US obesity problem is not budging, new data shows

The biggest one is where the libs began slapping bad criminals on the wrist, and then creating an environment of fear in which forced the children to not be able to go out to play or be active anymore. Liberal actions and policies have been a huge failure in this country, and it has caused some tragic things to form in this country. The results are in, and now it's damage control time eh liberals ?

People stay inside because they're inundated with addictive technology. Before the internet and video games there wasn't much else to do but go outside and be active.

That's it right there.

When I was a kid (back in the 70's) my parents hardly seen me. In the summer, I would wake up, have breakfast, and out of the door. I came back at lunch and repeat, came back at dinner and repeat. Unless it was raining all day, outside is where you spent your entire summer.

My grandparents cooked in lard and bacon fat. They drank raw buttermilk, the kind you can see the fat globules floating around in. They overcooked their vegetables, and even deep fried most of them. Fruit was limited to Christmas oranges and cumquats that grew in the back yard.

They worked, though, sunup to sundown. Every chore was manual. Every child was put to work in the garden or in the cowbarn. They burned off their calories and rarely came across a fat person. Pawpaw died early at 70 and MawMaw lived to 99. Diet can be important; however it is FAR more beneficial to burn calories than it is to strictly control calories while inactive.

Food today is different than when I was a kid, but I can testify we ate our share of junk. But like I said, in the summer you ate breakfast and didn't return home until lunch. You ate lunch and didn't return until dinner. We would play tag, ride our bicycles everywhere, play football or baseball. In the winter time, we would meet at the bowling alley or something which was a few miles walk; very exhausting in the snow. From there we would seek places to hang out for a while. We would walk house to house and ask people if they would hire us to shovel their driveways. Home was just a place to eat and sleep.

I really don't blame the kids. If I had all this entertainment when I was a lad, I would have done the exact same thing as these kids have done the past fifteen years or so. When I was a kid, if you wanted to interact with other kids, you didn't have a text machine with you. You had to go out and have personal contact unless you called somebody on the phone which was limited. Today if kids want a face to face, they can go on Skype.

The school lunches we are seeing is a foreshadowing of what living under pure socialist conditions is. Food is rationed out to the masses. The upper crust (liberal elites) will live out their wealthy lifestyles and that will include the media.

There are actually people in Venezuela doing well. Those are the places that Sean Penn visited. Of course we don't see the tragedy.

We watch a movie like sicko by that socialist blob (talk about fat arrogant fucks) living in his multi million mansion. He shows ALL of the "good things" in Cuba while he shows all the heart break stories here. All under the texture of a true documentary and the little lambs slurp it all up.

Try to imagine now (based on the videos you are showing) how the average family will be treated. ALL competition done away with. All fast food restaurants closed down. No variety of products to choose from in grocery stores. Nothing like that at all. All motivation ripped away from large masses since ALL of that is gone.

Now, imagine the only way to be fed is to get a bag of rations to last you a month. Perhaps two gallons of water, a bag of beets, a loaf of bread, and one role of toilet paper. Maybe a small tube of toothpaste....

That is the reality in those countries that our proud RICH ELITIST socialists here wont tell you about. That is what ALL of this is about from the left. The narrative of capitalism is bad for the planet, the body and all minorities. While socialism is a utopia where we all live in harmony like blue creatures under a big tree,
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.

When government starts telling people what to eat and drink, you bet it is oh so dangerous. Could you imagine if the founders could come back today and see what a liberal federal government looks like?

The best thing government can do for my life is stay out of it. Don't get involved. Do what government is supposed to do and govern. Leave people alone. Leave me alone, leave my family alone, leave my neighbors alone. Because if there is one threat to our liberty in this country, it's you cradle-to-gravers.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.

When government starts telling people what to eat and drink, you bet it is oh so dangerous. Could you imagine if the founders could come back today and see what a liberal federal government looks like?

The best thing government can do for my life is stay out of it. Don't get involved. Do what government is supposed to do and govern. Leave people alone. Leave me alone, leave my family alone, leave my neighbors alone. Because if there is one threat to our liberty in this country, it's you cradle-to-gravers.
That is what ALL of these studies are suppose to do. Notice all of these studies. From the global warming globalist crap and these types.

