US Navy destroyer in Red Sea shoots down missiles fired by Houthis in Yemen, official says


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

The USS Carney intercepted three cruise missiles and about eight drones, Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said later at a press briefing.

The preliminary U.S. assessment is that the USS Carney was not the target of any of the Houthi missiles or drones.

Getting froggy out there.....I bet Tater's response will be to drop five pallets of cash on the launch site. ;)

Pentagon just said they were northbound "land attack cruise missiles and drones" "possibly targeted at Israel"....developing.
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The USS Carney intercepted three cruise missiles and about eight drones, Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said later at a press briefing.

The preliminary U.S. assessment is that the USS Carney was not the target of any of the Houthi missiles or drones.

Getting froggy out there.....I bet Tater's response will be to drop five pallets of cash on the launch site. ;)

Pentagon just said they were northbound "land attack cruise missiles and drones" "possibly targeted at Israel"....developing.
Just as long as the entire Arab world doesn't coordinate a huge missile attack altogether. We've llearned lately that the Iron Dome is not adequate.

So much lays in Biden's hands on keeping America's wars safely under control, as is America's war against Russia in the Ukraine.

This one has the potential to erupt out of control overnight. Tel Aviv could become a smoking parking lot before you can say, 'hypersonic'!
Great, we are one step closer to getting involved in a middle eastern war.
Nah, that interception is in keeping with Tater's "Don't" I reckon.

That said Iran is really lookin' to "find out".

The last time Iran fucked with with us knowing we had a weak POTUS Reagan was elected.....I'm sure Tater's handlers are well aware of it.
The missiles fired by the Houthis were not aimed at the ship.

They were aimed at Israel.

Good interception by USS Carney!

The USS Carney intercepted three cruise missiles and about eight drones, Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said later at a press briefing.

The preliminary U.S. assessment is that the USS Carney was not the target of any of the Houthi missiles or drones.

Getting froggy out there.....I bet Tater's response will be to drop five pallets of cash on the launch site. ;)

Pentagon just said they were northbound "land attack cruise missiles and drones" "possibly targeted at Israel"....developing.

Actually he’s making an address from the Oval Office at 8 eastern tonight, and request as much as $100 billion for aid to Israel and Ukraine.

And in case you missed it, the Israeli defense minister today said Russia will pay for their part.

Which in case you don’t know what that means, is the intelligence they gave Iran, that Trump gave them in the Oval Office when he was traitor in chief.

You need to get on the right side to f bings there scooter.

Hopefully somebody makes him pay for his part.
Just as long as the entire Arab world doesn't coordinate a huge missile attack altogether. We've llearned lately that the Iron Dome is not adequate.

So much lays in Biden's hands on keeping America's wars safely under control, as is America's war against Russia in the Ukraine.

This one has the potential to erupt out of control overnight. Tel Aviv could become a smoking parking lot before you can say, 'hypersonic'!
Well they can launch 110 missles in about 3 minutes. Hit on a dime.

Your choice Raghead
"The West is Next"
Well over 1 million military-age males have been allowed inside the country since Obama began his 3rd term. It would be very easy to assemble teams in every state and coordinate a surprise attack like the one Hamas pulled off. Who would we go after? No nation would claim the credit. I know who/what I'd want to do, but it wouldn't help anything at that point.
Like the Shooting down of the Iranian Civilian Airliner by the US Navy Warship ?
It is a lesson terrorists should have learned from.

Don't fly a civilian airliner towards any Navy ship during a shooting war while having an F-14 on IFF at the same airport.

I almost shot down an aircraft off Lebanon because the pilot was sightseeing over the Marines's amphibs anchored off the coast. He finally heard our warnings and changed course back over land.

Almost the same thing happened to my ship in the Red Sea during the Gulf War.

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