US vs Flynn

Gross negligence appears in the law, yes, and carries penalties with it. I mean, whats the point here?

This is why Comey removed / changed the words 'Gross Negligence' regarding Hillary's crimes....
Because the phrase did not accurately reflect their decision making.
but you also said a few replies ago, the wording didn't matter.

now, it does?

it can't only matter how you want it to. if it matters it carries a cost society has placed upon it we shouldn't be able to change because we don't like "something".

so at this point you've flipped position on whether or not the words used even matter.

at least that's how i'm reading it. doesn't matter what they call it, now they're calling it what accurately reflects the "non-crime".
I’m saying this is a non-issue. The entire team including line DoJ prosecutors decided it was not appropriate to charge her with gross negligence.

The wording of his public statement would have no bearing on that decision.
"the entire team" - it was strozk who said to change it.

words matter. they required action if "gross negligence" was used. it was changed to be a slap on the wrist and not require mandatory additional action. now since the person who did this has been fired due to bias against trump, then yes i question why this was done too.
The entire team decided not to prosecute.

Again, you’re so focused on the wording of a public statement that you aren’t considering the actual decision making process.

The wording of the public statement would not change anything. If they had left the phrase gross negligence in the statement, their recommendation to not prosecute and legal rationale would have been the exact same, only that people like yourself would have been confused as to why the term gross negligence was used at all.
first - you say the words simply don't matter.

now when pushed to show they do in fact matter, now it's moving the goalposts to this was a group decision. so i'll simply ask you think to connect your statements together -

if words don't matter, why do we need a team of people to decide which words to use?

Words matter for different things.

In terms of deciding whether to not they prosecute Clinton, the words of the public statement are irrelevant.

In terms of trying not to confuse the general population when explaining that decision, words do matter.

This is about context, please try to keep context of my statements in mind.
given how we just left a weekend where what trump said to a doctor "you're going to test this, right" and the context the left heard was shoving clorox up their ass, i find it odd we now want to be strict to what is said AND meant when heard by others.

given that trumps entire impeachment is based off a loose interpretation on what he said, i go back to again this is not something the left likes to do - i DO want to know whether or not YOU "hear what you want to hear" also or do you go strictly by what was said and context around it.

so if you are words you say and only context around it, then i would expect you to work the same as well.


I always go by context. Context sometimes helps and sometimes doesn't. Context does not help Trump's case with Ukraine, in fact, the context makes it far, far worse. The context around Trump's statements about testing the injection of disinfectant doesn't absolve the stupidity of his statement.

I would also ask you don't apply perceived characteristics of a group to an individual. I don't do that to you.

Fair, but that also means we could get back on topic.
Words matter for different things. different times...for the benefit of different people.......ALWAYS for the benefit of Democrats.

......except when it comes to Joe

'Women Must Be Believed'
.....except those that accuse Democrats, like Slick Willy & Creepy Joe

'Ignorance in NO excuse for breaking the law'
.....unless you are Hillary (or a Democrat)

Criminally attempting to delete thousands of pieces of evidence proving violations of the FOIA, the FRA, and Obstruction does NOT show 'Intent'
-- The fact that they were recovered means no INTENT to destroy them was ever made because the attempt was unsuccessful

Good lord the Hilary Derangement Syndrome is strong here.

Feel free to post facts, links, etc...debunking any of this stuff....or just continue with your partisan, unsupported, political drive-by ..
I always go by context.

You, Nancy, Schiff, and Nadler should try going by EVIDENCE and WITNESSES....or even having a crime. If the 3 traitorous Amigos would have had a crime to present, any evidence, and any witnesses they would not have embarrassed themselves and waster more millions and credibility attempting to push the 1st admitted political Impeachment in US history through.

Put THIS into 'context':

1st admitted political Impeachment in US history
Fastest Rush to Impeachment in US history
Based on the weakest case in US history
While ignoring proven crimes within their own party
Resulting in the Democrats themselves predicted before they started it.