Look at how many people truly believe we eat worse today than we did when there was no such thing as diet drinks, smoothies or health food stores like Whole Foods?

Look at those who are defending this shit and the bullshit unreal school lunches under Moooshell.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.
In the meantime the left tries to push the fat shaming crap. Trying to tell us that being fat is not a bad thing.

The left push the obesity problem by attacking American capitalism, and then they push this crap in the same breath.

I have never been fat, and I have eaten some of the most fattening foods one could have ever eat over the years. The key was that my activity level was at an all time high in which allowed me to burn off the fat before it took hold. I mean we're talking huge hamburger steak meals, triples from Wendy's, french fries, fried chicken, pork chops, super sweet tea, honey buns, doughnuts, blts for breakfast, sausage wraps, grits, eggs, waffle House pork chop and steak dinners, etc. and etc. I worked as hard as I ate, so it couldn't catch on to me. Never had high blood pressure, no diabetes, and still don't weigh but 210 pounds. Been changing my habits on eating, but it sure wasn't because of the Obama's. Now technology is causing me to be more inactive, and that is a bad thing, not to mention that my job also causes me to not get the excersize needed or the time needed to get a program going. Gonna have to do it though.

This technology is difficult to fight---especially for older folks who witnessed the advancements as they aged. I remember when we got our first push button phone. We couldn't wait to call somebody. We were in our glory when my father purchased our first color television set. Sometimes the picture still came in funny or rolled, but just being able to watch most shows in color was like Jesus coming back to earth.

It's addicting. I have my 80" HD television set, I have a remote starter on my car that I can control from my cell phone, I have video games galore on the phone as well. I also spend way too much time on blogs and Facebook.
The biggest one is where the libs began slapping bad criminals on the wrist, and then creating an environment of fear in which forced the children to not be able to go out to play or be active anymore. Liberal actions and policies have been a huge failure in this country, and it has caused some tragic things to form in this country. The results are in, and now it's damage control time eh liberals ?

People stay inside because they're inundated with addictive technology. Before the internet and video games there wasn't much else to do but go outside and be active.

That's it right there.

When I was a kid (back in the 70's) my parents hardly seen me. In the summer, I would wake up, have breakfast, and out of the door. I came back at lunch and repeat, came back at dinner and repeat. Unless it was raining all day, outside is where you spent your entire summer.

My grandparents cooked in lard and bacon fat. They drank raw buttermilk, the kind you can see the fat globules floating around in. They overcooked their vegetables, and even deep fried most of them. Fruit was limited to Christmas oranges and cumquats that grew in the back yard.

They worked, though, sunup to sundown. Every chore was manual. Every child was put to work in the garden or in the cowbarn. They burned off their calories and rarely came across a fat person. Pawpaw died early at 70 and MawMaw lived to 99. Diet can be important; however it is FAR more beneficial to burn calories than it is to strictly control calories while inactive.

Food today is different than when I was a kid, but I can testify we ate our share of junk. But like I said, in the summer you ate breakfast and didn't return home until lunch. You ate lunch and didn't return until dinner. We would play tag, ride our bicycles everywhere, play football or baseball. In the winter time, we would meet at the bowling alley or something which was a few miles walk; very exhausting in the snow. From there we would seek places to hang out for a while. We would walk house to house and ask people if they would hire us to shovel their driveways. Home was just a place to eat and sleep.

I really don't blame the kids. If I had all this entertainment when I was a lad, I would have done the exact same thing as these kids have done the past fifteen years or so. When I was a kid, if you wanted to interact with other kids, you didn't have a text machine with you. You had to go out and have personal contact unless you called somebody on the phone which was limited. Today if kids want a face to face, they can go on Skype.

Food is different, true. Food wasn't healthier, though. Look through old cookbooks. Everything with fruits or vegetables had added sugar. Spaghetti, for instance, called for a lot of sugar. Every preserved fruit or veggie was canned in a sugar syrup. Carbs were the primary component of most meals. Our grandparents did not eat healthy or balanced AT ALL. High fat, high carb, high sugar content, few fruits and few veggies, only what you could grow and preserve.

Like you, we were out the door after breakfast, traveling miles on our bikes every day, returning (very quickly) only when the streetlights lit up. Then, it was a mad dash home for supper. We didn't eat "balanced" or "healthy" either, but we were active, which is far more important in weight management.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.

