'US officers should hang over Koran incident'


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
A top Iranian military commander said Saturday that nothing but burning the White House and hanging US commanders could remedy the pain caused to Muslims by the burning of Korans at a US military base in Afghanistan, pan-Arab Al Arabiya news channel reported Sunday.

"The US has committed such an ugly act and burned Korans because of the heavy slap it has been given by Islam," Basij (volunteer forces) Commander Brig.-Gen. Muhammad Reza Naqdi told Iran's semi- official Fars new agency, according to the Al Arabiya report.

“Their apology can be accepted only by hanging their commanders; hanging their commanders means an apology,” he was quoted as saying.

'US officers should hang over Koran inci... JPost - International
Fuck Islam and fuck you

They be-head captives on camera with a hack saw and you favor hanging our service members because they burned a comic book?

Get a life
A top Iranian military commander said Saturday that nothing but burning the White House and hanging US commanders could remedy the pain caused to Muslims by the burning of Korans at a US military base in Afghanistan, pan-Arab Al Arabiya news channel reported Sunday.

"The US has committed such an ugly act and burned Korans because of the heavy slap it has been given by Islam," Basij (volunteer forces) Commander Brig.-Gen. Muhammad Reza Naqdi told Iran's semi- official Fars new agency, according to the Al Arabiya report.

“Their apology can be accepted only by hanging their commanders; hanging their commanders means an apology,” he was quoted as saying.

'US officers should hang over Koran inci... JPost - International

I have a better idea, how about we send them 24 hour notice that in 24 hours the Beit Rahbari Presidential Palace will be reduced to rubble over the deaths of our four soldiers?

Twenty four hours should give them plenty of time to clear the place out.

I do wish the Iranians wouldn't put ideas into Obama's head.

obama just might turn a couple of scapegoats over to the muslims, but he won't burn down the white house until he loses the election. Then he's likely to order a strike just to punish us all for not reelecting him.
A top Iranian military commander said Saturday that nothing but burning the White House and hanging US commanders could remedy the pain caused to Muslims by the burning of Korans at a US military base in Afghanistan, pan-Arab Al Arabiya news channel reported Sunday.

"The US has committed such an ugly act and burned Korans because of the heavy slap it has been given by Islam," Basij (volunteer forces) Commander Brig.-Gen. Muhammad Reza Naqdi told Iran's semi- official Fars new agency, according to the Al Arabiya report.

“Their apology can be accepted only by hanging their commanders; hanging their commanders means an apology,” he was quoted as saying.

'US officers should hang over Koran inci... JPost - International
www. jpost.com? Why no link to the alleged statement, someone trying to get a war on?
obama's going to try to hang on as long as he can. If he loses the election he will order a strike before inauguration day.
obama's going to try to hang on as long as he can. If he loses the election he will order a strike before inauguration day.
WHO expected compliments from IRAN? And according to one poster, the soldiers involved are being "handed over" to the Afghanistan government. I can find no news organization reporting this however.
obama's going to try to hang on as long as he can. If he loses the election he will order a strike before inauguration day.
WHO expected compliments from IRAN? And according to one poster, the soldiers involved are being "handed over" to the Afghanistan government. I can find no news organization reporting this however.

Even I could not believe that obama would hand over Americans to muslims. The punishment for koran desecration is death. As bad as obama is, I don't think he has guts enough to go that far.
obama's going to try to hang on as long as he can. If he loses the election he will order a strike before inauguration day.

It won't go on that long. Obama is appointing Jewish co chairs of everything in sight in an effort to win the pro Israel vote. He knows that Americans, not just Jews and evangelicals, overwhelmingly support Israel, and if he comes down hard on Israel during the election campaign after it strikes Iran's nuclear weapons and long range missile programs, it will diminish his chances of being reelected. This is why in the last few weeks he has sent nearly everyone in the administration to try to persuade Israel not to strike Iran until after the election.