The filings written by Flynn’s new lawyers are always so hilarious. They really turn the drama up to 11.

Anyone who thinks Flynn wasn’t lying to the FBI agents hasn’t really looked at the evidence against him in the indictment and plea deal. I dare anyone to try and make a case that he doesn’t remember talking about sanctions
And when your mind is closed to the ideas of others, why should their minds be open to YOUR ideas?

It’s not my ideas, but the facts laid out in the court filings.

Facts which are routinely ignored by the right.

Do you really think Flynn forgot he talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador?
Do you not think the fbi threatened his family?
Do we think the FBI threatened whose family, Flynn's? They may have threatened his son with criminal charges as well. So what? The son is also guilty of crimes.

I am getting sick and tired with the constant defense that everyone indicted and convicted of crimes, who was associated with Trump is somehow a victim and innocent.
Even if they are in fact set up, we should be upset they didn't like it?
They weren’t.
then why did the FBI lie about FISA
why did they threaten his kid?
why are we having proof in court it *was* done and yet you still say "no it wasn't"?
1. What did that have to do with Flynn?
2. What court proof?
3. Why did they threaten his kid?

The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.

5. Why did he lie to tbe FBI? we aren’t talking minor lies, we are talking pretty major omissions of fact.

if this were being done to liberals, would you still adamant they were full of shit based on the same evidence?


it's just as frustrating to see people delete evidence, destroy where the evidence was kept, stall for months on the initial request, get caught lying and so forth and hear people go "she didn't do nuffin..."

that's the gov we've created isn't it?

If that happens they should be held accountable and based on what the IG report found, the FBI be gone through with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing you are talking about Clinton. It is frustrating to see a person repeatedly investigated over and over despite nothing ever being found, for what seems more and more like partisan political reasons.

Flynn’s fate is in the courts. There is nothing there that does not suggest he did not do what he claimed Initially. He changed lawyers and then suddenly his tune.

According to prosecutors:
They also highlighted the severity of Mr. Flynn’s crime. They said he lied repeatedly to F.B.I. agents as a high-ranking White House official about whether he discussed sanctions with Mr. Kislyak before Mr. Trump assumed office — potentially conducting foreign policy while President Obama was still in power.
Prosecutors noted that others who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia inquiry — including the former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer — were sentenced to prison, and they were private citizens. As a longtime government employee, Mr. Flynn should have known better, they suggested.
“Neither defendant was a high-ranking government official, held a position of trust vis-à-vis the United States, held a security clearance, had a special understanding of the impact of providing misleading information to investigators or denied responsibility for his unlawful conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

He wasn’t coerced to lie. He didn’t “forget” and suddenly “remember. He was treated the same as other white collar criminals. If the little guys got jail time, why does Flynn get off?
and it is just as frustrating to see people break laws and have their side go "no she didn't" and yet try to hold the other side accountable for far lesser issues that are usually made up and exaggurated.

i can promise you - if trump is ever asked for evidence and he plays games up to and including deleting it - i will be livid at him and consider him guilty as i would assume you and the "i hate trump" crowd would as well.

What evidence was deleted? What did she do, in regards to personal emails that any other official did not do? There is a hell of a lot of unsubstantiated claims on this, a hell of a lot of investigations and unlike Trump - she was NOT protected by the new rule of "a sitting president can't be indicted". Honestly - what it seems like is "we'll keep investigating her until we can make something stick" - is that how justice is supposed to work?

would people do the same for those on "their" side.

now, if sounds like you are simply 100% saying the FBI didn't do this to him. before i get all into this, is that your stance, that the FBI did NOT coerce him into testifying?

No, I think the FBI may well have coerced him into testifying - the question is, was he treated any differently than any other white collar criminal? Did he break the law?
start a clinton thread if you want to go into it.

given she bleachbit her entire drive, i'd say *everything* was "deleted" depending on how you choose to define a given word today.