When government starts telling people what to eat and drink, you bet it is oh so dangerous. Could you imagine if the founders could come back today and see what a liberal federal government looks like?

The best thing government can do for my life is stay out of it. Don't get involved. Do what government is supposed to do and govern. Leave people alone. Leave me alone, leave my family alone, leave my neighbors alone. Because if there is one threat to our liberty in this country, it's you cradle-to-gravers.
That is what ALL of these studies are suppose to do. Notice all of these studies. From the global warming globalist crap and these types.

Look at how many people truly believe we eat worse today than we did when there was no such thing as diet drinks, smoothies or health food stores like Whole Foods?

Look at those who are defending this shit and the bullshit unreal school lunches under Moooshell.
This should be America, but we are not even close.
We need sugar, it fuels our brains and body, but too much sugar intake is poisonous, and kills us with obesity, diabetes, kidney failures.....

Exercise helps us pass the excess no longer play the way they used to outside....

Also, when the USA was on a fat free or low fat kick, manufacturers added sugar for better taste.....turns out, we were better off with the fat content than with the added sugar.
No. Instead clean up the entire environment and the food industry. I ate tons of sweets growing up but there were not the toxins in the environment overall as there is today. The chemical overload is killing everything and much of today's food has no real sustenance. When the body starts starving it also starts storing. When the body receives an overload of toxins it produces organ damage and that may look like fat but is actually organ damage. Hormone disrupters like the BPA's in plastics acan also cause obesity. Look at all the small children with pot bellies. Now think about what an adult with liver damage or pancreatic and kidney damage looks like. Start looking around to see all the young skinny people with bloated bellies and small children you'll start noticing pot bellies on the majority of them.
The biggest one is where the libs began slapping bad criminals on the wrist, and then creating an environment of fear in which forced the children to not be able to go out to play or be active anymore. Liberal actions and policies have been a huge failure in this country, and it has caused some tragic things to form in this country. The results are in, and now it's damage control time eh liberals ?

People stay inside because they're inundated with addictive technology. Before the internet and video games there wasn't much else to do but go outside and be active.

That's it right there.

When I was a kid (back in the 70's) my parents hardly seen me. In the summer, I would wake up, have breakfast, and out of the door. I came back at lunch and repeat, came back at dinner and repeat. Unless it was raining all day, outside is where you spent your entire summer.

My grandparents cooked in lard and bacon fat. They drank raw buttermilk, the kind you can see the fat globules floating around in. They overcooked their vegetables, and even deep fried most of them. Fruit was limited to Christmas oranges and cumquats that grew in the back yard.

They worked, though, sunup to sundown. Every chore was manual. Every child was put to work in the garden or in the cowbarn. They burned off their calories and rarely came across a fat person. Pawpaw died early at 70 and MawMaw lived to 99. Diet can be important; however it is FAR more beneficial to burn calories than it is to strictly control calories while inactive.

Food today is different than when I was a kid, but I can testify we ate our share of junk. But like I said, in the summer you ate breakfast and didn't return home until lunch. You ate lunch and didn't return until dinner. We would play tag, ride our bicycles everywhere, play football or baseball. In the winter time, we would meet at the bowling alley or something which was a few miles walk; very exhausting in the snow. From there we would seek places to hang out for a while. We would walk house to house and ask people if they would hire us to shovel their driveways. Home was just a place to eat and sleep.

I really don't blame the kids. If I had all this entertainment when I was a lad, I would have done the exact same thing as these kids have done the past fifteen years or so. When I was a kid, if you wanted to interact with other kids, you didn't have a text machine with you. You had to go out and have personal contact unless you called somebody on the phone which was limited. Today if kids want a face to face, they can go on Skype.

Food is different, true. Food wasn't healthier, though. Look through old cookbooks. Everything with fruits or vegetables had added sugar. Spaghetti, for instance, called for a lot of sugar. Every preserved fruit or veggie was canned in a sugar syrup. Carbs were the primary component of most meals. Our grandparents did not eat healthy or balanced AT ALL. High fat, high carb, high sugar content, few fruits and few veggies, only what you could grow and preserve.

