USAID: biggest scandal in US government history?


" Wanton To Violate Non Violence Principles Without Proof Of Violence "

* Over Simplified Expectations *

The First Amendment is for US citizens to be protected from the Government.
The CDC is a government agency. They follow the direction of the President.
Terms like “transgender” should be banned because they don’t mean anything. There is no such thing as “transgenderism” or a “transgender” person. Everyone is one of two genders, and genders cannot be changed.
It’s like saying the government should promote the idea that a person can be a unicorn.
Shutting down kleptocracy slush funds and corrupt spending by government is awesome .

A sex of an individual is their genetic composition , however nature does not conform with black and white expectations , such as hermaphrodites or xx male syndrome .

A gender is an identity with which one associates themselves , perhaps male , perhaps female , perhaps something else , which is often related with peculiarities that nature has dealt through genetics .

great, sending the taxpayer dollars all over the world for some BS humanitarian cause, likely just pocketing it and bending the US over in the process.
this has likely been going on for decades, no wonder we are BROKE!
So far what DOGE has found is jaw dropping. The amount of money being funneled to NGOs to fund radical leftwing as well as right wing neocon Agendas is astounding.

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USAID was how the CIA funneled billions to fund the Ukraine coup in 2014

They also covered up child sex trafficking:
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Separate what USAID does to benefit those in need from what it does to make rich people richer:

"'U.S. Secretly Created 'Cuban Twitter' to Stir Unrest.'

"That is the name of an explosive new article by the Associated Press detailing how the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) created a fake Twitter program to undermine the Cuban government.

"The communications network was called 'ZunZuneo' — slang for a Cuban hummingbird’s tweet.

"It was reportedly built with secret shell companies financed through foreign banks.

"According to AP, the United States planned to use the platform to spread political content that might trigger a Cuban Spring, or, as one USAID document put it, 'renegotiate the balance of power between the state and society.'

"We speak to Peter Kornbluh, director of the Cuba Documentation Project at the National Security Archive.

"He recently wrote an article in Foreign Policy called 'Our Man in Havana: Was USAID Planning to Overthrow Castro?'"
NGOs are a workaround for our .gov to do illegal deeds.
Just another back channel for shennagins. While your "elected" representatives are giving catchy names to their money laundering schemes, the real prime movers are doing shit like Operation Northwoods, Operation Chaos, the Phoenix Program, Operation Gladio, and Crossfire Hurricane to cause real effects.
" National Debt Sufficient To Ruin Even The Greatest Of Nations "

* Heist By We Fool You Degenerates Of Capitalism Pyramid *

Outstanding chart - do you have a link to more ?
NGOs are a workaround for our .gov to do illegal deeds.
Specifically the CIA thru USAID. CIA doesn’t answer to government for all practical purposes, so nobody ever questions who they are funding.
It’s unimaginable what a scam this Government has become.
Once the scope is exposed, the Mafia will look like so many pikers, nickel and diming on the streets.
This is just the Lutherans!


Now , after blow get your bid in tithed and bailed out his fellow pedophiles in the catholic and lutherine churches , by funding an inundation of the us with illegal migrants , while further burdening the us taxpayer with 18 years of social subsistence per child born of an illegal migrant , the THEISTIC COMMUNISTS want to tap the taxpayer vein of government coffers and further fund their institutions by violating us establishment clause - Fiends Seek To Violate Us First Amendment Establishment Clause .
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Your belief in anything we are doing is unnecessary. We dont care what you believe or dont believe. Your voice no longer matters in this country and it wont matter for 4 years at a minimum. Democrats have been dismissed by the nation. Your ideas suck. What democrats believe is always stupid as fuck and everyone is sick of your party. :dunno:

I'm not a democrat, you're a trumpanzee, you're uneducated, you know nothing about history, politics, economics, life outside of your teeny world. You're just an enabler, a minor pawn in Trump's power trip.

This is what intelligent educated people see when they look at you and other members of your primitive species here, you're all the same, speak the same, react predictably, easily defeated by facts and logic.

So fuck off you spineless maga prostitute, fake American.
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I approve of breaking ANY law that is unconstitutional.

Large percentages of the US Congress routinely pass illegitimate laws that violate the letter and spirit of the US Constitution. From the Patriot Act to all the shot mandates to the anti-semitism laws are just a few examples.

What do you want me to do, cry you a river?

You made all that up. Which is what Trump losers do to try and cover for their own ignorance.
No, of course not. You just hate every single thing that republicans do and you ALWAYS side with democrats on every issue... but youre not a democrat, right?
Wow, the victim phobia is strong today :auiqs.jpg:

I disagree with democrats all the time.

You and your ilk don't handle being disagreed with, too emotional, you're likely an incel.
This is exactly what church missionaries do all over the world, odd how no trumpanzee ever complains about that, don't ya think?

Start taxing churches like we do for other forms of corporation, that'll raise some money - oh wait these people are Trump voters, can't tax them, no that won't be good :auiqs.jpg:
Go right ahead and tax churches, just be prepared for pastors all over the country noticing that there are no more restrictions on them politicking from the pulpit and their congregations being exhorted to vote for particular candidates. Be prepared for the Catholic Church to go hard core against candidates on abortion and other liberal hot-button initiatives. Start taxing and lose control over what church leaders are able to say.
So your eagerness to see mass layoffs is based on anecdotal claims? partisan claims?

I assume you know it is illegal to shutdown USAid without congress? do you care about that? do you care about laws at all?

Why are you supporting illegal actions by a president?
Since JFK created USAID via executive order, TRUMP! could rescind that order with an EO of his own.
So far what DOGE has found is jaw dropping. The amount of money being funneled to NGOs to fund radical leftwing as well as right wing neocon Agendas is astounding.

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USAID was how the CIA funneled billions to fund the Ukraine coup in 2014

They also covered up child sex trafficking:
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Clearly you have no idea what a scandal actually is. This is manufactured nonsense, nobody gave a shit about USAid before Trump's henchmen decided to make it into a drama. It's a nothing, a non-story, if you cared about real scandals this is now what you'd be getting excited about.

Aren't you just a little embarrassed that voting Trump is causing mass job losses? fellow Americans - 10,000 at USAid - are about to be put out of work.

Only a magician or a liar can rank the problems facing the people of the United States and have this "story" come up near the top, what a bunch of imbeciles trumpanzees are.

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