You brought Clinton up to make comparisons.

or are we going to disagree she didn't delete any mail at all?

at a bare minimum can we agree she is on record as saying she deleted "personal" mail before the drive or all info was turned over? i'd be glad to address NOT in a thread about Flynn.

Yes, we can agree on that.
yes I did my bad. it was to make a single point but not derail.

but it does beg the question, how come SHE got to decide what was personal?
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
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View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.

Maybe. I won’t comment on how many do and dont do so. The regulations predate email. In the old days, each employee would determine what papers needed to be preserved. Same rules apply here.
same rules say to send all email to a server for archiving.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.

Maybe. I won’t comment on how many do and dont do so. The regulations predate email. In the old days, each employee would determine what papers needed to be preserved. Same rules apply here.
same rules say to send all email to a server for archiving.

Fair enough. If you want to accuse her of being in violation of the rules, you'll have no argument for me. But the rules and laws are not the same thing.
but it does beg the question, how come SHE got to decide what was personal?

1. 'Hillary Clinton'
2. 'Its My Turn'
3. She was the only thing standing between Trump and his 'legacy'

The deal was made in 2008 - Hillary dropped out to allow Barry to become President with the promise to put her on the throne in 2016
You’re dreaming if you think the Trump administration is going to prosecute Obama’s people. They won’t, because they know the succeeding D administration might do it to them, whether justified or not.
They already have done it to Trump and his "people".....
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.

Maybe. I won’t comment on how many do and dont do so. The regulations predate email. In the old days, each employee would determine what papers needed to be preserved. Same rules apply here.
same rules say to send all email to a server for archiving.

Fair enough. If you want to accuse her of being in violation of the rules, you'll have no argument for me. But the rules and laws are not the same thing.
yea, but obama sure was creating rules/laws shortly after this first started blowing up.

initially i don't begrudge hillary for pushing the boundaries. she has done that her entire life and if they boundaries don't say DO NOT DO THIS, then it's up to "being pushed". if obama had to create a rule as we enter this phase of our "lives" thats fine. i see no issue with him defining it also.

it's all this "gray area" in the middle where it played out live i have questions with.

had hillary sent all work e-mail to a work address, i have zero problem with her doing whatever the hell she wants to do with her server. e-mail backed up and stored outside of her control. problem solved.

but she didn't do that and as soon as people started going "uh...we need to see what's on there" *things* started to happen. the committee asked for all correspondence and she stalled and sent eventually 300 printed copies.

printed copies would *not* contain e-mail headers to show who sent what where. so she can bring up something, make changes, print. so to me printed copies don't mean much either, but it's a start. but unfortunately from my PoV, it's a start to stalling.

during this "gray area" time her consultants were in reddit asking how to change e-mail header info. there is simply no good reason to do this unless you're hiding it. header meta info is nothing more than how it was routed. who from, who to, and what path it took, subject line.

yet this needed to be altered.

when that was a "can't do it" (and you can't) then it was "how do i permanently delete data from a drive for a very well known person"?

during this time many e-mails were deleted she called yoga and private. however, she got to pick what was deleted *after* being told the committee needed to see them.

in my mind this is up there with someone downloading child porn who gets a tip he will need to turn his computer over, so he deletes it all and goes "here, i'm innocent".

if my brother tried that i would cry foul. i would hope we all would. but hillary does it, she's given the benefit of doubt by "her" side, never forgiven by the "other" side.

so playing word games to me simply don't matter. and we've also gone so far off flynn it's hopeless but it happens.
but it does beg the question, how come SHE got to decide what was personal?

1. 'Hillary Clinton'
2. 'Its My Turn'
3. She was the only thing standing between Trump and his 'legacy'

The deal was made in 2008 - Hillary dropped out to allow Barry to become President with the promise to put her on the throne in 2016
while i may or may not agree, it's still all speculation and that's my point.

no one who is asked for potentially damaging info off their computer has a right to go "ok, let me take my stuff off and you can have the rest" OF WHICH didn't include a bleach bit drive.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.

