US Sending 1500 Troops To Border

Very interesting that the 1500 troops are scheduled to arrive the day before Title 42 ends. A real President might have at least tried to negotiate an agreement with Mexico to take the 50,000 immigrants piled up in Mexico waiting for Title 42 to expire. But we don't have a real American President, so here they come.

Okay Jose....
You've admitted the cartels are more powerful than the mexican military.
Do you really believe the cartels are more powerful than the US military?

The Taliban wasn’t more powerful than the US military, but it still won.

All the cartels would have to do is simply keep fighting, and they can inflict much more damage on the US than the Taliban ever could due to their ability to attack the US directly. They certainly have far more firepower than American civilians or most law enforcement.

Mexico has great terrain for guerrilla warfare, and a US invasion would produce no shortage of recruits willing to fight against America.

And you are ignoring one rather obvious fact: many of these guys were trained by the US when they were Mexican military. They know our tactics and doctrine.
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The Taliban wasn’t more powerful than the US military, but it still won.

All the cartels would have to do is simply keep fighting, and they can inflict much more damage on the US than the Taliban ever could due to their ability to attack the US directly. They certainly have far more firepower than American civilians or most law enforcement.

Mexico has great terrain for guerrilla warfare, and a US invasion would produce no shortage of recruits willing to fight against America.
But hold on…. BoostedHayabusa says wetbacks want to come here and ride our backs “for a better life”…..why would there be “no shortage of recruits”?
Maybe according to Stormfront, moron.
Look it up….Gustavo from Tijuana.

The Taliban wasn’t more powerful than the US military, but it still won.

All the cartels would have to do is simply keep fighting, and they can inflict much more damage on the US than the Taliban ever could due to their ability to attack the US directly. They certainly have far more firepower than American civilians or most law enforcement.

Mexico has great terrain for guerrilla warfare, and a US invasion would produce no shortage of recruits willing to fight against America.

And you are ignoring one rather obvious fact: many of these guys were trained by the US when they were Mexican military. They know our tactics and doctrine.

Good lord are you ever stupid.
Why would we need to go into mexico?
If we put US troops on the border we'd never have to put US troops in beanerville.
Good lord are you ever stupid.
Why would we need to go into mexico?
If we put US troops on the border we'd never have to put US troops in beanerville.

You are the one who brought up invading Mexico in post 83, moron.

Apparently your drivel is so stupid even you don’t pay attention to it.
You are the one who brought up invading Mexico in post 83, moron.

Apparently your drivel is so stupid even you don’t pay attention to it.

You should probably shut the fuck up boy.
I dont want to invade beanerville unless they leave us no choice.
You're compadres are flooding my country with fentanyl which is killing Americans in huge numbers.
Are you going to deny that?
You should probably shut the fuck up boy.
I dont want to invade beanerville unless they leave us no choice.
You're compadres are flooding my country with fentanyl which is killing Americans in huge numbers.
Are you going to deny that?

Your previous sputtering shows otherwise.

Now that we’ve established how pathetically stupid your little plan is, maybe you can humiliate yourself even more.
The Mexican military is anything but a joke, as shown by how they’ve been fighting it out with the cartels for years.

The US military would be stuck with another unwinnable guerrilla war, especially since there’s just about nobody who wants the US occupying Mexico.


The US government has been trying to do that for decades. It hasn’t worked.

Nobody gives a shit. The cartels routinely go after cops and soldiers, both of whom are much better armed than any civilians....even in Texas 😂

Thanks for admitting, yet again, how colossally stupid you are.

Mexicans don’t even want to occupy Mexico as shown by the millions fleeing to America.
Roughly 1 soldier per 1.3 miles of our 1,954 mile border with Mexico.

Less that .09 percent of our 1.8 Million member military.

Do you actually believe that would be effective? Do you know how large an area 1.3 miles is for one person to patrol? Have you ever been to the border and seen what kind of rough territory it is? That is probably one of the stupider suggestions I've seen in a long time.
The Taliban wasn’t more powerful than the US military, but it still won.

All the cartels would have to do is simply keep fighting, and they can inflict much more damage on the US than the Taliban ever could due to their ability to attack the US directly. They certainly have far more firepower than American civilians or most law enforcement.

Mexico has great terrain for guerrilla warfare, and a US invasion would produce no shortage of recruits willing to fight against America.

And you are ignoring one rather obvious fact: many of these guys were trained by the US when they were Mexican military. They know our tactics and doctrine.
They won because Biden left so damned fast we left our friends and countrymen behind as well as billions of dollars worth of military equipment, which also signaled Russia they could invade Ukraine.
Look at this Fruitcake announcing troops to border on CBS>? just wow! I was trying to find the video from the MEXICO side showing 100s' of thousands marching up.

They are illegals. Anyone who doesn’t wait their turn and just marches into a Country is Illegal Francisco Oropeza wasn’t an illegal? Only in your delusional “ mind”

Not only is Oropeza an illegal he’s also a five time felon. Same with all illegals who are deported. Enter again and it’s a felony. Just another example of the dems ignoring our laws which they all swore to enforce when sworn into office. The all should be prosecuted, fired and thrown in jail.

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