An Iraqi dad has risked everything to save his 11-month-old daughter's life, first traveling to Baghdad's infamous Abu Ghraib prison (search) to plead for help, then winding up in the United States for his baby's medical care.
The little girl, Tabby, was in surgery Friday in Charleston to remove life-threatening blood tumors called hemangiomas (search), which have caused her face to be excessively swollen and deformed.
In spite of the prisoner abuse scandal at Abu Ghraib that has tarnished the U.S. military's reputation, the desperate dad made the dangerous trek there after Iraqi doctors were unable to operate on his daughter.
Because of security concerns, FOX News, which has been following this story exclusively, could not reveal the identity of Tabby's father or the town in Iraq where he comes from. The man fears that his appeal for help from the Americans will be misinterpreted by other Iraqis who might think he is working with the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq.
At Abu Ghraib, the father met with the U.S. Marines 4th Civil Affairs Group and Navy Cmdr. Dr. Louis Tripoli, who recognized how serious the little girl's condition was.
Tripoli first went to local Iraqi doctors for the child's care. When they couldn't help, he asked organizations including The Hemangioma Foundation and Operation Give (search) to aid in making arrangements for Tabby and her father to leave Iraq so that she could come to America to get the treatment required to save her life.
Goes to show you we are over there caring as much as possible, and helping in anyway they let us. When these insurgents are fianlly destroyed, this proves there can be a possitive outlook for Iraqs future.
link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,137088,00.html