Maybe. I won’t comment on how many do and dont do so. The regulations predate email. In the old days, each employee would determine what papers needed to be preserved. Same rules apply here.
same rules say to send all email to a server for archiving.

Fair enough. If you want to accuse her of being in violation of the rules, you'll have no argument for me. But the rules and laws are not the same thing.
yea, but obama sure was creating rules/laws shortly after this first started blowing up.

initially i don't begrudge hillary for pushing the boundaries. she has done that her entire life and if they boundaries don't say DO NOT DO THIS, then it's up to "being pushed". if obama had to create a rule as we enter this phase of our "lives" thats fine. i see no issue with him defining it also.

it's all this "gray area" in the middle where it played out live i have questions with.

had hillary sent all work e-mail to a work address, i have zero problem with her doing whatever the hell she wants to do with her server. e-mail backed up and stored outside of her control. problem solved.

but she didn't do that and as soon as people started going "uh...we need to see what's on there" *things* started to happen. the committee asked for all correspondence and she stalled and sent eventually 300 printed copies.

printed copies would *not* contain e-mail headers to show who sent what where. so she can bring up something, make changes, print. so to me printed copies don't mean much either, but it's a start. but unfortunately from my PoV, it's a start to stalling.

during this "gray area" time her consultants were in reddit asking how to change e-mail header info. there is simply no good reason to do this unless you're hiding it. header meta info is nothing more than how it was routed. who from, who to, and what path it took, subject line.

yet this needed to be altered.

when that was a "can't do it" (and you can't) then it was "how do i permanently delete data from a drive for a very well known person"?

during this time many e-mails were deleted she called yoga and private. however, she got to pick what was deleted *after* being told the committee needed to see them.

in my mind this is up there with someone downloading child porn who gets a tip he will need to turn his computer over, so he deletes it all and goes "here, i'm innocent".

if my brother tried that i would cry foul. i would hope we all would. but hillary does it, she's given the benefit of doubt by "her" side, never forgiven by the "other" side.

so playing word games to me simply don't matter. and we've also gone so far off flynn it's hopeless but it happens.

There's a number of incorrect statements above. For starters, the printed emails have her private email address all over them. The headers on some emails have her email address replaced with the letter H, but a great many of them do not, especially when they're in email chains. Most of the emails were indeed on State Dept servers since the people she communicated with were usually using their State Dept email addresses.

Combetta was on reddit asking to strip out her personal email address from the files. He was not asking how to permanently delete data. Securely deleting drives is trivial. Even I can do it, and I do whenever I get rid of my old hardware.

She did not pick any emails, actually. She instructed her lawyers to sift through them for her. The never told them what to pick or how to do it. She definitely did not "pick" what was deleted after being told the committee needed to see them as she was unaware of the "personal emails" being available to anyone at that time.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.

Maybe. I won’t comment on how many do and dont do so. The regulations predate email. In the old days, each employee would determine what papers needed to be preserved. Same rules apply here.
same rules say to send all email to a server for archiving.

Fair enough. If you want to accuse her of being in violation of the rules, you'll have no argument for me. But the rules and laws are not the same thing.
yea, but obama sure was creating rules/laws shortly after this first started blowing up.

initially i don't begrudge hillary for pushing the boundaries. she has done that her entire life and if they boundaries don't say DO NOT DO THIS, then it's up to "being pushed". if obama had to create a rule as we enter this phase of our "lives" thats fine. i see no issue with him defining it also.

it's all this "gray area" in the middle where it played out live i have questions with.

had hillary sent all work e-mail to a work address, i have zero problem with her doing whatever the hell she wants to do with her server. e-mail backed up and stored outside of her control. problem solved.

but she didn't do that and as soon as people started going "uh...we need to see what's on there" *things* started to happen. the committee asked for all correspondence and she stalled and sent eventually 300 printed copies.

printed copies would *not* contain e-mail headers to show who sent what where. so she can bring up something, make changes, print. so to me printed copies don't mean much either, but it's a start. but unfortunately from my PoV, it's a start to stalling.