Like you, we were out the door after breakfast, traveling miles on our bikes every day, returning (very quickly) only when the streetlights lit up. Then, it was a mad dash home for supper. We didn't eat "balanced" or "healthy" either, but we were active, which is far more important in weight management.
The meat was very different then than it is now. Back then you would have never fed a dog a chicken bone as a healthy chickens bones do not break down. The acid in the dog's stomach could not even phase a chicken bone then. Chickens that are free range still have those hard bones but store bought chicken bones are soft after cooking them for a few hour. The feed that is fed to the animals is even different now. It is all it parted out ala carte and sold as various ingredients. The confinement animals are fed the chaff and their meat does not haev the same nutrient value as free range or grass fed animals.

Notice folks how people think we eat worse today than we did in the 40s or 50s or 60s?

Junk food was not invented in the 80s people.

We were eating far worse back then.

Why are leftists denying this? Go ahead, take a guess why they deny this.
simply not true!!!
The quality of the food has degraded substantially.

The cans are now lined with BPA or other chemical substances. Between that and all of the other water and food that is sold in plastic verses plain ole tin cans or glass. Products stored in plastic containers has hormone disrupters in them. Whatever the plastic is made of it leeches into the food. Imbalanced hormones can cause obesity. The whole endocrine system in mamals once imbalanced can cause all sorts of maladies.

Meat raised by large producers not only has a difference in nutritional value some of it is full of antibiotics. Some of those cause pancreatic damage which also leads to increased diabetes as does many of the other chemicals in food today. Bleached white flour also can also attribute to pancreatic damage from the Alloxin that is a chemical created in the bleaching process. For several years they were also adding Arsenic to gain weight at the markets which was staying in the butchered animals meat. .Arsenic damages organs, mainly the liver. Not to mention all the other enzymes they are continually cooking up to add to feed to help fatten up animals headed for the market place.

Have you notice even skinny people and the children have pot bellies and tires around their bellies now? Those pot bellies and fatty appearances are from organ damage most generally. If it is just a matter of bloating even that can lead to obesity as the child will always think they hungry because their tummies ache. So they try to satiate the ache with more food stuffs that isn't giving them the nutrients they need.

The chemicals in the bread even whole grain breads today can attribute to the cause organ and intestinal damage. There are very few grains of any type that are not pre-harvest sprayed with chemicals. They do not wash those grains prior to milling them to be used in food. Once the intestinal flora is damage that can also create health issues ranging from obesity to chemical imbalances in the brain.

There are a lot of reasons people can look obese other than just not getting enough exercise. Fat cells collect toxins of all sorts too. The more toxic the body the less a person whether they are a child or adult feels like doing anything and it becomes a vicious cycle for them.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.

When government starts telling people what to eat and drink, you bet it is oh so dangerous. Could you imagine if the founders could come back today and see what a liberal federal government looks like?

The best thing government can do for my life is stay out of it. Don't get involved. Do what government is supposed to do and govern. Leave people alone. Leave me alone, leave my family alone, leave my neighbors alone. Because if there is one threat to our liberty in this country, it's you cradle-to-gravers.
That is what ALL of these studies are suppose to do. Notice all of these studies. From the global warming globalist crap and these types.

Look at how many people truly believe we eat worse today than we did when there was no such thing as diet drinks, smoothies or health food stores like Whole Foods?

Look at those who are defending this shit and the bullshit unreal school lunches under Moooshell.

She was just trying to keep her name in the media. A person with nothing to do sitting in the White House. And like I said, it's all about controlling the people when it comes to Democrats. She and her husband sit back watching television getting off at how they made people change their lives just for them.

It was all controversy during the time, and now we have this study that says it was nothing but a huge waste of money. You can't control what people eat no more than you can control what they watch on television or how much sleep they get at night. It simply isn't governments business.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.
Yeah, yeah when losing just discard or derail the OP as if it's just trivial, but in most of these things the tenacles run long and deep.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.

When government starts telling people what to eat and drink, you bet it is oh so dangerous. Could you imagine if the founders could come back today and see what a liberal federal government looks like?

The best thing government can do for my life is stay out of it. Don't get involved. Do what government is supposed to do and govern. Leave people alone. Leave me alone, leave my family alone, leave my neighbors alone. Because if there is one threat to our liberty in this country, it's you cradle-to-gravers.[/QUOTE. Did not realize putting calories on a menu is telling you how to eat. It isn't unless you are a total weak minded sissy. Wait not even then is it telling you what to eat. JFC.
Amazing to me how anybody can link the obesity problems of this country to any political party. This is how bad the far left and right have gotten.