The Israelis follow US politics closely, and they realize that the best time to strike Iran is just as the general election campaign gets started so that no matter how pissed off Obama may be, he will have to be supportive of the Israeli attack, and he can do this without arousing too much anti Israeli feelings among Muslims by striking elements in Iran for the stated purpose of protecting the Gulf Arab states from the retaliation Iran has threatened if Israel attacked it.
Fuck Islam and fuck you

They be-head captives on camera with a hack saw and you favor hanging our service members because they burned a comic book?

Get a life

Grow a brain. I posted a newspaper article, not my opinion, because the statements in it were so outrageous.
obama's going to try to hang on as long as he can. If he loses the election he will order a strike before inauguration day.

It won't go on that long. Obama is appointing Jewish co chairs of everything in sight in an effort to win the pro Israel vote. He knows that Americans, not just Jews and evangelicals, overwhelmingly support Israel, and if he comes down hard on Israel during the election campaign after it strikes Iran's nuclear weapons and long range missile programs, it will diminish his chances of being reelected. This is why in the last few weeks he has sent nearly everyone in the administration to try to persuade Israel not to strike Iran until after the election.

The Israelis follow US politics closely, and they realize that the best time to strike Iran is just as the general election campaign gets started so that no matter how pissed off Obama may be, he will have to be supportive of the Israeli attack, and he can do this without arousing too much anti Israeli feelings among Muslims by striking elements in Iran for the stated purpose of protecting the Gulf Arab states from the retaliation Iran has threatened if Israel attacked it.
There is no way to avoid angering many Americans no matter what he does about Syria however.
obama's going to try to hang on as long as he can. If he loses the election he will order a strike before inauguration day.

It won't go on that long. Obama is appointing Jewish co chairs of everything in sight in an effort to win the pro Israel vote. He knows that Americans, not just Jews and evangelicals, overwhelmingly support Israel, and if he comes down hard on Israel during the election campaign after it strikes Iran's nuclear weapons and long range missile programs, it will diminish his chances of being reelected. This is why in the last few weeks he has sent nearly everyone in the administration to try to persuade Israel not to strike Iran until after the election.

The Israelis follow US politics closely, and they realize that the best time to strike Iran is just as the general election campaign gets started so that no matter how pissed off Obama may be, he will have to be supportive of the Israeli attack, and he can do this without arousing too much anti Israeli feelings among Muslims by striking elements in Iran for the stated purpose of protecting the Gulf Arab states from the retaliation Iran has threatened if Israel attacked it.
There is no way to avoid angering many Americans no matter what he does about Syria however.

In my opinion, there's nothing to be done about Syria until after military action and sanctions weaken Iran to the point where it can no longer support the Assad regime, however, until then, Assad is still firmly in control and the opposition is fragmented. There is little we can do that will be helpful to anyone in Syria other than try to offer humanitarian aid.
It won't go on that long. Obama is appointing Jewish co chairs of everything in sight in an effort to win the pro Israel vote. He knows that Americans, not just Jews and evangelicals, overwhelmingly support Israel, and if he comes down hard on Israel during the election campaign after it strikes Iran's nuclear weapons and long range missile programs, it will diminish his chances of being reelected. This is why in the last few weeks he has sent nearly everyone in the administration to try to persuade Israel not to strike Iran until after the election.

The Israelis follow US politics closely, and they realize that the best time to strike Iran is just as the general election campaign gets started so that no matter how pissed off Obama may be, he will have to be supportive of the Israeli attack, and he can do this without arousing too much anti Israeli feelings among Muslims by striking elements in Iran for the stated purpose of protecting the Gulf Arab states from the retaliation Iran has threatened if Israel attacked it.
There is no way to avoid angering many Americans no matter what he does about Syria however.