during this "gray area" time her consultants were in reddit asking how to change e-mail header info. there is simply no good reason to do this unless you're hiding it. header meta info is nothing more than how it was routed. who from, who to, and what path it took, subject line.

yet this needed to be altered.

when that was a "can't do it" (and you can't) then it was "how do i permanently delete data from a drive for a very well known person"?

during this time many e-mails were deleted she called yoga and private. however, she got to pick what was deleted *after* being told the committee needed to see them.

in my mind this is up there with someone downloading child porn who gets a tip he will need to turn his computer over, so he deletes it all and goes "here, i'm innocent".

if my brother tried that i would cry foul. i would hope we all would. but hillary does it, she's given the benefit of doubt by "her" side, never forgiven by the "other" side.

so playing word games to me simply don't matter. and we've also gone so far off flynn it's hopeless but it happens.

There's a number of incorrect statements above. For starters, the printed emails have her private email address all over them. The headers on some emails have her email address replaced with the letter H, but a great many of them do not, especially when they're in email chains. Most of the emails were indeed on State Dept servers since the people she communicated with were usually using their State Dept email addresses.

Combetta was on reddit asking to strip out her personal email address from the files. He was not asking how to permanently delete data. Securely deleting drives is trivial. Even I can do it, and I do whenever I get rid of my old hardware.

She did not pick any emails, actually. She instructed her lawyers to sift through them for her. The never told them what to pick or how to do it. She definitely did not "pick" what was deleted after being told the committee needed to see them as she was unaware of the "personal emails" being available to anyone at that time.
Can you two stop responding to this message so the stupid Alert thing will stop saying some one has replied to me?
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
Oh you have to be fucking kidding me. A “misunderstanding” or “glitch” caused Hillary’s emails to be forwarded to servers to a Chinese company with Chinese hardware and software that’s banned for use by government employees because we already know they are filled with spyware. All because that spokesperson of that state run company says “don’t worry, we no spy”. Her server was not approved, and she lied about classified emails being on there, as well as lied about classified emails being in the 33,000 deleted ones. The Olympic level of mental gymnastics here a astounding. Don’t believe the evidence in front of your eyes...just listen to how Hillary’s lawyers say it went down. Name another instance where the FBI subpoenaed evidence, let the party in questions lawyers comb over it and select what evidence to send over? FBI are the only ones who determine what is pertinent and what isn’t in every single case. This was the one case where they let the guilty party’s lawyers determine that, and then delete everything else. Why is that?
No glitch caused the emails to be forwarded because they weren’t forwarded to a Chinese company. This was a false report put out by shoddy right wing media and shot down by Republicans.

The FBI never subpoenaed Clinton for emails. At the time Clinton told her staff to delete those emails, no one else did either.

Anytime anyone is subpoenaed, their lawyers determine what is relevant. That’s how subpoenas work.

yet we have all these one-offs in handling this "one" case you say isn't that important.

2014 -- The State Department requests that all former secretaries of state "submit any records in their possession for proper preservation."
Also in 2014, at the request of the State Department, Clinton hands over 55,000 pages — approximately 30,000 emails. Left out were emails deemed by her and her staff to be "personal."

why does SHE get to decide what is PERSONAL?

and i'm not going to play one sided word games. the state dept asked for them and her "delete" activities came after this point.

Everyone in government decides what is and isn’t personal and what needs to be submitted. Do you think the government employs people to do this for every employee? Obviously not. This is pretty standard.
Virtually all people in government use a personal email, for personal things, and a work email for work most people do. It’s a lot easier to keep the spam out of your work email.

Maybe. I won’t comment on how many do and dont do so. The regulations predate email. In the old days, each employee would determine what papers needed to be preserved. Same rules apply here.
same rules say to send all email to a server for archiving.

