like Halloween ! :lol:

I actually find that frightening, and seriously a bit scary, since *I* don't even remember it, and Joker hasn't been around in at least 2 years, if not more.
I actually find that frightening, and seriously a bit scary, since *I* don't even remember it, and Joker hasn't been around in at least 2 years, if not more.

Ut oh! :redface:

dilloduck hides behind mask trying to not look like a stalker. :lol:

Not working Kemosabe.
Opps! It was "The Lone Ranger" that said that anyway. :D

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