Useless facts

The character of Oscar the Grouch from the show, "Sesame Street" was inspired by two people. His attitude comes from a nasty waiter that served Jim Henson and former director Jon Stone at a restaurant called Oscar's Tavern in Manhattan. The voice was inspired by a cab-driver that used to drive Carroll Spinney to the set every day during the first season.

In 2004, Cookie Monster revealed that, before trying cookies for the first time, his name was Sid.

Oscar the Grouch's fur was orange in the first season. In the second season, it was changed to green.

The Count was born on 9 October 1,830,653 B.C.

Big Bird is 8'2" tall.

Bert and Ernie are *not* named for the characters in It's a Wonderful Life (1946); it's a coincidence.

"Sing a Song" (later released as a single by The Carpenters) was originally slated to be the show's opening theme song.

The shoe size of Snuffy Snuffleupagus was 65 GGG
730 N. Bedford Drive Beverly Hills. It was in this house that Lana Turner's daughter Cheryl Crane, stabbed & killed Lana's then boyfriend Johnny Stompanato on 5th. April 1958 in the right upstairs bedroom. Ruled a justifiable homicide questions have always been asked about how a fourteen year old girl could overpower a 175 pound man. It was widely believed that Lana killed him herself and Cheryl took the blame to save her mother.

625 Beach Road. PCH Santa Monica. Peter Lawford's beach home in which Monroe Monroe & President John F Kennedy carried on their secret affair in the early 60's.

810 Linden Drive Beverly Hills. It was here shortly before midnight on 20th June1947 that Bugsy Siegel was shot and killed by a hail of bullets. Siegel is widely acclaimed as the man who built Las Vegas. His hotel The Flamingo was the first super hotel to be built on the now famous strip, then just a dirt track outside Las Vegas. Built with Mob money Bugsy was reportedly killed for skimming money from the Mob. Subject of the 1991 Film Bugsy starring Warren Beatty, Benny Siegal was perhaps the most famous mobster of his era.

1270 Tower Grove Rd. Beverly Hills. The house in which Heidi Fleiss ran a brothel which was frequented by the Rich & Famous. Heidi's story was told in the film Madam of Beverly Hills.

360 N. Rockingham Ave. Brentwood. O.J.Simpson's home at the time of his arrest for the murder of his wife Nicole & Ron Goldman. The new owners have since demolished this house and built a new one.
The majority of Senate Republicans actually possess scrotal sacs, in which reside something eerily reminiscent of testicles. These odd little objects have shrunk to almost nothing from disuse, however. They are little more than useless totems - affectations of a bygone age; kind of like Al Gore's brain.
musicman said:
The majority of Senate Republicans actually possess scrotal sacs, in which reside something eerily reminiscent of testicles. These odd little objects have shrunk to almost nothing from disuse, however....
# The testicles are oval organs!
# Your testes are about 4 to 4.5 cm long and 2 to 2.5 cm round. And that is like one of those gum balls that cost a quarter in a Wal-Mart entrance... Not quite as big as the fifty cent gum balls, or one of those plastic eggs with a friendship bracelet in it.
# It is normal for one testicle to hang lower than the other in the scrotum. It considered more attractive to have the right one lower than the left. (The opposite applies to European tastes.)
# Your testicles produce and store sperm. That's like a factory also being a closet.
# Your testicles are the body's main source of male hormones. These hormones control the development of the reproductive organs and other male characteristics, such as body and facial hair, low voice, wide shoulders, and size of lap.
# A man with one testicle can still have a normal erection and produce sperm for all who require it. He also will have the good fortune of garnering a nickname like "Lefty" or "Mr. Right".
# Each testis contains tightly coiled tubes (smart-scientist-men call them: seminiferous tubules) within which the germ cells (reproductive cells) divide and mature to form sperm. This all happens by unknown, magical means and will baffle smart-scientist-men for many years to come.
# Your puberty is actually a celebration of your testicles producing sperm. Secondary sex characteristics are your body's way of decorating for that party.
# The delicacy known as Rocky Mountain Oysters are in actuality USDA approved bull testicles. People eat these. I'm serious, they put them in their mouth and eat them.