Fair enough. If you want to accuse her of being in violation of the rules, you'll have no argument for me. But the rules and laws are not the same thing.
yea, but obama sure was creating rules/laws shortly after this first started blowing up.

initially i don't begrudge hillary for pushing the boundaries. she has done that her entire life and if they boundaries don't say DO NOT DO THIS, then it's up to "being pushed". if obama had to create a rule as we enter this phase of our "lives" thats fine. i see no issue with him defining it also.

it's all this "gray area" in the middle where it played out live i have questions with.

had hillary sent all work e-mail to a work address, i have zero problem with her doing whatever the hell she wants to do with her server. e-mail backed up and stored outside of her control. problem solved.

but she didn't do that and as soon as people started going "uh...we need to see what's on there" *things* started to happen. the committee asked for all correspondence and she stalled and sent eventually 300 printed copies.

printed copies would *not* contain e-mail headers to show who sent what where. so she can bring up something, make changes, print. so to me printed copies don't mean much either, but it's a start. but unfortunately from my PoV, it's a start to stalling.

during this "gray area" time her consultants were in reddit asking how to change e-mail header info. there is simply no good reason to do this unless you're hiding it. header meta info is nothing more than how it was routed. who from, who to, and what path it took, subject line.

yet this needed to be altered.

when that was a "can't do it" (and you can't) then it was "how do i permanently delete data from a drive for a very well known person"?

during this time many e-mails were deleted she called yoga and private. however, she got to pick what was deleted *after* being told the committee needed to see them.

in my mind this is up there with someone downloading child porn who gets a tip he will need to turn his computer over, so he deletes it all and goes "here, i'm innocent".

if my brother tried that i would cry foul. i would hope we all would. but hillary does it, she's given the benefit of doubt by "her" side, never forgiven by the "other" side.

so playing word games to me simply don't matter. and we've also gone so far off flynn it's hopeless but it happens.

There's a number of incorrect statements above. For starters, the printed emails have her private email address all over them. The headers on some emails have her email address replaced with the letter H, but a great many of them do not, especially when they're in email chains. Most of the emails were indeed on State Dept servers since the people she communicated with were usually using their State Dept email addresses.

Combetta was on reddit asking to strip out her personal email address from the files. He was not asking how to permanently delete data. Securely deleting drives is trivial. Even I can do it, and I do whenever I get rid of my old hardware.

She did not pick any emails, actually. She instructed her lawyers to sift through them for her. The never told them what to pick or how to do it. She definitely did not "pick" what was deleted after being told the committee needed to see them as she was unaware of the "personal emails" being available to anyone at that time.
It's printed. You can edit and print. However my guess is more these are fine but buying her time. But why look to see if you can alter email headers?

Like I said, "stuff" started happening once discovered.

The filings written by Flynn’s new lawyers are always so hilarious. They really turn the drama up to 11.

Anyone who thinks Flynn wasn’t lying to the FBI agents hasn’t really looked at the evidence against him in the indictment and plea deal. I dare anyone to try and make a case that he doesn’t remember talking about sanctions
And when your mind is closed to the ideas of others, why should their minds be open to YOUR ideas?

It’s not my ideas, but the facts laid out in the court filings.

Facts which are routinely ignored by the right.

Do you really think Flynn forgot he talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador?
Do you not think the fbi threatened his family?
Do we think the FBI threatened whose family, Flynn's? They may have threatened his son with criminal charges as well. So what? The son is also guilty of crimes.

I am getting sick and tired with the constant defense that everyone indicted and convicted of crimes, who was associated with Trump is somehow a victim and innocent.
Even if they are in fact set up, we should be upset they didn't like it?
They weren’t.
then why did the FBI lie about FISA
why did they threaten his kid?
why are we having proof in court it *was* done and yet you still say "no it wasn't"?
1. What did that have to do with Flynn?
2. What court proof?
3. Why did they threaten his kid?

The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.

5. Why did he lie to tbe FBI? we aren’t talking minor lies, we are talking pretty major omissions of fact.

if this were being done to liberals, would you still adamant they were full of shit based on the same evidence?


it's just as frustrating to see people delete evidence, destroy where the evidence was kept, stall for months on the initial request, get caught lying and so forth and hear people go "she didn't do nuffin..."

that's the gov we've created isn't it?