It is political when members of a political party make it political. As per OP, Moochelle started that nonsense of school lunches, and her husband forced all restaurants to have calorie count on every item they sold. I would say that's political.

The school lunches do not effect you one bit, and I'm sure the whole calorie thing on the menu is oh so dangerous to you that it scares you. Christ pick a real battle here this is really small.

Even Trump feels it is frivolous or he would have written an EO for it.
Yeah, yeah when losing just discard or derail the OP as if it's just trivial, but in most of these things the tenacles run long and deep.

Actually they do not calories on a menu have no effect on you and you know it, unless it's part of the DEEP STATE!
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.

And processed foods which is just about everything people eat now..

Everything is get it now in the microwave which is horrible for young growing bodies..Michelle tried to go fresh foods,and get off your butt and move..
People are too busy working 2 jobs to make things from scratch..

She didn't "try" to do anything except force people to eat the way she approved of. That's not what our government is for.

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
She didn't force anyone. Honestly can't you get beyond your knee jerk talking points hatred of her and see it? You can't bitch about obesity and turn around and savage those trying to promote health at the same time. It comes off looking like you just do it because you hate HER and therefor any and every thing she does or says.
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.

And processed foods which is just about everything people eat now..

Everything is get it now in the microwave which is horrible for young growing bodies..Michelle tried to go fresh foods,and get off your butt and move..
People are too busy working 2 jobs to make things from scratch..

She didn't "try" to do anything except force people to eat the way she approved of. That's not what our government is for.

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
She didn't force anyone. Honestly can't you get beyond your knee jerk talking points hatred of her and see it? You can't bitch about obesity and turn around and savage those trying to promote health at the same time. It comes off looking like you just do it because you hate HER and therefor any and every thing she does or says.

To be honest I don't care about obesity. Eating habits and personal choices are that of the individual--not the government.

When she eliminated good tasting food in school and replaced that with garbage kids didn't want to eat, you bet she forced people, or did everything in her power to try and force them.

Why the healthy school lunch program is in trouble. Before/after photos of what students ate.

School kids are blaming Michelle Obama for their ‘gross’ school lunches

1M kids stop school lunch due to Michelle Obama’s standards
The problem of obesity is a complicated is only one component. Lack of activity...electronic stationary amusements....motorized toys instead of people powered....all create a grim outlook for today's children.

And processed foods which is just about everything people eat now..

Everything is get it now in the microwave which is horrible for young growing bodies..Michelle tried to go fresh foods,and get off your butt and move..
People are too busy working 2 jobs to make things from scratch..

She didn't "try" to do anything except force people to eat the way she approved of. That's not what our government is for.

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out
She didn't force anyone. Honestly can't you get beyond your knee jerk talking points hatred of her and see it? You can't bitch about obesity and turn around and savage those trying to promote health at the same time. It comes off looking like you just do it because you hate HER and therefor any and every thing she does or says.
. Oh so you forget about the stories after Michelle started her bullcrap where schools looked through the kids lunch bag, and said to him to tell his parents that she couldn't send him to school with the items that were in the bag eh ? You remember them confiscating the kids lunch don't you ? It's just like the bullcrap Barack started or tried to enforce about the bathrooms, where as the next thing people knew such a thing was gonna be enforced in the schools or they were going to lose federal monies and such remember ? The Reason School Lunches Were Confiscated From Children Has Parents Infuriated

Obama Decrees ALL Public Schools Must Allow Transgender Bathroom Use
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Sugar, sugar everywhere. I have reactive hypoglycemia and it is a royal pain in the ass shopping for even simple stuff like rice crispies that are free of sugar.
Sugar, sugar everywhere. I have reactive hypoglycemia and it is a royal pain in the ass shopping for even simple stuff like rice crispies that are free of sugar.
. Yep it's tough once the dieting starts.
I don't even have diabetes but because of my metabolism or whatever something like having a sugary cereal first thing in the morning affects me badly. It's not a big deal it is just annoying when something simple like rice crispies that you would think doesn't have much sugar does. If you have to look for it on labels you soon realize it is in damn near everything.

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