US Sending 1500 Troops To Border

Sending that many military to the border would have a serious impact on our ability to carry out missions overseas. You guys seem to think that the military is a catch all for whatever, but it's not.

If anyone was looking for a real solution, they would increase the size of the Border Patrol (who's mission it is), or increase the size of law enforcement in border towns. But, it won't happen, because many people would bitch about the added expense.

I would be all for increasing the size of the border patrol. Sending military would only be a stop gap measure..Problem is, in Biden's budget it was more important to increase the size of the IRS by 80,000
members. And you have some Democrats who were clamoring to remove ICE from cities and reduce the size of our police forces.
My point was more that if your going to send military in the first place.... then just do it like you mean it and achieve a goal. Dont waste the time of a couple thousand troops. Increasing the Border patrol size would be the best course of action.
Sending that many military to the border would have a serious impact on our ability to carry out missions overseas. You guys seem to think that the military is a catch all for whatever, but it's not.

If anyone was looking for a real solution, they would increase the size of the Border Patrol (who's mission it is), or increase the size of law enforcement in border towns. But, it won't happen, because many people would bitch about the added expense.

Funny,we didnt need all those troops overseas when Trump was president.
And there's no reason we couldnt use national guard troops.
Sending that many military to the border would have a serious impact on our ability to carry out missions overseas. You guys seem to think that the military is a catch all for whatever, but it's not.

If anyone was looking for a real solution, they would increase the size of the Border Patrol (who's mission it is), or increase the size of law enforcement in border towns. But, it won't happen, because many people would bitch about the added expense.

also.. tens of thousands of our people..a lot of them young kids are dying from fentanyl over dose. How does that rank with you when it comes to "achieving overseas missions" ? You know where the substances originate from dont you?
A lot can be achieved simply by stopping the mass of people crossing, so our border control can more effectivly focus on the real bad guys who are slipping through in all the chaos.
Chief Raul Ortiz


Past 72 Hours...
- 2 Agents Assaulted/Prosecution sought
- 22,220 Apprehensions
- 806 lbs. Methamphetamine
- 283 lbs. Marijuana
- 62 lbs. Cocaine
- 3 Firearms
- 5 Maritime Events
- 2 Sex Offenders
- 2 Tractor Trailer Events
- 1 Convicted Murderer
- 1 Gang Member Great work!
Thank God Biden has finally realized that our border patrol agents need help in helping illegals out of the water, giving the illegals goody bags, giving the illegals free food, lodging, healthcare, transportation, and processing before we let them all loose in the US - never to be seen again. Then Biden can officially declare there is no more emergency at the border.

Most will claim asylum and therefore not be illegal.

Fuck Congress.
If they want asylum they can get it in mexico.
Why come to the US?
It's funny,all these years of illegals sneaking into the US and asylum was never mentioned.
These illegals have been coached as to what to say to gain entry into the US.
Yeah. That's why Congress needs to change asylum laws. We know Dems will never do it. Will Repubs try after they finish with the promised anti inflation bill?

Then after that we can move on to our VISA program. About half of illegals in the US right now are VISA workers who stayed after their VISA expired.

Then we can go after employers of illegals. Make it more expensive to employ illegals then it is Americans. That would cut into campaign funds from AG, Food, and construction industries of elected officials but sacrifices have to be made.
Tens of thousands of illegals will illegally cross the border.

whatever decision Joe makes, it is best for the country and that is what the article shows.
Democrats are Country over Party. Unlike the Republicans that are party over country.
Republicans do not care about this country at all. Heck, Trump added 25% to the deficit in 4 years. They say they fiscal. They spend like drunken sailors.
Trump did nothing for the border. He played golf all the time.
"Hey Griffy, you need a pepto bismol?" :smoochEE:

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Yeah. That's why Congress needs to change asylum laws. We know Dems will never do it. Will Repubs try after they finish with the promised anti inflation bill?

Then after that we can move on to our VISA program. About half of illegals in the US right now are VISA workers who stayed after their VISA expired.

Then we can go after employers of illegals. Make it more expensive to employ illegals then it is Americans. That would cut into campaign funds from AG, Food, and construction industries of elected officials but sacrifices have to be made.

That'd sure be nice but after seeing all the RINOs acting against Americans best interest I just dont see it happening.

Of course Trump had a pretty good grip on the problem right up until the dems and RINO's stole the election and opened the floodgates on our southern border.

I swear I just dont get it....dem voters should be able to see whats going on. When dems and some so called Republicans are against the man who did so much for our country you'd think it would set of some alarm bells in their heads.
It's obvious they dont want an outsider to upset their gravy train.
yeah, Joe wouldn't have to send the troops to the border but you know who played a lot of golf and did nothing to control it.
Joe is going to fix Trumps mess. Joe is getting it done. Good article. Joe is doing what is the best for the USA as the article indicates.

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You know that photo is fake right?
And biden has spent his presidency avoiding the press and the American public...gee I wonder why?
whatever decision Joe makes, it is best for the country and that is what the article shows.
Democrats are Country over Party. Unlike the Republicans that are party over country.
Republicans do not care about this country at all. Heck, Trump added 25% to the deficit in 4 years. They say they fiscal. They spend like drunken sailors.
Trump did nothing for the border. He played golf all the time.
"Hey Griffy, you need a pepto bismol?" :smoochEE:

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How the fuck would joe know whats good for our country?
He doesn't even know where he is.
That'd sure be nice but after seeing all the RINOs acting against Americans best interest I just dont see it happening.

Of course Trump had a pretty good grip on the problem right up until the dems and RINO's stole the election and opened the floodgates on our southern border.

I swear I just dont get it....dem voters should be able to see whats going on. When dems and some so called Republicans are against the man who did so much for our country you'd think it would set of some alarm bells in their heads.
It's obvious they dont want an outsider to upset their gravy train.
Yeah that is the problem with Republican's Party Over Country.
Democrats are Country Over Party. This article is proof of that.

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