In my opinion, there's nothing to be done about Syria until after military action and sanctions weaken Iran to the point where it can no longer support the Assad regime, however, until then, Assad is still firmly in control and the opposition is fragmented. There is little we can do that will be helpful to anyone in Syria other than try to offer humanitarian aid.
Obama would take heat for that; HAMAS supports the opposition.
It won't go on that long. Obama is appointing Jewish co chairs of everything in sight in an effort to win the pro Israel vote. He knows that Americans, not just Jews and evangelicals, overwhelmingly support Israel, and if he comes down hard on Israel during the election campaign after it strikes Iran's nuclear weapons and long range missile programs, it will diminish his chances of being reelected. This is why in the last few weeks he has sent nearly everyone in the administration to try to persuade Israel not to strike Iran until after the election.

The Israelis follow US politics closely, and they realize that the best time to strike Iran is just as the general election campaign gets started so that no matter how pissed off Obama may be, he will have to be supportive of the Israeli attack, and he can do this without arousing too much anti Israeli feelings among Muslims by striking elements in Iran for the stated purpose of protecting the Gulf Arab states from the retaliation Iran has threatened if Israel attacked it.
There is no way to avoid angering many Americans no matter what he does about Syria however.

In my opinion, there's nothing to be done about Syria until after military action and sanctions weaken Iran to the point where it can no longer support the Assad regime, however, until then, Assad is still firmly in control and the opposition is fragmented. There is little we can do that will be helpful to anyone in Syria other than try to offer humanitarian aid.

If you mean send American aid workers, I could not disagree more.
There is no way to avoid angering many Americans no matter what he does about Syria however.

In my opinion, there's nothing to be done about Syria until after military action and sanctions weaken Iran to the point where it can no longer support the Assad regime, however, until then, Assad is still firmly in control and the opposition is fragmented. There is little we can do that will be helpful to anyone in Syria other than try to offer humanitarian aid.
Obama would take heat for that; HAMAS supports the opposition.

I don't think Obama would take heat for providing humanitarian aid. Assad, Hezbollah and Iran have been the main supporters of Hamas, and now that Hamas has turned against Assad, it is likely the other two will withdraw their support for Hamas. I'm guessing that Hamas is counting on getting support from Qatar and some other Gulf states with this move. Interestingly, I read an article today that claimed Israeli Arabs, including some Arab Knesset members, rallied in support of Assad and claimed the Syrian opposition was acting on behalf of Israel and the US.

Arab-Israelis back Assad: Hundreds of Israeli Arabs and Golan Heights Druze took part Saturday in a conference of solidarity with the Syrian government held in a Haifa theater.

Participants in the event claimed that the state of affairs in Syria is in fact a conspiracy led by the United States, Israel and Arab states. The conference was organized by the Popular Committee for Syria's Victory.

Knesset Member Issam Makhoul, who also took part in the conference, told Ynet: "The event was held in order to reject the conspiracy taking shape against Syria, with the US leading this move along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They wish to sow terror within Syria and hold the regime accountable."

Israeli Arabs back Assad - Israel News, Ynetnews
There is no way to avoid angering many Americans no matter what he does about Syria however.

In my opinion, there's nothing to be done about Syria until after military action and sanctions weaken Iran to the point where it can no longer support the Assad regime, however, until then, Assad is still firmly in control and the opposition is fragmented. There is little we can do that will be helpful to anyone in Syria other than try to offer humanitarian aid.

If you mean send American aid workers, I could not disagree more.

I meant humanitarian aid supplies, food, medicine, etc., and perhaps logistical support for others trying to help.
In my opinion, there's nothing to be done about Syria until after military action and sanctions weaken Iran to the point where it can no longer support the Assad regime, however, until then, Assad is still firmly in control and the opposition is fragmented. There is little we can do that will be helpful to anyone in Syria other than try to offer humanitarian aid.

If you mean send American aid workers, I could not disagree more.

I meant humanitarian aid supplies, food, medicine, etc., and perhaps logistical support for others trying to help.

I'm not too keen on doing anything to help in that part of the country just now.

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