If that happens they should be held accountable and based on what the IG report found, the FBI be gone through with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing you are talking about Clinton. It is frustrating to see a person repeatedly investigated over and over despite nothing ever being found, for what seems more and more like partisan political reasons.

Flynn’s fate is in the courts. There is nothing there that does not suggest he did not do what he claimed Initially. He changed lawyers and then suddenly his tune.

According to prosecutors:
They also highlighted the severity of Mr. Flynn’s crime. They said he lied repeatedly to F.B.I. agents as a high-ranking White House official about whether he discussed sanctions with Mr. Kislyak before Mr. Trump assumed office — potentially conducting foreign policy while President Obama was still in power.
Prosecutors noted that others who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia inquiry — including the former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer — were sentenced to prison, and they were private citizens. As a longtime government employee, Mr. Flynn should have known better, they suggested.
“Neither defendant was a high-ranking government official, held a position of trust vis-à-vis the United States, held a security clearance, had a special understanding of the impact of providing misleading information to investigators or denied responsibility for his unlawful conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

He wasn’t coerced to lie. He didn’t “forget” and suddenly “remember. He was treated the same as other white collar criminals. If the little guys got jail time, why does Flynn get off?
and it is just as frustrating to see people break laws and have their side go "no she didn't" and yet try to hold the other side accountable for far lesser issues that are usually made up and exaggurated.

i can promise you - if trump is ever asked for evidence and he plays games up to and including deleting it - i will be livid at him and consider him guilty as i would assume you and the "i hate trump" crowd would as well.

What evidence was deleted? What did she do, in regards to personal emails that any other official did not do? There is a hell of a lot of unsubstantiated claims on this, a hell of a lot of investigations and unlike Trump - she was NOT protected by the new rule of "a sitting president can't be indicted". Honestly - what it seems like is "we'll keep investigating her until we can make something stick" - is that how justice is supposed to work?

would people do the same for those on "their" side.

now, if sounds like you are simply 100% saying the FBI didn't do this to him. before i get all into this, is that your stance, that the FBI did NOT coerce him into testifying?

No, I think the FBI may well have coerced him into testifying - the question is, was he treated any differently than any other white collar criminal? Did he break the law?
start a clinton thread if you want to go into it.

given she bleachbit her entire drive, i'd say *everything* was "deleted" depending on how you choose to define a given word today.

You brought Clinton up to make comparisons.

or are we going to disagree she didn't delete any mail at all?

at a bare minimum can we agree she is on record as saying she deleted "personal" mail before the drive or all info was turned over? i'd be glad to address NOT in a thread about Flynn.

Yes, we can agree on that.
yes I did my bad. it was to make a single point but not derail.

but it does beg the question, how come SHE got to decide what was personal?

Is that any different from anyone else?
How is it possible that there are thinking humans who believe, to this day, that Michael Flynn is an honest man who did nothing worthy of prison time?

He was set up by the fbi.. deranged because trump won.. are you ok with that behavior?

The filings written by Flynn’s new lawyers are always so hilarious. They really turn the drama up to 11.

Anyone who thinks Flynn wasn’t lying to the FBI agents hasn’t really looked at the evidence against him in the indictment and plea deal. I dare anyone to try and make a case that he doesn’t remember talking about sanctions
And when your mind is closed to the ideas of others, why should their minds be open to YOUR ideas?

It’s not my ideas, but the facts laid out in the court filings.

Facts which are routinely ignored by the right.

Do you really think Flynn forgot he talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador?
Do you not think the fbi threatened his family?
Do we think the FBI threatened whose family, Flynn's? They may have threatened his son with criminal charges as well. So what? The son is also guilty of crimes.

