US going into another recession? Some think so...

the experts disagree with you cons.

History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.

you back historically failed ideas.

Its why you will lose election after election right up until you give up these historically failed ideas ansd adopt some new ideas that might jsut work.
Imagine how much better off this country would be right now if the Rs had not done things like the debt ceiling debacle.

Imagine if your party had placed country over party.

I guess that is something republicans just cant imagine doing

Imagine the growth in this country had O not been elected. Its time to correct that mistake.
the experts disagree with you cons.

History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.

you back historically failed ideas.

Its why you will lose election after election right up until you give up these historically failed ideas ansd adopt some new ideas that might jsut work.

Yes, if we were just more like Spain and Greece... you do realize that over the last 100 years as we have inched towards your Fabain Socialist Utopia, things have progressively gotten worse?

Your ideas are historically failed ones.
the experts disagree with you cons.

History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.

you back historically failed ideas.

Its why you will lose election after election right up until you give up these historically failed ideas ansd adopt some new ideas that might jsut work.

There is no monolithic group of people called "the experts". Stop pretending there are and actually look at the different ideas being discussed and use your brain to determine which ideas are correct.

And history shows that all the government spending prolonged the Great Depressiong for 12 years. You really dont want to see a recovery until 12 years from now?

How about we use the 1920 Depression approach instead? We cut taxes, spending, and regulation, and watch the economic growth explode. Less than half a Presidential term is much better than 12 years.

If our "failed ideas" are losing us elections, why didnt we lose all those elections in 2010? Why is Scott Walker still Governor of Wisconsin?
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the experts disagree with you cons.
History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.
WWII got us out of the Depression, gov't work programs only extended it.

You looking forward to WWIII? Apparently Obama want's it to start in the Middle East.
the experts disagree with you cons.
History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.
WWII got us out of the Depression, gov't work programs only extended it.

You looking forward to WWIII? Apparently Obama want's it to start in the Middle East.

I dont know if Obama wants to start it, but World Wars tend to happen when we have radically progressive Presidents. Even when they promise not to to take us to war.
The stimulus was a failure. The proof is, it didn't work. QE Infinity isn't designed to work. It isn't supposed to fix anything. It is supposed to keep us afloat temporarily until the economy recovers. But, obama has other policies that make sure the economy won't recover. His reliance on green energy is one of those policies. We lack an energy policy. obama's answer is, if it is painful enough now, then in 50 or 100 years we will be forced to develop green energy. Meanwhile, suffer.

It's only a failure if it's intention was recovery, if it intended to do something, say pay back campaign contributers, then it was a wild success.

In that sense, yes the stimulus was wildly successful, if the intention is to crash the economy it was the most successful thing that ever was.

It's like QE infinity. That's designed for one thing, to shovel massive amounts of money into the stock market that can be converted into more stable currencies at the current dollar value. That currency will be kept out of the country. When the dollar becomes worthless, dollars traded today will be safely stowed away as Euros, Yuan or Swiss Francs.
the experts disagree with you cons.
History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.
WWII got us out of the Depression, gov't work programs only extended it.

You looking forward to WWIII? Apparently Obama want's it to start in the Middle East.

dear fucking idiot.

that is not what the numbers at the time show.

they show we were climbing out of the depression and then the right insisted that it be scaled back.

we did and then the numbers fell.

then we re upped and it improved again and then we did a MAJOR stimulus in building for war.

only right wing idiots buy the crap your spewing.

they place party over facts just like you are doing in this thread
[ame=]President Bush Addresses Nation on Economic Crisis - YouTube[/ame]
Bush cronyism and incompetence caused a depression, mindless Pub obstruction has stalled the recovery.

Thank God the Dems got in FAST this time to end this depression while there was still an economy and auto industry left to stimulate...
Another economic downturn is imminent, and should have already happened.
We are basically idling now. When this current bubble on Wall Street collapses it will again create a huge scare among employers and once again everyone will tighten up their spending...which will cause layoffs again - which will further decrease spending etc. etc.
the experts disagree with you cons.

Hardly, shit fer brains.

You haven't a hint of a clue how Keynesian economics work. Even though you offer perfunctory support of Lord Keynes model, you have zero grasp of concepts like "turns" and "multipliers."

History disagrees with you in the form of how we got out of the GD.



you back historically failed ideas.

Like Obama's Porkulus?

Its why you will lose election after election right up until you give up these historically failed ideas ansd adopt some new ideas that might jsut work.

If Obama wins reelection, it demonstrates extreme ignorance on the part of the American electorate. Obama is a complete disaster in regards to the economy.

What Is the Budget and Economic Outlook for 2013?
CBO’s Baseline: Taking into account the policy changes listed above and others contained in current law, under CBO’s baseline projections:

The deficit will shrink to an estimated $641 billion in fiscal year 2013 (or 4.0 percent of GDP), almost $500 billion less than the shortfall in 2012.
Such fiscal tightening will lead to economic conditions in 2013 that will probably be considered a recession, with real GDP declining by 0.5 percent between the fourth quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2013 and the unemployment rate rising to about 9 percent in the second half of calendar year 2013.
Because of the large amount of unused resources in the economy and other factors, the rate of inflation (as measured by the personal consumption expenditures, or PCE, price index) will remain low in 2013. In addition, interest rates on Treasury securities are expected to be very low next year.

What say you all?
What Is the Budget and Economic Outlook for 2013?
CBO’s Baseline: Taking into account the policy changes listed above and others contained in current law, under CBO’s baseline projections:

The deficit will shrink to an estimated $641 billion in fiscal year 2013 (or 4.0 percent of GDP), almost $500 billion less than the shortfall in 2012.
Such fiscal tightening will lead to economic conditions in 2013 that will probably be considered a recession, with real GDP declining by 0.5 percent between the fourth quarter of 2012 and the fourth quarter of 2013 and the unemployment rate rising to about 9 percent in the second half of calendar year 2013.
Because of the large amount of unused resources in the economy and other factors, the rate of inflation (as measured by the personal consumption expenditures, or PCE, price index) will remain low in 2013. In addition, interest rates on Treasury securities are expected to be very low next year.

What say you all?

We say there is a better chance that Aliens will come out of the sky and beam us to the promised land than this happening.
Why? Because the government is to corrupt and does not in any way have the forethought or guts to actually cut the spending. Never happen.
The possibility of the economy slowing down in the US would mirror what is happening now in the most of the industrial nations. Some of these countries tried austerity and others have tried other approaches. This recession just didn't happen in the US, it was world wide and a hell of a lot deeper than many on these boards realize. This partisan bickering on this thread sure the hell reflects a lack awareness of the severity of this world wide recession, like the Dems or the GOP really matter.

Here's a very good piece to learn more:
2012: On The Verge Of A Global Recession?
2012: On The Verge Of A Global Recession? - Seeking Alpha
The possibility of the economy slowing down in the US would mirror what is happening now in the most of the industrial nations. Some of these countries tried austerity and others have tried other approaches. This recession just didn't happen in the US, it was world wide and a hell of a lot deeper than many on these boards realize. This partisan bickering on this thread sure the hell reflects a lack awareness of the severity of this world wide recession, like the Dems or the GOP really matter.

Here's a very good piece to learn more:
2012: On The Verge Of A Global Recession?
2012: On The Verge Of A Global Recession? - Seeking Alpha

But wait, the left, including Fucktard Obama, have been screaming that the recession was 100% because George Bush lowered taxes on the rich.

Are you saying that's a lie?

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