Testicle Festivals

If you've a mind to get together and have a ball with some fun folk....visit a testicle festival!!
You'll get a chance to taste and test some quality food and maybe play cow-patty bingo, have a bull-chip flinging contest or exhibit your hairy chest!
In Clinton, Montana (home to one of the most famous Testicle Festivals) they feed over 2 1/2 tons of bull balls to over 15,000 visitors!
no1tovote4 said:
Regardless, Diego is a common name in Spanish and is translated as James or John... I actually think I was wrong and it is James. San is a male Saint. Such as San Domingo or Santa Maria (Santa being female saint...) Domingo is John I believe... I'll have to look into it. Maybe there is another language that San Diego translates to whale vagina...
Domingo is "Sunday" in Spanish...
Joz said:
Testicle Festivals

If you've a mind to get together and have a ball with some fun folk....visit a testicle festival!!
You'll get a chance to taste and test some quality food and maybe play cow-patty bingo, have a bull-chip flinging contest or exhibit your hairy chest!
In Clinton, Montana (home to one of the most famous Testicle Festivals) they feed over 2 1/2 tons of bull balls to over 15,000 visitors!

Big one!

TesyFesty outside of Missoula
the largest penis in the animal kingdom belongs to the right whale: 10ft long with half ton testicles.
deaddude said:
the largest penis in the animal kingdom belongs to the right whale: 10ft long with half ton testicles.

With all that to spare, you'd think they might throw a little help the Republican Senate's way.
10% of human dry weight comes from bacteria

25% of a human's bones are in its feet.

40% of all people who come to a party snoop in your medicine cabinet.

A human head remains conscious for about 15 to 20 seconds after it is been decapitated.

56,000,000 people go to Major League baseball games each year
Idaho is called the Gem State because Idaho means “Gem of the Mountains.”

Our smallest state, Rhode Island, has the shortest state motto: “Hope”.

Only 80 miles separates California’s highest (Mt. Whitney) and lowest (Death Valley) points.

The state sport of Alaska is mushing.

When the state of Alabama voted to secede from the Union in 1861, the citizens of the town of Haleyville voted to secede from Alabama.

There is no home delivery of mail in Bisbee, Arizona because the streets are too steep for mail carriers.

“Home on the Range” is the state song of Kansas.

Lake Ontario is the only Great Lake that does not touch Michigan.

John Winthrop was the first elected official in America (elected governor of the Massachusetts Colony in 1631).

The State of Delaware has only three counties.

Lake Compounce Festival Park in Connecticut is the nation’s oldest continuously operating amusement park.

In terms of land area covered, Jacksonville, Florida is America’s largest city.

Hawaii is the only U.S. state where white residents are not the majority.

Boulder City is the only town in Nevada where gambling is not legal.

Nebraska is the only U. S. state having a unicamerial (one house) legislature.

The roadrunner is the state bird of New Mexico (beep! beep!).

Mountain passes in New Hampshire are called “notches.”

The electric chair was first used as an implement of execution at Auburn Prison in New York in 1890.
Adam's Apple said:
The electric chair was first used as an implement of execution at Auburn Prison in New York in 1890.
1881 - Dr. Albert Southwick, a dentist and former steamboat engineer, sees elderly drunkard touch terminals of electrical generator in Buffalo, New York. He is amazed at how quickly and apparently painlessly the man is killed and describes episode to friend State Senator David McMillan.
If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and then sinking to the bottom.

The average human will drink about 72,737 liters of water in a lifetime.

In medieval England, beer was often served with breakfast.

A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
James Polk survived gall bladder surgery at the age of 17. He was sedated only by brandy.

Andrew Johnson only wore suits that he custom tailored himself.

James Garfield was ambidextrous and multilingual. He could write Greek with one hand while writing Latin with the other.

Warren Harding once gambled away an entire set of White House china in a poker game.

Dwight Eisenhower developed a recipe for vegetable soup that is 894 words long and includes the stems of nasturtium flowers as one of the ingredients.

Top ten countries subject to UN human rights criticism in 2005

First place: Israel
Second place: Sudan
Third place: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Fourth place: Nepal
Fifth place: Myanmar
Tied for sixth place: Burundi and Colombia
Seventh place: Côte d'Ivoire
Tied for eighth place: Afghanistan and the United States of America

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