US vs Flynn

/——-/ Libtards will never concede that Flynn was set up, bankrupt and had his son threatened with prosecution. General Flynn copped a plea because he had no options left. He was ruined.
All that gives him a truly monumental lawsuit that the left will deny.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
That's why we have the principle of Fruit of the poisonous tree. Planting evidence is illegal. If the police planted cocaine on someone it would be the fruit of the illegal act of planting the cocaine. The only one going to jail is the person who planted the cocaine

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
/——/ Perjury trap.
There was no perjury trap.
It would appear your opinion is losing ground by the minute.
That's why we have the principle of Fruit of the poisonous tree. Planting evidence is illegal. If the police planted cocaine on someone it would be the fruit of the illegal act of planting the cocaine. The only one going to jail is the person who planted the cocaine

And that is why the Flynn investigation is a fraud. They went after him without any evidence or reasonable suspicion, let alone probable cause. The notes prove they were asking him questions purely in the hope of tricking him into lying and failed and, 6 months later, rewrote the 302, changing context, changing answers, moving answers to change context, to make the lie... Sounds like a poisonous tree to me.
That's why we have the principle of Fruit of the poisonous tree. Planting evidence is illegal. If the police planted cocaine on someone it would be the fruit of the illegal act of planting the cocaine. The only one going to jail is the person who planted the cocaine
No one planted evidence you goof.

but but but ... HE LIED GOD DAMN IT HE LIED!!!
He did lie.

And now the right has absolutely no place bitching about anyone lying to anyone. Although we both know they will.
Wrong! This is just the beginning of your end, leftie. The best and the worst is yet to come. Let the perp walks begin!
/——-/ I was going to ask when are all the Libtards who celebrated Flynn’s prosecution going to admit they were wrong. Then I realized they will never do it, they will claim Trump ordered the DOJ to drop the case. Libtards can never accept defeat.
Trump didn’t have to order everything. No one had any doubt as to what Trump wanted.

What were “libtards” proven wrong about? No facts changed. Just the people calling the shots.
What changed was the facts around the FBI's conduct during the investigation. It was piss poor considering they were running an investigations that they knew damn well would be combed through by everyone. Over and over again the FBI makes themselves look like true assholes with thier conduct weather or not you think Flynn should be fried. I may not agree with letting him off the hook but it certainly does not excuse the deplorable conduct from the FBI as they are proven to lie and then lie some more.
The FBI conduct does not excuse criminal behavior.

Generally not, but when the FBI creates the crime then that's entrapment.

But, I'll sure bet you don't take that same stand when someone gets arrested without getting Mirandized, or if the police search without a warrant, right?

Possession of cocaine is a law in every legal jurisdiction of the United States. If the police plant it, and then arrest you, should the behavior of the arrested person be excused? They were in possession of cocaine. That's a crime. Surely the conduct of the police don't excuse criminal behavior.
The FBI didn't create the crime. Flynn did by lying about it. No one induced him to lie.

The SCOTUS says this about entrapment:
"Government agents may not originate a criminal design, implant in an innocent person's mind the disposition to commit a criminal act, and then induce commission of the crime so that the Government may prosecute."

Now are you going to tell me that the FBI implanted in Flynn's mind the disposition to lie to their questions, a lie that he had apparently been telling his superiors?

If that's what you're saying, how did the FBI implant that in his mind?
/——/ Perjury trap.
There was no perjury trap.
It would appear your opinion is losing ground by the minute.

Among who? This brain trust?

A perjury trap has a legal definition. This is not it.

But wouldn’t be the first time y’all dismiss inconvenient facts.

Flynn lied. It’s a fact. No one made him. It’s a fact.
The only fact is, this case is over. Flynn is a free man with a monunental lawsuit agsinst those who plotted to destroy him.

Coincidence? The same people who refuse to accept the result of the Flynn case also refusevthe accept the results of the 2016 election. Reality is not a strong point with democrats.
If the FBI were busy altering documents,
From Lawfare............"None of this material gives rise to a colorable claim of misconduct, and as the Times notes, Sullivan has already rejected the notion that the 302 was doctored. As the judge wrote back in December: “[T]he Court agrees with the government that there were no material changes in the interview reports, and that those reports track the interviewing FBI agents’ notes.” Sullivan went on: “Having carefully reviewed the interviewing FBI agents’ notes, the draft interview reports, the final version of the FD302, and the statements contained therein, the Court agrees with the government that those documents are ‘consistent and clear that [Mr. Flynn] made multiple false statements to the [FBI] agents about his communications with the Russian Ambassador on January 24, 2017.’”
So? The FBI are Gestapo.