I am getting sick and tired with the constant defense that everyone indicted and convicted of crimes, who was associated with Trump is somehow a victim and innocent.
Even if they are in fact set up, we should be upset they didn't like it?
They weren’t.
then why did the FBI lie about FISA
why did they threaten his kid?
why are we having proof in court it *was* done and yet you still say "no it wasn't"?
1. What did that have to do with Flynn?
2. What court proof?
3. Why did they threaten his kid?

The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.

5. Why did he lie to tbe FBI? we aren’t talking minor lies, we are talking pretty major omissions of fact.

if this were being done to liberals, would you still adamant they were full of shit based on the same evidence?


it's just as frustrating to see people delete evidence, destroy where the evidence was kept, stall for months on the initial request, get caught lying and so forth and hear people go "she didn't do nuffin..."

that's the gov we've created isn't it?

If that happens they should be held accountable and based on what the IG report found, the FBI be gone through with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing you are talking about Clinton. It is frustrating to see a person repeatedly investigated over and over despite nothing ever being found, for what seems more and more like partisan political reasons.

Flynn’s fate is in the courts. There is nothing there that does not suggest he did not do what he claimed Initially. He changed lawyers and then suddenly his tune.

According to prosecutors:
They also highlighted the severity of Mr. Flynn’s crime. They said he lied repeatedly to F.B.I. agents as a high-ranking White House official about whether he discussed sanctions with Mr. Kislyak before Mr. Trump assumed office — potentially conducting foreign policy while President Obama was still in power.
Prosecutors noted that others who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia inquiry — including the former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer — were sentenced to prison, and they were private citizens. As a longtime government employee, Mr. Flynn should have known better, they suggested.
“Neither defendant was a high-ranking government official, held a position of trust vis-à-vis the United States, held a security clearance, had a special understanding of the impact of providing misleading information to investigators or denied responsibility for his unlawful conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

He wasn’t coerced to lie. He didn’t “forget” and suddenly “remember. He was treated the same as other white collar criminals. If the little guys got jail time, why does Flynn get off?
and it is just as frustrating to see people break laws and have their side go "no she didn't" and yet try to hold the other side accountable for far lesser issues that are usually made up and exaggurated.

i can promise you - if trump is ever asked for evidence and he plays games up to and including deleting it - i will be livid at him and consider him guilty as i would assume you and the "i hate trump" crowd would as well.

What evidence was deleted? What did she do, in regards to personal emails that any other official did not do? There is a hell of a lot of unsubstantiated claims on this, a hell of a lot of investigations and unlike Trump - she was NOT protected by the new rule of "a sitting president can't be indicted". Honestly - what it seems like is "we'll keep investigating her until we can make something stick" - is that how justice is supposed to work?

would people do the same for those on "their" side.

now, if sounds like you are simply 100% saying the FBI didn't do this to him. before i get all into this, is that your stance, that the FBI did NOT coerce him into testifying?

No, I think the FBI may well have coerced him into testifying - the question is, was he treated any differently than any other white collar criminal? Did he break the law?
start a clinton thread if you want to go into it.

given she bleachbit her entire drive, i'd say *everything* was "deleted" depending on how you choose to define a given word today.

You brought Clinton up to make comparisons.

or are we going to disagree she didn't delete any mail at all?

at a bare minimum can we agree she is on record as saying she deleted "personal" mail before the drive or all info was turned over? i'd be glad to address NOT in a thread about Flynn.

Yes, we can agree on that.
yes I did my bad. it was to make a single point but not derail.

but it does beg the question, how come SHE got to decide what was personal?

Is that any different from anyone else?
i would think if you're being asked for all work related mail and you go JUST A SECOND and hear furious keyboard strokes going on, there's something to look into.

i don't give a shit WHO is behind the keyboard, my answer would never change. you bring the doubt upon yourself when you pull that shit. so yea, it's different for others. they'd be investigated for tampering with evidence.

then again we also have proof of people who have has less than "gross negligence" or "careless" and still went to jail. period. end of story.

so again yes, it's different for most of us. she should have lost her security clearance for mishandling it to begin with. wouldn't that be a trip. a president who doesn't have security clearance.

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