US Virgin Islands Order shows Link Between Gun Registration & Confiscation


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
In the most recent American Rifleman, NRA VP LaPierre makes a valid point how gun registration and universal background checks can lead to confiscation. That is the reason the gun grabbers push it. We hear them retort how this is not a confiscation list, but that is exactly what the Governor of US Virgin Islands used it for. He initially ordered National Guard troops to confiscate all weapons and ammunition as a resort of hurricane Irma. That was until the NRA threatened to file a lawsuit against the illegal confiscation. We all learned after Katrina what the Government will do when given the opportunity as we all watched as local LEO went door to door looking for guns. Thankfully, in 2006 a Federal law was passed making it illegal to confiscate firearms form law-abiding citizens during states of emergency.

We all can learn from Florida Gov. Scott who allowed citizens without a carry permit, who are under evacuation orders, to carry a firearm for self defense up to 48 hours and could be extended if warranted

Proof above! Universal B/G checks morph into gun registration which are routes to gun confiscation

Not on our watch

Certainly, many people who argue Obama and Democrats want to take away people’s guns probably don’t think politicians will explicitly say that. In a New York Times/CBS News poll from October 2015, just after a mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon, 52 percent of respondents said it was at least “somewhat likely” that “stricter gun laws will eventually lead to the federal government trying to take away guns from Americans who legally own them.”

Here's A Complete List Of All The Times Obama Said He Wants To Take Away Your Guns | HuffPost
The Catastrophic Consequences Of Gun Registration

"We will have to change," President Obama said recently, referring to Americans needing to do everything possible to ensure that murders like those at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., are never repeated elsewhere. Of course, the National Rifle Association strongly agrees, and has introduced the NRA National School Shield Program in order to develop very specific ideas for how to stop the next evildoer who attempts to murder children at school.

President Obama, however, didn't really seem to mean what he said. His children attend a school safeguarded by armed security, as every American child ought to be able to do. Yet, instead of looking for ways to protect children, President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Obama senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and their media minions have unleashed a program to destroy the Second Amendment.

At the core of the gun-banners' program is national gun registration.

The Catastrophic Consequences Of Gun Registration

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